A/N: So this is my first fanfic. Please review. I need lots of feedback to know if I'm any good. Also any suggestions you'd like to add to the story would be greatly appreciated!

*Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story line.*

Chapter One: A Fresh Start

A girl dressed in a pair of faded jeans and an overly-worn, black t-shirt gripped the handles of her trolley as she ran into the brick columns of Platform 9 ¾. When she emerged from the entrance, she instantly saw swarms of families hugging and saying their goodbyes. Out of the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of a woman with bushy, brown hair and a man with hair the same color as a fire-engine saying goodbye to their son with hair equally as bright as his father's. She stared longingly at them for what it seemed like forever. Almost as if the woman felt her stares, she looked over and made eye contact with the girl. Instantly, tears started to form in the woman's eyes and a sad smile slowly crept on her face. She touched her husband's arm cueing him to look in the girl's direction. But like the wind, she disappeared among the crowds of students and their families.

The girl rushed into the train that was heading towards Hogwarts'. Inside, she quickly found an empty compartment and loaded her trunk. She then proceeded to pull out 'Hogwarts': A History' from her bag while sitting near the window, keeping her face away from everyone outside the compartment. She sat there reading her book in silence for what seemed like hours until she heard the door of the compartment slide open.

"It's like she disappeared from the face of the planet!" she heard a girl's voice say as well as a shut of the door.

"I can't believe she's still gone after two years," said another girl. "Where do you think she is?"

"Well, everyone knew she went somewhere near the Mediterranean before she started her fifth year, but then *POOF!*...she was gone. No one seemed to know where she went."

The girls kept on talking about their lost friend until all was silent in the compartment again. They finally realized they weren't the only ones in the compartment.

"Hello there...," said one of the girls. "Sorry, but we didn't realize anyone was in here."

"Quite alright. I was just reading." The girl said quickly and quietly not taking her eyes off her book.

"My name's Lily. Lily Potter. And this is Roxanne Weasley." The girl nodded her head to acknowledge them.

"And yours?" said Roxanne after a few minutes with a little agitation in her voice as she peered at the black-haired, blue-eyed girl.

The girl shifted her eyes towards them through her thick framed glasses, "Lyra. Lyra Esowese." Lyra gave a faint smile and then resumed reading her book. She heard the two girls shift a little but still felt their eyes on her.

"We've never seen you before. What year are you?" Lily finally asked after the awkward 10 minute silence.

Lyra finally looked up from her book to face them. "I just transferred here from Greece. I believe I'll be a Seventh Year."

"Same year as Albus!" exclaimed Roxanne. "Huh, Lily?" Lily nodded in agreement. "We're both Fifth years. Do you know what house you'll be in? I'm a Ravenclaw, to my dad's disappointment. He thought for sure I would carry on the legacy and be a Gryffindor like him and mum but to no avail. Lily, here, is in Gryffindor though. I told my dad Ravenclaw was better than being a Slytherin. I would have been D-E-A-D, DEAD! if I was a Slytherin. Then there's Hufflepuff. I don't know what my dad would have done to me if I was a Hufflepuff. Actually I know exactly what he would do. Laugh at me like everyone else did when Hugo became a Hufflepuff."

As soon as Lyra heard the name Hugo, she stiffened and looked down at her book and mumbled, "I'm not sure."

The girls opposite of the Grecian girl gave each other a look and went back to talking. The rest of the trip remained as so with Lyra quietly staring at her book and the two girls chatting away with the occasional quick glances from the two girls. Somehow between the awkward silences and chit-chat among two of the girls, the three girls managed to change into their robes before the express came to a halt.

Roxanne and Lily were about to show Lyra where to go after exiting the train, but quickly noticed that Lyra went straight in the direction of the carriages as if she had attended Hogwarts' before. They shrugged off the thought thinking Headmistress McGonagall must have told the girl in advance.


Students from all houses scrambled through the main doors of Hogwarts' excitedly entering the Great Hall for the upcoming opening ceremony.

Lyra was stopped in her tracks by a blue-eyed, platinum-blonde haired boy with a 'Head Boy' pin on his robe. "You must be Lyra," he said smoothly while looking the new student up and down.

Lyra gave a quick nod and stared at the ground.

"Hmm…," said the unamused boy, "Come with me to the headmistress' office."

She followed reluctantly up the stairs until they reached a pair of gargoyles. She heard the boy mutter, "nouo initio." The gargoyles came to life and opened the doors to let them in.

Headmistress McGonagall sat behind her desk waiting for the two to arrive. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. You can head down to the Great Hall now. Please remember to remind Miss Wood she is, in fact, Head Girl and needs to accompany you in your rounds tonight."

With a quick nod, Scorpius Malfoy turned to descend down the staircase.

Headmistress McGonagall waited until the door was shut before speaking. "Please have a seat." She pointed to one of the two chairs in front of her desk.

Lyra took her seat and stared at the aging witch and gave her a smile. She smiled back.

"It's nice to have you back….Miss Weasley."