Disclaimer: In my final chapter, I continue to recognize that my story is at a close and yet that I still don't own the rights of either Harry Potter or Starwars. Enjoy.

Chapter Fifteen


Harry looked around at the Jedi assembled before the Council. Out of the ten transports escaping the temple, only four had arrived to the rendezvous site at Polis Mass with barely a hundred Clone Knights escaping Coruscant as they fought their way through the blockade.

He had been sure not all of the clones would betray the Jedi, and he had been right about some of the units as across the Republic military, original clones and post-Kamino clones fought over the Order sixty-six, trying to buy the different Jedi enough time to escape. Still, others had no problems with the order and executed their commanders without hesitation.

He recognized several in the Order, close friends that knew his full story. Luminara had escaped with Yoda from Kashyyyk, the wookies aiding in their escape while the Knights covered the escape. Barriss Offree escaping Fellucia with a detatchment of post-Kamino clones, while Aayla Secura had been executed by Commander Bly and his clone troopers.

The absence of several other Masters was noticeable, Ki-Adi-Mundi was off the grid, his status unknown. Plo Koon had been on a patrol with several other pilots and he was unaccounted for.

Harry could only imagine that if the Jedi had been unprepared for the betrayal the entire Order would have been wiped out, and the Sith would be in command, uncontested.

"What's our next course of action?" a Jedi Master called out above the light conversations within the padawans. A hush followed as Yoda, Harry, Kenobi and Ginny became the center of attention.

"Confront Palpatine, I will." Yoda looked over at Kenobi, "Only a Master will be able to defeat him."

Harry frowned, "Only Anakin will be able to defeat him and bring a balance to the Force, Yoda."

"Skywalker?" the same Jedi who began the meeting scoffed, "Palpatine sliced him to pieces! He's not fit..."

"And you are?" Harry challenged, "Prophecies are a fickle thing. They aren't clear about who they refer to, but Master Windu and three other Masters were cut down by Sidious. Anakin was injured, yes, but he's still alive and is just as powerful."

Everyone was quiet until the Master asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Harry and I prepared several safe houses for the younglings and we have a place where our clones have trained." Ginny answered, "Thanks to our Knights, we have four Star Cruisers loyal to us. Most of the crew are Knight clones, but there are several hundred Rebpulic Clones who are with us. They're how Master Ulundi and Master Yoda escaped Kashyyyk."

"True, it is, what Master Potter says." Yoda nodded, "More questions, have you?"

There was another silence among the Jedi until a door opened in the back and Padme, with an escort of Knights, entered. Several Jedi stood to stop them, but Harry waved Padme forward, "What news from Coruscant?"

Ginny frowned, "Harry!"

Harry chuckled and turned back to Padme, "How's Anakin?"

"Awake, but in pain. They've finished with two of his limbs and are working on the last."

"Ginny and I will be by after the meeting."

Padme nodded and turned to the gathered Jedi, "For those who don't know me, I'm Padme Skywalker. I was a Senator of the Republic until now, because the Republic no longer exists. Palpatine has declared himself Emperor of the First Galactic Empire." she paused and waited for the Jedi to quiet down again, "I resigned from the Senate immediately and sent my notice to Naboo and several of our friends also within the Senate.

"I will remain the contact with our friends and be the point of contact. There has also been a 'kill all' order given from the Emperor on all Jedi. In particular, Harry and Ginny, you both have a million credit reward posted, while Anakin has only a half million. Personally, I'm wanted for questioning as are several others that I'm not going to mention here."

"What about the rest of us?" Barriss asked.

"For every lightsaber ransomed, a ten thousand credit reward is offered. Another Forty if there's a body."

"What's our new planet?"

Harry glanced at Ginny, "We are going to continue our mandate in protecting the Galaxy, but we're going to be making changes to the Order. We aren't going to maintain a permanent temple outside our current safe haven. The safe house itself is under a very high level of protection that very few will ever know about."

"So we no longer have a home?" a padawan Harry recognized as Bene, asked.

"We, the new council, are going to scatter the Jedi across the Galaxy. Some will remain with our fleet, while others will complete their own training and the training of their padawans. Ginny and I have established a secure way of maintaining contact in the event of an emergency."

"You've approved of this Master Yoda?" a Jedi in the back asked.

"On the Council, Master Potter is." Yoda nodded, "Powerful and experienced at hiding, if without his planning we were, lost the Jedi Order would have been. Object to his plans, I do not."

Harry nodded and was about to continue, but Ginny cut him off, "If any of you feel that they have an idea, don't hesitate to mention it. Harry and I have been preparing for this since the second battle of Kamino. That doesn't mean we always know best, but we have been ready since...well, we've been ready. That's why we have over ten thousand clones loyal to the Jedi. It's how so many of you were saved from the Temple. It's the reason we had those ten transports ready to launch, why the younglings were moved to Safehaven. We knew Palpatine was the Sith for two years but if we'd confronted him then, a lot more of you would have been killed."

Ginny stopped as Harry put a hand on his wife's shoulder, "What Ginny means, our plans weren't flawless and we still lost a lot of our friends. We're doing the best we can and if another of you comes up with something, tell us. I don't care if you're just a Padawan, Knight or Master, all ideas will be heard and we'll talk through it objectively." Harry looked around for anybody to ask a question and when nobody did he turned to Anakin's astromech, "Artoo, have you complied a list of the survivors and the missing?" the droid whistled affirmatively, "Good, Anakin's droid has a list of ship assignments for now, as well as some assignments in trying to hunt down our missing who were out on the rim. Don't go anywhere alone. We have plenty of clone armor for disguises or we can alter your appearances temporarily, just ask me, Ginny, Jedi Offree or Master Skywalker when he is done recovering."

The meeting ended quickly and Yoda kept the Potters, Kenobi, Padme, Ulundi and Offree back, "A different Order, we must construct. Set the Jedi have been in their teachings. A change we need to make, if survive the Sith we will."

"Follow the Code of Wizards, Master." Harry said, "Anakin is strong enough to lead it once he's healed. We can begin our instruction with the Padwans and the younglings. If the other Jedi desire this training, we can help them as well."

"I doubt the Masters will accept." Luminara said quietly, "We can keep training our students in the Force, we'll just have to incorporate the magic aspect as well."

Harry agreed, "If they really want to learn, I won't hold them back. I can make new wands for everybody."

"What will we do about our clones?" Barriss asked.

"We have enough to run our own fleet." Harry answered, "We have several hundred fighters as well as four capital ships. Not enough to pose a threat yet, but it'll be enough to make them think twice in a fight."

"What about future Jedi?" Obi-wan asked, "Just because we're exiled doesn't mean children aren't born in the Force."

"True, Master Kenobi." Yoda nodded, "The old Jedi Masters, assign them to rescue the next generation, I will."

"That would be an excellent task for them." Harry nodded, "Sirius, Luke and Leia will be the first of our new order. They've all displayed powers on their own, great Jedi they will become."

"We're still going to call them Jedi?" Padme asked.

Harry sighed, "Yeah, 'wizarding Jedi' is too long and people won't really know what a wizard is."

"What about adopting a name from back home, Harry?" Ginny grinned, "Order of the Phoenix."

"Will we have the same purpose? To rise out of the ashes in rebirth to fight against the evil?"

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Ginny nodded, "We are now the Jedi of the Phoenix."

x x x


The man in question looked up from behind his desk and smiled, "Anakin, great to see that you're out of medical."

"Yeah, no joke." Anakin chuckled and drew up a seat, "So Padme briefed me on some of the meeting last week."


"What did you mean about me leading after I was healed?"

"Exactly that, Anakin. Before this war, you were but the learner, now, you're a Master and the one the next generation will learn from." Harry smiled, "Besides, I'm too old to be in change of things. My goal is done with your Mastership, your time has arrived."

"I don't know anything about leading this order." Anakin frowned, "Besides, what will you and Ginny do?"

"Raise our children." Harry leaned back and closed his eyes serenely, "Sirius is almost ready to begin his Force training and..."

"Ginny's pregnant again?" Anakin smirked, "Good luck with that."

"You do realize Padme will be wanting another once word gets out."

Anakin gaped, "The twins are a handful already. I don't know how we'd manage another."

"You will. And you'll love them even more." Harry smiled at his memories long past, "You won't have to run the Order alone Anakin. We both will be here to help. Master Yoda's stepped down to assist in finding more potentials. Kenobi will be on your council as will Offree and Padme."


"Of course. She's our liaison to our allies." Harry tossed a data pad to his friend, "That has a list of survivors. I only left a couple Masters on there in case you wanted another old guy like me or Kenobi to sit on your council. Everybody else is a Jedi." Anakin began scanning through the names while Harry continued, "I also put Captain Reese on there. He should get a promotion for his service during the Battle of the Temple. He will serve as a spokesperson for the Clones and should be your right hand in battle."

"How will we be able to pay or feed everybody?"

"Pay?" We're all outlaws of the Empire. Gin and I saved a lot too. Food, all covered. Safehaven has been providing for the old Order for the last year and we still have a surplus."

"We need to ensure the Captains of each ship know where Safehaven is. To escape if needed."

"See, you're already doing a great job. I hadn't thought of that."

"What about my injuries?"

Harry waved the question away, "You'll be back on form quick enough, Anakin. It's time the House of Skywalker took its place at the head of the Jedi."

x x x

Harry Potter stared quietly out the viewport of the Starcruiser ThreeBroomsticks. He had requested to name one of the ships and decided to use the name of the old bar from Hogsmeade.

A petite hand slipped around his waist and Harry relaxed into his wife's soothing presence through the Force. From the other side a dark haired, brown eyed boy hugged him around the leg, prompting Harry to smile and hoist his son into arms.

Sirius, the three year old carbon copy of his father buried himself into his father's shoulder while Harry wrapped his free arm around Ginny. Behind them, Anakin approached, Padme holding Leia while Luke followed his father.

"Are we ready, Harry?" Anakin asked, the two families staring at the stars for a moment.

"Yeah." Harry nodded, "We'll remain in hiding until we have enough support to strike back."

"Chandrila, Aladaraan, even Corellia. They're always showing support against the Empire." Padme smiled, "As is Naboo."

"How long will we have to wait?" Ginny asked.

"Too many years will pass before we'll be ready to overthrow Sidious. The people will suffer under his rule."

"Where to, General?" a voice asked, "We've cleared the station and we're waiting for your orders."

"Admiral Reese," Harry turned to the clone officer, he had his helmet off and Harry recognized that he had come from his own DNA, though tweaked enough to not look exactly like him, "Good to see you up again."

"Of course, sir." Reese nodded with respect, "General Skywalker, your orders."

"I've heard rumors that Master Kota survived because he never liked the clones. Let's see if we can find him and bring another teacher back into the fold."

x The End x

A/N: I have begun writing up a sequel. Especially with the amount of support that I've received. It's not completed yet, so suggestions are welcome.