Rose's P.O.V

I have never been so happy for a Friday night since my high-school years. I honestly thought I was going to lose my mind somewhere in between doing the entire inventory, the sympathetic sweetness of everyone in the house, Adrian being up my ass, and school work.

Everyone has been treating me like some broken doll, when I'm far from it. Yeah everything with.. Him pissed me off and hurt, but it wasn't like I was heartbroken. –Eight months wasn't long enough to get Rose Mazur's heart people.- And I was sick of it.

So tonight I made sure I was dressed to impress, and planned on throwing the famous Mazur charm any chance I got, just to prove to everyone I really was fine. To prove that no man would ever make me feel down. – Plus I had some Russian eye candy for the night. The same Russian whose voice and eyes seem to haunt my mind ever since his interview.

When Lissa and I pulled into the back parking lot I felt my excitement start to grow. This was it. This was going to be a fun night. I think Lissa felt it too. She was almost jittery as we walked our way to the front door, arms linked together. Simon on the other hand didn't look as pleased as we felt.

"What do you think Abe would say if he seen you two dressed like this?" Yup not happy at all.- Simon was like our over, over protective uncle.

"Daddy would tell us we looked beautiful." I said simply. I noticed Lissa out of the corner of my eye batting her big jade green puppy dog eyes at Simon. I knew what was coming before she even opened her mouth.

"Uncle Si-si don't you think we look pretty?" She half faked whined adding in a fake sniffle or two. Lissa had Simon wrapped around her fingers when she pulled the 'Uncle Si-si' card, knowing fare well what she was doing.

"No girls it's not that!" he looked half pained at upsetting Lissa.-Even if she was faking it. "You girls are just too pretty to be dressed in something like that. You two already know how bad some of the guys are in here. I just hate you guys bringing attention to yourselves." He ran a hand through his dark hair before shaking his head rubbing his finger tips into his eyelids. "Just hurry up and get inside before you guys catch a chill."

He handed me two little ear pieces that looked like a blue tooth. I thanked him as Lissa and I both gave him a quick peck on the cheek in unison before we walked in.

"Works every time!" The blonde haired angel giggled as she linked her arm onto mine once more. "Sometimes I feel bad about it though."

"I don't. It saved us from his half hour worth of lectures of how 'proper ladies' should be dressed." I groaned just thinking about them.

Simon would sit us down hours before every date, and anytime we went out to talk about what proper women who respect themselves should be dressed and how they should act. Once he even threatened to pick out our outfits for us before school because he didn't like our clothing. –I'll admit we where thirteen and the outfits we picked... Well the skirts broke school's dress code- It took almost four months of dressing in lame plain clothing, and begging Aunt Alberta before we could pick out our own outfits again.

The thick smell of the bar molested my nose, as we walked in. No matter how many times I came here it always had a grotesquely smell to it that I never got used to. I don't think Lissa ever did either considering her nose was scrunched up.

"Do you see Christian yet?" She asked as soon as we started coming down the stairs, merging in with the crowd. I kept our arms locked, to make sure we wouldn't lose one another.

"No, but I'm sure it won't take him long to fin-"

"Well hello Miss Mazur, my, my you have such a startling resemblance to your dear mother. And Miss Dragomir," A tall older man who stepped out in front of us, while he spoke, he had striking green eyes, almost like Lissa's. His dark hair was graying." You look so much like your father." I didn't know who he was, but I did not like the way he looked at us. As if we where diamonds in the ruff, most would be flattered, I felt creped out.

"Well since you know who we are, who the hell are you?" I asked feeling Lissa's hand grip onto mine as I pushed her behind me as if to shield her. I didn't even try to mask my bitchy tone.

"So much like your mother in deed." He said while raking his eyes up and down my body. " My name is Victor, I like to think of myself as an old friend of your parents. I'm so sorry to hear about their passing." Liss gripped my hand harder and harder with almost other word he spoke.

"You guys took long enough to get here!" Christian bellowed over the music as he walked up to us wrapping a protective arm over both of our shoulders, looking over at Victor. "Did I interrupt something?" He grinned proudly as if to taunt the man.

I clenched my teeth forcing a small smile to my face and ignored Christian's question. "Well thank you for your belated sympathy. I'll be sure to tell my father that his 'old friend' stopped by to pay his respect." I all but spat the words out.

This only made the man chuckle. "I'm sure you will my dear. I'll let you young girls go to enjoy your time. It was such a pleasure to be able to talk to you Miss Mazur." Sadly he sounded as if it really was a splendid meeting. He turned on his heels and I kept my eyes on him as he walked away, up the stairs and out the same doors we just came into.

When I turned around Lissa was already in Christian's arm, but her death grip on my hand unwavering. She hated any time her parents were brought up, it was like a bitch slap in the face with a bowling ball. I hated seeing her go from so happy and carefree to this.

I gave Christian a small sad smile. "Why don't you go take her and sit down? I'll go get us drinks okay?" I gave her hand a quick squeeze, willing my strength into her, before I let her go.

"Alright, I left Dimitri at the bar counter. I went over the basics with him." He rubbed small circles in Lissa's back.

I nodded my thanks to him as I walked away. I hated to see Lissa distraught. I knew losing her family was harder for her than it was me. I only lost one person and she lost three.- and that Victor was a man who just threw salt into her healing wounds. I tried clearing my head as I got closer to the bar counter. Dimitri was right where Christian left him, leaning onto the counter watching Devin spin bottles. I took a moment to take in the eye candy before my eyes. Long muscled back and arms, and an ass that looked amazing in a pair of jeans screaming to be grabbed.

After mentally smacking my naughty hands to be good I took a deep breath and leaned on the counter next to him making my presence known.

Dimitri's P.O.V

The more time I spend in America, the more I liked it. Everything seems to be going so much more smoothly since I had my first gig. I still miss my family and friends back home, but I had made a few new work 'friends' I guess you could call them.

Tasha wasn't very pleased when she picked me up a few nights back, I'll admit I was a little cocky and ended up inviting Eddie and that Mason kid back to the house so we could keep talking about music and just play all night. – So we kept her up till almost four in the morning, but I think she liked the fact I found others to hang out with. So I wasn't sitting around her condo reading while she worked.-

Christian even stopped by one night for dinner and offered to give me a lift to work tonight. I happily took him up on his offer. I didn't know where it was, and I didn't want to listen to Tasha whine about how I was too good to work there.- I think she just knew that I was planning on moving out as soon as I could. A man can only take so much of 'let's play house.'

I was excited for my first night of my new job. I was excited to see Rose again, hoping she would be there. Ever since that first night at the bar, I haven't been able to get her face out of my head. Yeah I know she's young, and technically my boss, but there's nothing wrong with having something that was more than easy on your eyes in your life right? Right...

I was already dressed in a slight baggy pair of dark blue jeans, and a black wife –beater, on my ninth cup of coffee when Christian showed up, looking.. .. Well dashing. He was in a light blue pin stripped long sleeved shirt and straight legged jeans. His shaggy black hair was combed back. When I raised my eyebrow at him he just grimaced, and told me not even to ask.

"You ready man? The girls should be there by time we get down there." He asked leaning up against the kitchen counter.

"Yeah. Let me finish my coffee." I lifted my glass a little. I had the perfect mask of calm on my face. "The girls?" I was silently pleading that she would be there, and not with a man.

"My girlfriend and Rose, you know your new Boss?" I nodded Trust me I know who she is. "Yeah I would have brought them myself, but Rose was still getting around. If I stayed any longer I'm sure Liss' would of spent another hour going though clothing to dress me up in. I swear sometimes…" he shuddered. " I don't even know, it's like I'm her living Ken doll or something."

I fought the urge to smirk, so I drank down the rest of my coffee. After rinsing out my glass and setting it in the dish washer we headed out. Christian went over the basics just like Eddie and Mason did. - Keep an eye on the crowed. If I see any fights about to start break it up. If someone overdoses' get them in the back office area as quick as possible without making a scene. If I see any drug type deals happening on the floor, take the offenders to Seth. And if some people start to get too wild to get them out.

Then he started talking about his girlfriend again. You could tell the pride he had just to be able to call her his. It was something I never really seen much. Especially in a young couple who have been dating for a little over two years. His love was unbound, praising her with every word even if he didn't notice it himself.

I been to clubs back home before, but when we got inside of the 'Nightmare' it was nothing what I expected. The music was loud with a fast thumping beat. The place reeked of stale cigarette smoke, booze, and body order from the large crowed that danced around under the flashing strobe lights. It was like being inside a rave. To say it was a little disorienting was an understatement. Before coming in, I was pretty sure I was going to be able to handle everything smoothly, now I was a little worried I might not be able to. Christian leads us though the thick crowds up to the bar counter, where a short little gothic girl was running back and forth making drinks. Her black hair was pulled back into pig-tails that lead out in a bright disarray of blue, green, pink, and red dreads. When she noticed Christian she smiled brightly at him shouting a 'hey' while serving drinks.

When she came up to us she had a screw driver in hand passing it to Christian, before smiling at me. "Whose your new friend? Haven't seen him here before" She asked.

"This is Dimitri, the new replacement. Has Lissa made it here yet?"

She nodded to me. "Names Devin, welcome to the Nightmare." She said before shaking her head and frowning a little. "Nope, and Alberta has been stressing out. When I first got her she was running around the office like a chicken with its head cut off. So I hope Rose gets here soon." Christian nodded and let her get back to serving drinks.

When he turned to me he started pointing out a few other people that was hidden randomly around the room. First to a tall guy that was working the DJ booth. "That's Derik, Devin's brother. He only DJs a few nights a week here, He also works down at the tattoo shop next door." Then pointing to another tall guy that was standing against the wall with his arms across his chest. It was hard to even see anything else while heads bobbed around him. "That's Stan, he can be a dick sometimes but he's a good dude." Then he pointed out Eddie and Mason who stood around a table that a small group of two girls and a guy. "You know Eddie and Mace' but the other guy is Adrian. You'll see him around a lot. The two girls with him are Mia and Avery. Both of them are kind of bitches, and then there's –" he scanned the room pointing out the tall blonde dude from the bar. "Seth. He's not really the friendly type and has a temper. So if you can help it, don't go around him much."

" Yeah that's what I been told. I already had the pleasure of meeting him at the bar when Tasha took me there."

He smiled bitterly for a moment- probably guessing how Seth and Tasha handle one another in the same room- before getting a goofy grin on his face.

When I turned to see what he was looking at, I had to brace myself back on the bar counter. For the second time in less than a week, my breath caught in my throat.

Lissa and Rose walked in, arms locked together. Both dressed in little dressed and all done up. Lissa looked like a model with her tall lean body in a fashionable light blue strapless number. Whereas Rose looked like every man's favorite wet dream strutting though in a very short tight black dress. Head held high radiating confidence.

I tried to advert my eyes, but I was failing miserably. I couldn't stop myself from mentally tracing every curve on her body, from her collarbone, her sides, hips down her lightly tanned legs and back again. I wanted to trace every curve with my tounge. I was starting to feel like a pedophile when Christian snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I wonder who that guy is that stopped them. He looks around Abe's age..." he frowned while he spoke. "I'll be right back."

I nodded slightly looking at the tall well dressed man, who stopped the girls. Neither of them looked very happy about talking to whoever it was. Rose looked uncomfortable when she spoke, but kept a small smile on her face. Lissa had a tight grip on Rose's hand, even from so far away in this lighting it was easy to see.

I watched Christian stroll up behind the girls, throwing both his arms out over their shoulders, with a cocky look on his face as he talked. I didn't know why but I wanted to badly walk over and be next to them, maybe it was curiosity of what was being said. Or the fact you just want to ogle your Boss closer up.

I groaned and turned around to lean on the bar counter, Coming face to face with the little gothic bar tender. My eyes wide feeling like I got caught. "You look stressed. First night gitters?" she asked, half shouting over the music as she handed over a cold water bottle.

I took it gratefully and tried to smile, "Not even a little bit." She smiled brightly at me, the same smile she gave Christian when we came in.

"You're not American huh?" she half asked herself, noting my accent. "You can't fool me." She waggles her fingers in front of my face. "I see all. Anyways don't worry about it. If you can make it though the first night with no problem every other night will be a cake walk. Trust me. I remember my first night here. Seen seven fights, watched a girl pass out in front of me, then had a kid throw up all over me. It was pleasant." She laughed some as she petted my arm. "Oh and let's not forget the girls who thought they were staring in some girls gone wild on the bar top! But something tells me you will have a better time than I did. So keep your head up!" With that she that she left to go get more dinks for the half belligerent guys that was shouting trying to get her attention.

I watched the girl silently as she pranced around the bar counter fixing drinks faster than I ever watched anyone do so before. She was quick and full of energy; ever once in a while she would spin a bottle around in her hands, or pop them off her arms before pouring shots. She made bar tending look like a child's game. She seemed a little bit weird, but friendly at least.

I could feel her eyes on me before she even spoke, a spark licking down my spine.

"She's puts on a good show don't ya' think?"

I glanced to my left side noticing Rose leaning against the counter, just like me. Her long beautiful dark hair was pulled up in a messy bun. Looking into her eyes felt like she was looking into my soul. She smiled sweetly at me, batting her eyelashes before looking down at the counter.

"Yeah, never seen someone flip bottles like that before. It's pretty interesting." I said while taking in her beauty. She's your boss.. She's only twenty Dimitri stop it. I bet I could get her to scream my name.

She just nodded some."It's called flogging, the flipping the bottles." When she looked back at me it she had nothing but business on her face."Anyways, the guys told me they already told you the basics. So this is for you." She handed me a small ear piece, while she tapped her ear where an identical one was located. "Keep it in your ear at all times. If something is up and you need back up just press it, if someone gives out a call and your closer to their location then go for it. Any questions?"

I was running though as many work related questions I could ask just to hear her voice again, but none came to mind. I shook my head and took a big drink of the water Devin handed to me earlier. Rose seemed like she wanted to get away from me no matter how much I just wanted to drink in the sight of her.

"Alright, You got about-" she glanced up at a big clock hanging up behind the bar counter. "ten minutes before your shift starts. If you need any help, just press into your ear piece and one of us will find you."

I just nodded again, feeling like a fool for not being able to open my mouth around her. I didn't know why but this girl made me feel like a shy high school boy around her.

She left shortly after getting two drinks, and yet again I failed to keep my eyes off of her,- it was like every step was a tease for me, swaying her hips, before she reached the table -where Lissa, Christian and the other people he pointed out earlier. She glanced back at me with the most stunning smile I've ever seen.

Oh tonight is going to be a long, long night.

Rose P.O.V

The whole time I felt his intense eyes on me, but I wouldn't let myself look back. I didn't want him to catch me looking at him.-Once the table came into sight, I groaned on the inside. Sitting along my friends was the one girl who went out of her way to make my life hell.

Avery. – And she didn't seem happy to see me at all. "Rose! Why would you sick those horrible dogs of your on Adrian?" Christian and Lissa busted up laughing

I looked over my shoulder and locked eyes with Dimitri, I couldn't help the smile and blush that came to my face. – I was caught and he was looking back at me. It made little butterflies pick up in my stomach. Maybe he thought my backside was as nice as his.

When I took my seat I only shrugged with the smile still on my face. "That's what he gets for trying to get into the shower to 'scrub' my back."

I took pride watching her face flush in anger as she tried to control herself. -Everyone knew Avery wanted Adrian back in her life, but just like everyone knew that Adrian wanted me and not her. – Mason didn't look as thrilled about Adrian's offer to wash my back either.

"Rose it really was uncalled for. It's what friends do for one another. I'll wash your back, and you can wash mine." Adrian piped up as he took his drink smiling at me.

"No Adrian, lovers wash one another. Friends listen when someone says put your cloths on and get out of my bathroom." I retorted.

Everyone was laughing and having a good time. – Besides Avery- Christian and Adrian picked on one another, so Lissa and I decided to go dance. It didn't take long for Christian to come to Lissa's side as soon as he noticed she was gone.

I let myself scan the club, but I never saw him. I never heard anything over my ear piece either. It was strange for things to be mellow around this place. I took it as a blessing, letting the rhythm sway my body with every beat.

When we got back to the table Mason and Avery where setting down refills for everyone. I gladly picked mine up drinking it down. It was sweet, but had a bitter after taste.

"Oh thanks guys!" Lissa slurred giving everyone a big smile while she took her seat leaning on Christian. She giggled as she sipped her drink.- Lissa was a light weight, four drinks in and she was already bubbly.- "Rose! Will you dance with me again? P-P-Pleeeeeassee!" she stuck her bottom lip out in a pout.

I couldn't help but laugh at her. Honestly who could turn that pouty face away? Or anyone who said please like Roger Rabbit?

Slamming my drink down, I grabbed a hold of her hand pulling her out of Christian's arms, letting her squeal and stumble into mine. "I'm stealing your woman. I promise I won't ware her out too much."

"Better not. 'We' still have a long night ahead of us." He smirked.

Before we walked off I heard something about 'ten minutes not being counted as long.' When I went to go grab onto Lissa I just couldn't get my hand on her. I kept missing. Everything felt like it started to spin. I only had four drinks... I can't be drunk can I? Oh I feel sick. I thought.

"Liss'!" I shouted over the music trying to fight my eyes to get them to level out on her. "Go back to the table. I have to go the bathroom." I didn't even wait for her response as I pushed my way through people trying to get to the restrooms. The walk felt like it was forever, everything in slow motion. I felt hands touching my body as I fought my way. Everything was so fucking loud, but sounded smothered to my ears. My legs wobbly, like I could fall at any moment. I found this feeling slightly entertaining, feeling myself giggle before I could stop it.

Right before I got to the hall way that lead to the bathrooms a strange hand reached out for me, throwing me into the wall. I felt my head snap back off of the wall but didn't feel the blow. Before I could even register my eyes on the person who shoved me I felt their hands sliding up and down my sides.

I wanted to scream but nothing came out. Head pounding along to the music before everything went black.

A/N- Yeah I switched back and forth for a moment, but I didn't want keep writing the same thing from different point of views. So I mixed it up a bit. Sorry for the long delay. Things have just been crazy so I haven't had much time to write or go over my work.

As always thanks for the R&R's and the support. You guys are awesome, and make it easier to write when I feel like my words suck. I'll try to update again sooner this time. If you guys want to read or put your own twist to this story then send me your feedback and we'll see what happens.