Chapter One
A/N: This is the first and, as far as we know, only Hawaii/TVD crossover on this website, which we are loving right here. This fanfic is co-written by my best friend, Forever-Diamonds, and it's also the first fanfic we have written together, so a lot of firsts are being made with this. It's set just after episode 19 of season 1 of Hawaii, and after the big showdown with Klaus in TVD. (Okay, that hasn't happened yet in the series but Klaus kept getting in the way) Please review, 'twould be much appreciated!
"Bobby Starr, Five-0! Put your hands behind your head and get on the ground!"
The ginger haired man snapped his head up from the airport security desk and glanced furtively around him before hurling his coat at the attendant and taking off across the laminate floor. Commander Steve McGarrett cursed loudly and gave chase.
"Must you always go the hard way?" Detective Danny Williams threw up his hands in frustration and leapt into the nearest luggage car, not-so-gently removing the previous driver from his seat. Slamming his foot on the accelerator, he manoeuvred the vehicle alongside Steve. "Want a lift, Superman?" he inquired sarcastically. Steve glared at him and kept running. "Fine, be that way," Danny muttered, driving off past Steve and cackling as he overtook him. Steve grinned and put on an extra burst of speed, easily overtaking Danny's considerably slower method of transportation.
"I cannot believe you brought me to Hawaii," the petite brunette breathed in amazement. Her raven haired companion grinned and picked up the bag she had dropped. He rolled his eyes.
"It's just an airport, Elena," he replied sardonically.
"I know, but it's so… Normal. There are no vampires, no werewolves, no dead people, and especially no freaky hybrids trying to kill me." Her companion coughed loudly. "Fine," she corrected, "No vampires besides you. But you don't really count."
"And why is that?"
"Because, Damon, you're special."
A scoff. "I know, but…"
The rest of his reply was lost as an athletic red haired man sprinted past, getting caught on the luggage cart Damon was pulling out if the row. Damon rolled his eyes again and turned to Elena.
"Gingers," he complained, grinning. Elena hit him and was about give him some form of reprimand when a tall, brown haired, thickset man took a flying leap over their luggage cart, in hot pursuit of the other. He was closely followed by a blonde man in a tie driving an airport luggage car, who wore a concerned and irritated expression. He was apologising loudly to passers-by whose possessions had been upset by his partner. As he drove past the bemused couple, he gave them an apologetic look.
"Ignore him, he was a SEAL. Welcome to Hawaii." This was accompanied by a cheery and slightly dismissive wave, whereupon he resumed his pursuit with a frantic cry. "Not the old people!"
Damon turned to his girlfriend with a grin. "Hawaii."
Smirking, Steve clicked handcuffs around Bobby Starr's wrists and hauled him to his feet. Ignoring the man's struggling and loud protesting, the Commander led the criminal over to the waiting HPD officers who seized him and promptly bundled him into a police car. Satisfied, Steve began to turn around, only to be met with his partner's waiting fingers. Danny flicked him. Hard.
"What was that for?" Steve yelped, rubbing his forehead.
"You moronic Neanderthal animal!" the blonde detective shouted, glaring at the SEAL. "What happened to: wait for the signal and then go after the guy?"
Steve spread his hands in protest. "He would have got away. It was a strategic move."
"It was a strategic move," Danny mimicked in a falsetto, rolling his eyes. "You know where you can stick your strategic moves."
An eyebrow was raised in confusion. "Why are you so angry?"
"Because, Steven, you make me angry!"
Steve shrugged. "Or you just have anger management issues." With that, he produced Danny's car keys and climbed into the silver Camaro. Danny, muttering under his breath, got in beside him. Seeing his partner's smirk he rolled his eyes.
"Just drive already."
"Ooh, what's this building for?" Elena all but skipped down the pavement outside the Five-0 Headquarters. Damon rolled his eyes but smiled, both their suitcases trailing along behind from one hand. Amused by his girlfriend's antics, he came to a halt in front of the impressive structure.
"Small things amuse small minds," he muttered under his breath.
Elena turned around, a confused look on her face. "What?"
Damon smirked. "I said: The sun is very bright."
"Okay," Elena shrugged airily and turned around again, looking up at the bronze statue in front of the Headquarters in awe.
With a grin, Damon moved closer to her. "You're such a child."
The brunette turned to him, wearing an affronted expression. "What? Just because I've never been anywhere on a plane before doesn't mean you get to make fun of me."
"Seriously? You've never been on a plane before? Never ever?"
She gave him an unamused look and continued inspecting the statue. Sighing, Damon briefly stuck his tongue out at the back of her head before his attention was diverted by a loud crash.
With a guerrilla-like yell, the same ginger criminal from the airport burst through the front doors of the Headquarters and sprinted towards the road, with a host of police officers and staff in pursuit.
Using his initiative, Damon effortlessly lifted the heaviest suitcase, which happened to be Elena's, and hit the felon clean across the face. The man stopped abruptly, pitched forward, swayed and crumpled, toppling to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Damon and Elena shared a high-five before turning to the arriving officers, shocked to find that they were the same men from the luggage cart incident at the airport.
The shorter of the two bent down in exhaustion and panted, running a hand through his blonde hair. He addressed the criminal, who was now lying on the floor, clutching his now broken nose. "What is your problem?"
When he received no reply, he growled and turned to his partner, jabbing him in the ribs with one finger. "And you, SEAL boy, I blame you entirely for this."
"May I ask why?" Steve enquired, hands on hips, looking a lot better off than his wheezing companion.
"Because you just had to go all GI Joe on his ass and take his handcuffs off to, and I quote, 'Intimidate him'," the blonde replied.
Steve raised an eyebrow and placed a combat-booted foot on the chest of the now slightly recovered criminal to stop his third escape attempt. "Surely you could handle a guy like that. Or were you too afraid to break a nail?"
A biting reply was on the tip of Danny's tongue when Damon cut in.
"Uh, guys, are you gonna bitch about whose fault it was all day, or arrest this guy? And you're welcome, by the way."
Steve turned to the raven-haired vampire. "Sorry, who are you?"
"He's one of the poor innocent bystanders you mowed down at the airport. Or were you too busy playing ninja to notice?" Danny bent down and re-handcuffed Starr, 'accidentally' elbowing him in the face as he did so. Steve gave Danny an exasperated look that clearly read 'I will deal with you later' and pulled Starr off the ground, muttering a vague apology to Damon and Elena as he did so.
"What he means is, he is very sorry and he will try his hardest not to do it again, to you or to anyone else." Danny said as soon as Steve was far enough out of earshot.
"No problem, really, think nothing of it." Damon insisted. Danny turned to follow after Steve at the same time as Damon started walking, forcing Elena to run to catch up. Five steps down the path, Danny stopped.
"Wait a minute, don't I know you?"
New Jersey, 2005
The dark alley was silent apart from a faint rustling coming from the shadows. The noise of traffic was almost inaudible, and the air was thick with the smell of blood. Unceremoniously dropping the corpse of the girl he was holding, Stefan Salvatore looked up, not even bothering to wipe the sticky trails of her blood from his chin. He sighed deeply; a noise attracted his attention. Curiously, he got up and looked around, only to be met with a snarling figure that lifted him up by the collar and pinned him to the alley wall.
"Damn, it, Stefan," Damon growled menacingly, slamming his brother into the bricks until he felt them give way slightly, "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Damon," Stefan greeted cheerfully, mind too clouded by blood to realise what he had just done. "Why don't you join me?"
Scowling in frustration, the eldest Salvatore hurled his brown-haired sibling across the narrow alleyway, speeding across only to pick him up again, this time by the throat. Stefan began to wheeze as Damon's fangs slid out and his eyes darkened in anger. "I have been following your little trail of bodies for two months now. Do you even realise what you're doing? Get control, moron!"
Stefan began to reply but Damon cut him off, tightening his iron grip on the youngest Salvatore's neck as his supernatural hearing picked up the sound of approaching sirens. The raven haired vampire cursed loudly and glanced at his brother. "Now look what you've done!" Knowing that Stefan was in no shape to deal with anything with a pulse at the moment, Damon swore again, tightening his hold on Stefan's neck one last time before releasing him and shoving him in the opposite direction. "Go on, get out of here."
A bemused expression crossed Stefan's face. "What are you doing?"
"Covering your tracks," Damon hissed. "Now go!"
Nodding once, Stefan spared one last glance at his older brother before disappearing into the shadows. Damon inhaled sharply and retracted his fangs, replacing his vampire visage with his best expression of innocence and fear, cursing his ripper of a brother for putting him in this situation.
In a matter of minutes the sound of footsteps and approaching voices got louder as a blonde police officer ran down the alley to where Damon was standing over the young girl's body, looking suitably horrified and human. Internally rolling his eyes, the raven haired vampire glanced up at the detective. "I just came out for a smoke and she was here, lying on the ground, dead; and I had no idea what to do..."
"It's okay," the officer reassured. "I'm Detective Danny Williams; I'm with the New Jersey PD."
"D...Damon Salvatore," Damon fake-stuttered, stepping gingerly around the corpse and extending his hand to Danny.
Danny took the offered hand and nodded. "I'm just gonna have to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."
"No, it's fine," Damon replied. "I just hope I can help you catch the bastard that did this."
"You have no idea who it might have been?" Danny enquired. "You didn't see anything? Or anyone?"
Of course I know who did it, Damon raged internally. It was my dipshit excuse of a brother. "I didn't see anything at all," he lied smoothly. "I didn't even realise what was going on." He hung his head theatrically. "I'm sorry; I guess I'm kinda useless."
Seeming not to notice the slight dramatic flair with which Damon replied, Danny sighed. "It's fine, to be honest I would have been surprised if you had seen or heard anything significant. That means we're done here, there's just some paperwork you have to fill out-"
"You can do that later." Holding the blonde detective's gaze, Damon compelled him.
Danny's expression instantly changed, and he gave an airy wave. "But I can do that later; I'll stop bothering you now. Thank you for your help, Damon."
Damon smirked, already walking away. "It was my pleasure."
Damon nodded. "Detective...Danny Williams, right? I remember you from...that thing with the girl in the place."
"Yeah, I think we met in New 2005," Danny agreed. "And you're Damon Salvatore."
"That's right," Damon replied. His expression changed to one of slight concern. "Did you ever catch that guy?"
Danny shook his head. "No, we didn't, but I don't know if you heard, there were no more killings after that night. He just...stopped. We still have no idea why."
Damon rolled his eyes slightly. It's probably because I locked him in a cellar and fed him vervain until the blood was all out of his system and he could go back to killing poor, defenceless woodland creatures again. "That's a shame, but at least no more people got hurt."
"I suppose so," Danny shrugged. He glanced around at the sound of approaching footsteps and rolled his eyes. "Here comes the SEAL," he muttered.
Steve walked over to his partner's side. "Starr confessed everything, HPD are just taking him away now."
"Well forgive me for not leaping for joy, Steven. Bad knee, you know," Danny replied sarcastically.
"Seriously, what is wrong with you today?" Steve queried. "We got the guy, didn't we? And we had a bit of fun along the way."
"Fun? Fun? Chasing a criminal through an airport is not fun, you idiot. That's disgusting,'re can you even...Oh never mind," Danny gave up, instead returning his attention to Damon and Elena. "Steven this is Damon Salvatore and..." He tailed off, glancing at Elena.
The brunette smiled slightly and supplied her name. "I'm Elena Gilbert."
Danny nodded. "Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, meet Steve McGarrett, my stupid, idiotic excuse of a partner."
Steve smiled warmly and shook both of their hands. "Don't worry," he reassured, "He's not always this grumpy."
"Shut up!"
A slight roll of the eyes was given by everyone apart from Danny, who stood there glowering murderously at Steve. The SEAL seemed not to notice, however, instead asking Damon, "So how to you know Danny?"
"We met when he was on a case in New Jersey, back in 2005."
"Oh, right." The conversation tailed off a little awkwardly before Steve remembered: "Thanks, by the way, for taking out that guy earlier."
Damon smiled indulgently. "No problem. Just doing my bit to help out."
"Um, Damon, can I talk to you for a second?" Elena tugged at her boyfriend's sleeve. Damon agreed and she pulled him to the side, lowering her voice in case Steve or Danny should overhear. "How exactly do you know that guy? And does he know that you're a..."
"Vampire?" Damon supplied loudly.
Elena smacked him on the arm. "Be quiet!"
The raven haired vampire rolled his eyes. "No, he doesn't know. And I met him six years ago, when I was trying to get Stefan off of one of his blood-crazed benders." He waved his hand airily. "I covered his tracks, it's not important really, it's not like we were ever friends or anything."
Elena sensed there could be more to the story than Damon was letting on, but she didn't press the issue, instead walking back over to Steve and Danny. "We should really get going; we need to check into our hotel and..." She tailed off awkwardly, not wanting to be rude.
Steve nodded in understanding. "Of course, don't let us keep you. It was nice to meet you." He shook both of their hands again. "Thanks again for the suitcase."
"No problem. Come on, Elena." Damon sauntered off, whistling to himself. Elena gave a resigned sigh and followed, a slight smile on her lips.
Steve nodded again. "Ok then. Well, we have paperwork to do. Come on, Danno, stop sulking."
"Don't. Call. Me. DANNO!"
A/N: Finished! That was fun. We know Stefan may have said at some point that he and Damon hadn't met for 15 years, but we don't care. The story is better like this. Please tell us what you know in a lovely review. R&R