Heya guys. :3 This is the epilogue of My Best Friend. This is just a little bridge to my next 'book' or to the sequel. If you are a fan of Marlene (or her life in the least) and the World Grand Prix, then the next book should be for you to read and enjoy. ;3
Also, this epilogue is split into two, not only because I made two perfect epilogues that I can't possibly choose from them both, but also there are some important things in both versions. So I hope you, my dear reader, will like it!
Marlene sighed in relief as she put down her pen. The editing of her article was finally over, and she had time to relax. But she just couldn't, even if she did drink decaffeinated coffee, and felt quite restless after a few minutes. She racked her brain for something to do, but everything had been done, and it was only six in the evening! Just then, a thought crossed her mind: she hasn't checked her mail in a while. Opening her laptop and loading up her YM, she found pretty useless stuff—invites from poorly-made sites or otherwise—that was legal enough to be called spam, except for one from Mr. Earlwood. She opened it and started reading.
'September 2011
The World Grand Prix, which will occur within the month, is having its second run. Right now, I need a nice feature on that, and even though I've chosen Ambrister to take over the event in general, but I need details.
You're friends with Lightning McQueen, as I remember it, and I'd like you to go with their team and experience firsthand how a team in the World Grand Prix works: what do they do in the pit when their racer has gone, when do they practice, and so on. Can I have the finished article—edited and all—passed about a half-month after the event or as soon as possible? I don't think I need a response from you; I know you'll only say yes. ;)
What I need in your article is a first-person POV/point of view on this experience of yours. I need that fire, that thrill you always give your articles. And, just as always, an advanced thanks for this. As I write this, I've got a gut feeling that you're thrilled and as excited for this as I am. :)
Mr. James Earlwood
Editor-in-Chief, Cars Today'
Marlene grinned. She was going to the world-famous World Grand Prix, and on its second run! Not only that, but she was to experience firsthand what it was like in the biggest event(well, maybe the second greatest event after last year's WGP) in the whole history of racing, and what it was like to be in a real racing team.
"Telegram," a forklift called, "for Team McQueen?"
"I am McQueen," Lightning replied, and the blue forklift handed over an envelope. Tipping his 'hat', the mailcar left.
"Open it, open it!" Mia and Tia's identical voices pierced the air, and he did so, reading it silently and quickly.
"It says here, 'You and your team are officially invited to the second run of last year's World Grand Prix. This time, the idea of this race is to find out who is the fastest and/or the greatest racecar in the world, regardless of fuel used, engine type, and strategy,'" Lightning read, and the cars murmured assent and comments.
"We're going to the WGP again?" Sarge let out.
"Can we come? Please?" the two youngsters asked Flo.
"Only if you promise to follow the team," she replied, and the phone in the Cozy Cone Motel lobby rang loud and clear over the commotion.
"Hi, thank you for calling the Cozy Cone Motel! This is Sally Carrera speaking, and how may I help you?" Sally answered, and there was silence for a moment. "Oh, hi," she called happily. "Ah," she said, and peeked out the entrance. "Stickers, it's for you!"
As Lightning drove inside to answer, his ears caught a familiar female voice, and he smiled. "Marlene!" he called. "Anything wrong?" The twins entered the lobby just as the rest of the residents gathered outside the building to listen. "Wow, hey, that's fantastic! ...I don't know, but I think we'll be given just one or two days for preparation. …Great; we'll see you then."
"What did she say?" Mia asked as they followed Lightning out.
"Guys, Marlene's coming with us to Tokyo, Porto Corsa and London," he announced. "She was sent by Mr. Earlwood to cover a firsthand experience with the team."
"Cool!" Tia squeaked, and everyone started making arrangements.
It was early evening at home, and the two main occupants were having a beautiful dinner, laughing at stories of events encountered earlier that day. Both were having so much fun, only to be interrupted by their English head butler.
"Sir, madam," his English accent pierced the foreign air, "if I may be so bold to interrupt."
But the male car was too happy to be the least irritated by their loyal butler. "What is it, Jorgen?" he asked in a still-happy voice.
"We have received a letter in the mail earlier today, and—forgive me—it must have slipped my mind."
The car waved the forklift forward, and Jorgen handed an envelope on a beautiful silver tray. As the car opened the letter encased within the envelope, he began to read it silently, as that it was addressed to him.
"Hmm," he commented slightly. "It seems I'm to join the World Grand Prix on its second run."
The car across the table gasped, and a female voice rang out loudly, piercing the silence. "Sweetheart, you can't!"
The male car rolled his eyes, scoffing. "I was fine last year; surely I'll be fine this year?"
The female stared at him, but her gaze was far away as if she were remembering something in fear, then her gaze shifted, focusing, and she sighed in defeat. "You're old enough to take care of yourself; you're in your mid-twenties, after all," she said. "Fine; just know when to stop, alright?"
"Don't worry; I'll take care." He moved to nuzzle her gently. "I know I'm too precious for you to lose, but you can come with me to remind me, if you want."
She nudged him playfully, and he chuckled. "You know I'm too old for travel," she chided gently. "I think I'll stay here."
As the male car read once again the letter, glancing at the list of names, he grinned at the challenge. "This year, I will be ready for him," he murmured, half to himself.
"And make sure you bring home a decent girlfriend with you; your last one was explicitly rude!"
The next day, Marlene arrived with her stuff at Radiator Springs, and the rest of the team was ready. Marlene just had to take up the trademark insignia of the team: the number 95 on a red and orange fireball.
"No!" Mia and Tia screamed dissent as Ramone tried to cover her to prepare for the painting. "It will ruin her beautiful paint job!" And that was the end of that.
As the team prepared the last few things for tomorrow morning's leave, Lightning and Marlene sat side-by-side once more to enjoy the sunset.
"Marlene," he said softly, "it's been years since you last had a steady." They both knew that he was referring to the time back before he left her, and although it used to remind Marlene of a painful time, she now was reminded of a time she cherished the most. "You still haven't found someone since?"
"Nope," she replied. "Although I've had around six suitors—either new to the company or I was new to the company or otherwise—turned down."
Lightning gasped. "Why?"
She shook her head. "you know me. You know why I became a journalist of a car magazine." He stared at her blankly and she stared out to the horizon, just as she did before when she wanted to be serious and make a point in an emotional conversation. "Lightning, there's a reason why I am so engrossed in what you do: it gives me that thrill, that fire I used to feel when we used to race, remember? It keeps the fire going, and these days, writing about it isn't enough.
"I want someone who can give me the excitement I crave, that everyday thrill I crave, just like in racing, although there will be some times that I would want to slow down and take time to enjoy things." Lightning laughed aloud, but she didn't mind, though she smiled a little, and she nudged him a little roughly. "I want a car that can be honest with me, one that can help me with me, on that I can depend on for the…stability or encouragement a girl needs. But also," he tone softened, "I want a car who can want and need me just as I do, one not so independent, one who can trust me with the things I know I can do.
"A simple journalist-slash-co-worker can't possibly give me that, thought I mean no offense," she added quickly. "I think what I need is a car in the fast lane."
There was a pause, and Lightning spoke. "Think you'll find your match at the event?"
"No," she said. "I don't think so.
But fate was about to prove her wrong.
Alright guys, that the official end of My Best Friend, and I believe that the next 'book' that I will release would involve the mystery car in the third segment(between the third and fourth dividers). Who is this mystery car, and what does he have to do in the Stevenson trilogy? What will happen to Marlene's love life next? Find out in the sequel, Love at First Drive.