Rachel's note: Yes, another one by Salad Shooter. Hey, I don't write big long stories like Salad Shooter does (even though this is not very long). I write song-fics and occasionally help Salad Shooter with the "big long stories".

Salad Shooter's note: No offense to Ani-fans, or Tubbylikers. I like both Animorphs and Teletubbies (okay, call me insane). This is not a "hate story". No, I don't hate Marco or Dipsy. No, I don't have a self-esteem problem!

Also, believe it or not, this is a prologue to my other Animorph stories. You'll see how at the end. It also drops a few hints about them ...


Purple Tinky Winky – Jake

Blue Tinky Winky – Tobias

Dipsy – Marco

Laa-Laa – Rachel

Po – Cassie

Noo-noo – Ax

Narrator – Ellimist

Director – Salad Shooter

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


: (flips a coin) Winner gets blue costume.

Tobias: Tails!

Jake: Oh crap. It's tails.

Salad Shooter: Teletubbies don't cuss.

Cassie: Don't worry, Jake. I've always thought you looked handsome in purple.

Marco: Oh puh-lease.

Jake: Thanks, Cassie. You're sweet.

Marco: Hey Ax, have you tried the tubby toast yet?

-Slurping is heard from the Noo-noo costume.-

Ax: Tastes like ... cinnamon ... bun-zuh! And the custard ... duh ... is like ... the extra frosting. Ing. Inguh. Ing-guh! Inginginginginginginging — "

Tobias: Am I supposed to be a hawk in this thing?

Rachel: No duh. Morph human.

Tobias: Have you talked to the director yet? About the, uh, stupid little dances?

Marco: Yeah. I told him that most of us would prefer not to do them. I said Rachel and I were the only ones who wanted to.

Rachel: (kicks Marco's butt) What did the director say?

Marco: (goes rolling across the ground) Well, there's one good thing about wearing this costume. When you do that it doesn't hurt.

Tobias: That's what the director said?

Rachel: (starts jumping up and down on Marco) Now this is what being a Teletubby is all about.

Marco: Hey! Well — ow — the director — said — he — would — not — have anyone — do the — stupid — dances.

Rachel: Hey! Director! Is jumping on people allowed?

Salad Shooter: (pretends to look it up) Jumping on another is not allowed — except on Dipsy. Rachel, would you like some help?

Rachel: I can handle him.

Salad Shooter: Well duh.

Jake: Please tell me none of us have to wear that stupid skirt.

Salad Shooter: None of you have to wear that stupid skirt. Except Dipsy.

Marco: What?

Salad Shooter: Kidding, Marco.

Rachel: Why is it that my costume is smaller than Marco's? That's just not right!

Cassie: Well, at least they got mine right. Jake? Tobias? Are you guys ready?

Tobias and Jake: Yeah.

Rachel: This is the first and only time I'll really hate to say this, but ... Let's do it!


Salad Shooter: For the same reason the Animorph books always start "My name is Whatever."

Marco: It is? Hi, Whatever. I'm Marco the Magnificent.

Salad Shooter: (kicks Marco's butt)



Salad Shooter: (hissing) Guys!

Jake: Oh yeah. Uh ... going for a walk. Walk walk walk.

Rachel: Suddenly Laa-Laa jumped on Dipsy and kicked his butt.

Salad Shooter: Rachel! Not yet!

Rachel: You mean I actually get to kick Marco's butt?

Salad Shooter: Oh ... go on, Ellimist.

Ellimist: SUDDENLY —

Marco: It's always suddenly.

Rachel: (whacks Marco)

Ellimist: (sighs) SUDDENLY —

Visser Three: (suddenly leaping into view) What? The Andalite bandits? Here?

Jake: Uh-oh.

Cassie: (yelling at Salad Shooter) Let me see your script!

Salad Shooter: Whoa, Po. Calm down.

Cassie: (jumps on Salad Shooter and takes his script) Why does it suddenly stop after the Ellimist says "suddenly"?

Salad Shooter: Because that's when Visser Three's supposed to arrive.

Cassie: (accusingly) You told Visser Three to come here!

Salad Shooter: (defensively) I had to incorporate him into the story somehow. And there are no bad guys in Teletubbies. So —

Jake: I personally was looking forward to a story without Visser Three.

Salad Shooter: (defensively again) Visser Three is cool.

Marco: You are insane.

Salad Shooter: Look who's talking.

Marco: You are as insane as her. (points at Rachel, who is beating up Visser Three)

Salad Shooter: Hey! Let me help!

Tobias: You said he was cool.

Salad Shooter: That doesn't mean I can't beat him up.

Marco: Remember when I said you were insane? Let me multiply that by, oh, a million.

Salad Shooter: Real funny, Marco — I mean Dipsy. (tries to ride Visser Three like a horse, but falls off)

Rachel: (tries to jump on Visser Three, misses, and lands on Salad Shooter)

Salad Shooter: Mmmph unh mmmph. Rrrff nhff.

Marco: Intelligent conversation.

Rachel: (getting off Salad Shooter) Oh. Sorry, Salad.

Salad Shooter: I am not a salad. I shoot them.

Jake: You'll be one soon. We have problems.

Visser Three: (whips his tail blade around, trying to remove Tobias's head, but discovers the Tinky Winky costume is too big to decapitate) Arrrghhh!

Rachel: (kicks Visser Three)

Salad Shooter: Hey, that's not nice.

Rachel: You were trying to help before.

Ax: Cinnamon bun-zuh — what?

Visser Three: (tries to slice Ax in half, but his tail blade won't penetrate the Noo-noo costume)

Ax: (whacks Visser Three with his vacuum nozzle thingy) Having fun, Visser?

Visser Three: You Andalites will pay!

Salad Shooter and Marco: We don't have any money.

Visser Three: I don't know where you acquired your new morphs, and I don't especially care. I just want you to know that you look really ... really ... stupid.

Salad Shooter: Hey! Teletubbies are cool!

Marco: Don't be dissin' Laa-Laa!

Rachel: You two are nuts nuts nuts. Wacko.

Marco: You know we're the cutest — whatevers — you've ever seen, Visser.

Visser Three: You'll be even cuter when you have no heads.

Salad Shooter: (tries to beat up Visser Three)

Rachel: (runs to help her)

Marco: You jealous, Visser?

Visser Three: Of what? Your new morphs?

Marco: Of the fact that we are cuter than you are.

Rachel: Except for Dipsy.

Marco: Hey!

Jake: I feel like a dork.

Ax: Again, I have to ask: What is a dork, Prince Jake?

Jake: Don't call me prince.

Ax: Yes, Prince Jake.

Marco: (points at Visser Three) He is a dork.

Salad Shooter: (still beating up Visser Three with Rachel) He is not!

Ax: Ah. I see. (goes into Tubbytronic Superdome, muttering to himself about humans and Marco and crazy Hork-Bajir)

Rachel: (momentarily incapacitates Visser Three by trying to ride him like a horse)

Visser Three: (is nearly flattened by the large yellow Teletubby on his back) Get off!

Rachel: Help me, Tobias!

Tobias: (further incapacitates Visser Three)

Jake: What are we doing?

Salad Shooter: It's going the way I planned.

Cassie: Then that's the last time YOU'RE the director.

Tobias: You can say that again.

Cassie: Then that's the last time YOU'RE the director.

Jake: He didn't mean literally.

Cassie: What, I can't make a joke?

Marco: I am the only one allowed to be humorous.

Salad Shooter: (jumping on Visser Three) Too bad.

Tobias: Marco, we could use some help.

Marco: (uses Visser Three for a chair) HONK

Visser Three: GET OFF YOU IDIOT!

Rachel: Marco may be an idiot —

Marco: Hey!

Rachel: — but he is not getting off.

Visser Three: (tries to get at Salad Shooter with his tail)

Salad Shooter: Stop it or I'll quit sticking up for you.

Jake: You really think that is going to stop him?

Salad Shooter: Well ...

Jake: You are nuts.

Salad Shooter: Well, I'm just glad none of you are going to morph to squirrel.

Marco: (groans) That is so not funny.

Salad Shooter: I have heard worse from you.

Rachel: Yeah.


Salad Shooter: What half hour?


Salad Shooter: It used to. But now I am the director. And I say it lasts forever.

Marco: WHAT?!

Salad Shooter: It used to. But now —

Marco: Salad Shooter!

Salad Shooter: Shut up Dipsy and help me.

Marco: I am helping. I have not gotten up. That is helping.

-A whirring sound is heard. Erek the Chee appears.-

Salad Shooter: (to Erek) Didn't I tell you to shut that thing off?

Erek: I couldn't find the switch. I was just going to tell you that.

-Music starts playing.-

Salad Shooter: I hate this part. Stupid windmill.

Marco: Yay. We get to watch TV.

Tobias: Jake? Uh, I mean, Tinky Winky, which of us goes?

Jake: Me.

Tobias: Okay. Me and Salad Shooter will hold off Visser Three.

Salad Shooter: Since when?

Rachel, Jake, Marco, and Cassie: (leave for the windmill thing)

Visser Three: (finally getting up) Hah. Only two of you. One of those — weird things — and a Hork-Bajir.

Salad Shooter: Not just any Hork-Bajir. The Hork-Bajir.

Visser Three: What are you talking about?

Salad Shooter: You'll see.

Visser Three: Aren't you going to fight me?

Tobias: Yes.

Salad Shooter: No.

Tobias: YES.

Salad Shooter: NO.

Tobias: YES!

Salad Shooter: NO!

Tobias: What's Ax doing?

Salad Shooter: We'd better go check before he gets indigestion.

Tobias: How can a living vacuum cleaner get indigestion.

Salad Shooter: Noo-noo did, once. He sneezed it out in a fluffy pink cloud.

Tobias: (sarcastically) Cute. Now remind me why you like this show.

Salad Shooter: It's fun.

Tobias: It's weird.

Salad Shooter: You eat weird for breakfast now.

Tobias: Change that to "Weird eats us for breakfast." And he's about to do it now.

Salad Shooter: Uh-oh.

Tobias: (making a break for the Tubbytronic Superdome) Run!

Salad Shooter: (following him) Duh!

Salad Shooter: (gets ahead of Tobias)

Tobias: Stupid suit.

Salad Shooter: I take that offensively.

Tobias and Salad Shooter: (wait for Superdome door to open, then run inside)

-Door closes, leaving Visser Three outside.-

Visser Three: (banging on door) Hey! You can't leave me out here!

Salad Shooter and Tobias: We can't?

Visser Three: That's not funny!

Salad Shooter: I take that offensively.

Tobias: You already said that.

Salad Shooter: Yes, I did.

Ax: Hello Tobias. Would you like some tubby toast?

Tobias: Well ...

Salad Shooter: I could use a snack.

Salad Shooter: (goes over to punch the toast machine button)

tubby toast machine: ding ding Ding DING DING! Errnnhh! WhooOOoooopp! Errnnhh! WhooOOOOoop!

-Two pieces of tubby toast land on Tinky Winky's plate.-

Salad Shooter: Tobias? Want some?

Tobias: Why not.

Ax: I want some.

Salad Shooter: Duh duh duh, duh duh duh, duh —

Tobias: No singing at the table.

Salad Shooter: Since when is that a rule?

Tobias: Since right now.

Ax: (operates tubby toast machine)

toast machine: (makes various noises similar to above onomatopoeias)

Salad Shooter: I wonder if I spelled that right.

Tobias: Spelled what?

Salad Shooter: Onomatopoeias.

Tobias: Oookay. Never mind.

Visser Three: I want some!

Tobias: He wants some onomatopoeias?

Salad Shooter: Don't make me type that word again.

Visser Three: No, you idiots, some toast.

Tobias: You can't have any!

Salad Shooter: Specially not as Andalite. Morph human.

Tobias: Why'd you tell him to do that?!

Salad Shooter: It's not like he wouldn't have figured it out anyway. Wait, he probably wouldn't have.

Visser Three: I take that offensively!

Salad Shooter: That's my line!

Visser Three: I know.

Salad Shooter: You are a pain in both tail blades.

Tobias: So why do you keep sticking up for him?

Salad Shooter: I'm still trying to figure that out.

Tobias: You're helpful.

Salad Shooter: That's my line.

Tobias: I haven't heard you say it yet.

Salad Shooter: So what? It's still my line!

Visser Three: (comes sliding down Superdome slide, in human morph)

Salad Shooter: That is so stupid-looking. I mean, even for a morphing outfit, it's stupid looking.

Visser Three: I take that —

Salad Shooter: (calmly) Say "offensively" and I don't care if you're my favorite character, I'll kick your —

Jake, Marco, Rachel, and Cassie: (come sliding down the Superdome slide, in that order) Eh-oh!

Salad Shooter: Hi guys.

Tobias: Uh, eh-oh. Why do they say eh-oh?

Salad Shooter: It's more fun than hello.

Marco: Then why don't they just say "hey"?

Salad Shooter: Because hay is for horses.

Ax: I am not a horse, although in some aspects I closely resemble one, but not at the moment.

Visser Three: What is going on here?

Rachel: People are finally talking on your level, Visser.

Salad Shooter: Hey!

Rachel: Are you offended because we're dissing the visser or Teletubbies?

Salad Shooter: Well ... would you believe me if I said both?

Rachel: Uh ... yeah.

Marco: Duh.

Salad Shooter: (singing) Duh duh, duh duh, duh —

Marco: Is that the Pink Panther theme song?

Salad Shooter: Yeah. I mean, I think so. Yeah, it is. I think.

Marco: That's —

Salad Shooter: (warningly) Don't say "helpful", Dipsy. Just ... don't.


Salad Shooter: Nooooooooooooooo!

Visser Three: (to Salad Shooter) Can I go home now?

Salad Shooter: No!

Visser Three: (takes Salad Shooter's tubby toast and throws it at him, then demorphs and escapes with all of Ax's leftover tubby toast)

Ax: Beep beep. Sluuuuurrrrppyyyyyy.

Salad Shooter: Oh well, Ax was full anyway.

Ax: More. More.

Tobias: Shut. Up.

Jake: Yes! We can go home and not have our lives ruled by Salad Shooter!

Salad Shooter: Well ... actually, since K.A. Applegate is not writing your books anymore — guess who's taking over?

Cassie: (looking up at the ceiling) Please don't let it be him. Please don't let it be him.

Salad Shooter: It's me.

Jake, Tobias, Marco, Rachel, Cassie, Ax, the Ellimist, Erek, and Visser Three: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO!