I was in a meadow, playing with all the little fairies. One little blond one said,

"Chloe, Chloe love, wake up. We have school."

I blearily opened my eyes to see black ones.

"Alek?" I murmured.

"The one and the same," he chuckled. I sat up.

"What're you doing in my bed?"

"Might want to look at your body." He smirked as I scrambled to cover myself up. My face flushed as I remembered the events of last night. We had sex.

"Don't." Alek reached out to pull away the covers. "I love the view."

I glared at him. "Did my mom come back?"

"Nope." He shook his head cheerfully. "If you want…we could skip school and have another go? He offered suggestively.

"Nah, I'll pass." I got up with the blanket to pick up clothes and go to the bathroom. "I have date today."

"With who?" Alek only sounded mildly curious. I don't know why I got irritated. Did I want him to be jealous or something?

"This guy I met on Wednesday. I promised him coffee today." I finished dressing and stepped out. "Let's go."

The rest of the day at school, I could feel his eyes on me during class, at lunch, and even at PE. There was something off about him; but I just couldn't place it. Amy and Paul were as close as ever—did I mention they're dating now?—so I was just like the third wheel. For once, I was eager to go to work, where I could daydream and actually be myself.

This season was all about being "sexy", so we got a bunch of old revealing clothes, like the one people wear to clubs and all that. I was folding one of those tops that cut open in the middle and was netted when I felt a voice at my ear.

"You know, you'd look real nice in that." Alek picked up a very, very short miniskirt. "It would look perfect with this."

"Alek, you know I'm at work."

"I'm just a customer," he replied smoothly. I sighed and continued folding.

I heard the door of the shop open and looked up. In came Brian, wearing the kitty hat and all. He looked around, finally spotting me. I swiftly moved away from the revealing clothes and pretended to start folding the jeans.

"Hey Brian." I grinned at him.

From the other side of the shop, I heard Alek mutter a dark, "That's him?"

"Hey, you ready to go?" he asked.

"Ready as ever." Truthfully, I don't think I wanted to go for coffee, but really wanted to test Alek's reaction. But when I'm in my right mind, I don't think I would ever let myself believe that.

Alek POV

"Nah, I'll pass." Chloe said. "I have a date today."

I froze. A date? But I thought we—we had—

I tried to mask the emotions I felt.

"With who?" I asked coolly, when in reality I wanted to tear whoever it was apart for asking her out.

"This guy I met at work on Wednesday. I promised him coffee." She answered. So she refuses me for two years, but accepts this guys offer right after she meets him? And he's human, no doubt.

I don't know what possessed me as to follow her to work in the afternoon, but I did. I wanted to see for myself the guy Chloe wanted. What did he have that I didn't?

When "Brian" comes in and says a quick hi, I can't help but to mutter a dark, "That's him."

He wasn't half-bad as a guy, but obviously I'm better. I'm hot, I have that adorable accent, a killer body, and I'm amazing in bed—and this exactly is what turns Chloe off, my cocky attitude. Heh, Cock-y. Yeah I'm just being my perverted self. But what's more, I'm Mai. She can never actually be with that human, but me, I can stay with her for eternity. I know, sappy, but that's what Chloe does to me.

The date is just a coffee at the local Starbucks but it kills me inside to watch them chatting happily. He says something funny and she laughs—a full-blown laugh that I have never seen 'till now. My heart was burning for her and she had no clue.

I blew a breath of relief when they said their goodbyes and Chloe starts on her way home. I growl softly at the longing looks Brian throws at her retreating back and I want to pounce on him, but what would Valentina say?

I make sure I'm in her room before her when she opens the door.

"Hey, how was your date?"

"Good I guess." She glances at me with a meaningful look that I can't place.

"So you like him?" I hid the real curiosity in my voice.

"Yeah," my heart shattered. "but he's not really my type. He's super nice and all, but that's it. I don't feel anything with him." She finishes bluntly. At those words, my heart soars, rebuilding from all the pieces it was broken into. I try to push back the grin making it's way to my face.

"Alek, can I tell you something?" she asks, looking at me intently.

I nod slightly, a gesture for her to continue.

"Alek I—" Was she going to say she could see me anymore? Or that she hated me? I calmed myself down to listen to the rest of her sentence.

"Alek…I think I may love you." She finishes, with something like shame on her face.