Sequal to AN EYE FOR AN EYE.
Chapter 1
Akihiko Usami and Nowaki Kusama had not yet reached an end to their little competition. They both still believed that their own uke was cuter than the other. Usagi knew that he was right, without a doubt. He finally decided to come to Misaki's class one final time, in hope of getting an outsider's opinion on the topic.
"Here again, huh? This'll be interesting" Sumi said with a smirk.
"Don't encourage him!" Misaki scolded. He stared angrily at his lover, who was now standing in front of the class next to a thoroughly pissed Hiroki, and he groaned, "Oh god…What does he want now?"
Everyone else was also wondering the same thing; excited, curious whispering could be heard. When the writer cleared his throat, preparing to speak, everyone fell silent and gave him their fullest attention. "Sorry to interrupt, but could all of you please assist me with something?"
"No! They can't! They're here to learn, now go away!" Hiroki snapped angrily. Usagi simply smirked and ignored him, angering him even further.
"Alright, then. See that boy?" Usagi said loudly, pointing dramatically at Misaki, "In your honest opinion, please raise your hand if you think he's cute."
Misaki's cheeks went bright red as everyone turned to look at him. Everyone was trying to get a good look at him, trying to decide if he was cute or not. It was so embarrassing, Misaki wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. When the students finished making their decision, more than half of the girls raised their hands, and ten of the boys, including Sumi. Misaki couldn't believe his class were such perverts.
"Good. But he belongs to me, so don't get any funny ideas!" Usagi said coldly and everyone quickly put down their hands in fear, except for Sumi who smirked in amusement.
"W-What did he just- how dare he say something like that!"
"Quiet Misaki, he's going to say something again" Sumi said. Misaki fell silent and glared at his lover, waiting and wondering how he was going to embarrass him next.
"Now, please do the same for Kamijo-sensei over here" Usagi said, smiling again and now pointing at Hiroki.
"A-A-AKIHIKO!" Hiroki was shocked, blushing like crazy. "You bastard, stop this perverse nonsense right now! What the hell are you thinking, bringing me into all of this?"
"I'm thinking Misaki is going to win" Usagi answered with a smirk and once again addressed the students. "C'mon, I know your sensei can be scary most of the time, but please, don't be shy. Raise your hands if you think he's cute"
The class hesitated. Then, a few people slowly raised their hands.
Usagi smirked smugly, "Thank you. I think that will be enough." Then he said goodbye and left the classroom.
Hiroki slammed the door closed, looking very embarrassed and glad to see the back of his friend. "G-Good riddance! Now we can finally get back to work!"