A/N I Think I got at least one name out of all of you who reviewed so Congrats! Thanks for all you who suggested names! It wasn't an easy choice (which ones to keep) but it had to be done hehe ...like giving a monkey a shower...oo that was a BAAAD joke and yet I couldn't resist... On to the story!

Phineas POV

I awoke again and felt the coarse fibers of hospital sheets. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, everything was so blurry I could only just make out shapes. Blurry?
"Phineas! You're awake!" Ferb said. I saw the outline of a boxy nose and a patch of green.
"I can see you." I blinked.
"Yes, you passed out, which is not uncommon in expecting father apparently. It's plausible, had you not had that small seizure, they might never have found it."
I examined my hands in front in me. Nothing was making any sense. "Seizure? What are you talking about? Why can I see you?"
"Yes, after that they rushed you into some sort of emergency test. Turns out there was a tumor pushing on your optic nerve."
"W-What?" I peered around the room. Mostly I just saw white but even so I couldn't describe how beautiful it was.
"Yeah, here's the kicker," I turned my head in the direction of the new voice. I knew the voice well and the outline of long black hair swaying behind her confirmed this. "What they though was a side effect of the extreme burns was really a tumor. Non-cancerous of course. It damaged your nerves, or whatever and when you passed out they did a scan on your brain and it showed up."
"They removed it!" Ferb interjected. "It may take years but no doubt you'll get your get your sight back."
"Aw, I wanted to tell him that." Isabella complained. Ferb shrugged.
"Whoa! Wait, your saying I'm better. Just like that?"
"Yeah, amazing isn't it?"
"Holy hell! How come they never noticed this before?"
"Tumors are cruel. Cold and unforgiving. Besides you were in such terrible condition cutting your brain open would have probably killed you." Ferb said joyfully.
"Wow." I flopped back in my hospital bed
"I know this is a lot to take in..." Isabella said. She was standing very close to my bed. I reached up and pulled her close to me. I kissed her shortly and held her back to look at her face. Every bit as wonderful as I remember. I ran my eyes up and down her body.
"Wait a sec. Your not pregnant anymore." I saw red flush her beautiful face.
"Very good."
"Well, what happened?"
"Um, you passed out and they took you away. Several hours later I was holding a little boy and a little girl. I'll spare you the more...descriptive details."
"A boy and girl?" I asked.
"Yes. Ella Hazel and Andrew Charlie." She wrinkled her nose self-consciously. "I hope that's okay. We never really talked about names."
"It's Perfect." I kissed her again. "Hold on. Names? We can't name them. What happened to adoption?"
"I, um, I though since.. you know, your better now and... My God, Phineas! Wait til you see them! They're just to cute!"
Ferb nodded his agreement. I sighed, " What are we going to do?"
"My mom said she could watch them this semester and we could visit on weekends. Over the summer we can figure something out. I never like my classes anyway. Don't be mad, Phineas."
I smirked. "I could never be mad at you." She grinned and hugged me. "When can I get outta this hospital? I wanna see my kids."

A/N Yeah, I had something else planned for the end but I decided, what the hell! It's Christmas! Let's give it a happy ending! It feels soo great to finally be done! Thanks for all of you who have been reading and reviewing. I want to thank one last time my co-writer Zorua. Who recently wrote a one-shot called "Christmas shoes" Which is a sorta sequel if you wish to read it and I suggest you do because it's REALLY good!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed the end, hope it was not anti-climatic! :)