HEY THERES! This is my FIRST fanfic on this website so don't be harsh cuz I know I'm not a great writer. I AM A HUGE HUGE fan of TNLOCK [especially Benjamin Stone;]. What am I forgetting…oh yeah:

Disclaimer: I do not own the Nine lives of Chloe King in any way; if I did, Brian would be gone

"Mom, I'm leaving," I called as I slipped out the front door.

"Love you," she called back.

"Implied," I sang, firmly shutting the door behind me. Amy, my best friend was already parked outside, ready to leave for our favorite spot to meet Paul there.

"THERE'S THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!" she squealed, jumping out to hug me.

"Whoa, calm down Ame; it's not my birthday yet."

"It's almost your birthday. It's tomorrow." She argued, pushing me into the passenger seat of her car.

"So meet us here at seven and we'll have dinner—"I interrupted her.

"Amy, Amy, Amy—were you not listening to what I just told you? I want to do something DIFFERENT for a change. BE DIFFERENT."

"So what do you want to do then?" Paul interjected; both him and Amy were looking confused.

I just smiled. "Let's go clubbing."

"Chloe! We can't just go clubbing! We're still minors!" Amy's words lingered in my mind. But I didn't care. Like I said, I wanted to be different, take some risks and not just be mommy's protected little girl.

And Amy and Paul, like the friends they was, came with me.

"Chloe," Amy hissed. "What are we going to do? ID, remember?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some people leave through some kind of back door. I winked at my friends and started making my way to the door. Once again, my loyal friends followed.

We were finally in. And the inside looked amazingly fun. People were dancing, drinking…grinding. It looked wonderful. And then we ran into this really hot guy.

We locked eyes. He grinned, obviously appreciating my clothes. I had worn a tight miniskirt and tank to emphasize the hot night, but I hadn't realized until now that it went a little low, boosting my cleavage and the skirt hiked up at the side. I grinned back.

"Hi."I started, hoping the guy was nice.

"Hi...I hope it's not rude or anything…but you look kind of young." He looked curious.

I hoped my lilting voice didn't give me away. "Don't worry, we-we're over eighteen."

He nodded smiling. "Good to know…you're supposed to be over twenty-one." Oops. My bad.

I looked at him pleadingly. "Please don't tell anyone."

He just winked. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

I laughed. "Dance with me." I pulled him closer.

"Why not?" he smirked, but it was sweet anyway.

We danced all night, finally getting out for some fresh air.

"Wow. Just…wow." He said entangling my fingers with his. "I've never seen such a wild girl."

I stopped walking and looked at him curiously. "No one's actually said that about me before."

He laughed incredulously. "No one? You're lying. You're just too-too adorable and hot."

I just had an urge to hug him so I did. "Thanks." I made to pull away but he held on.

"You know, my brothers place is only a couple blocks away…" he whispered.

I smiled sweetly up at him. "Unfortunately, I'm not that wild—yet."

"Yeah, I didn't think you were that type…hey, I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm not over 21 either. I'm eighteen."

I raised my eyebrows. He certainly looked over 21. "Then I guess I have to let you in on mine. I'm only sixteen."

His eyes widened, then relaxed. "Good, I thought you might be older. Will you maybe give me a call sometime?"

I grinned and handed him my phone, peering in on what he entered. "Xavier…I like the name."

He winked. "Then let's hope you like the face that goes with it."

I snapped a picture. "I think I do. See ya." I walked past him, only to stop as I made a split-second decision. I quickly retraced my steps back to where he was and pressed my lips to his. My arms went to the back of his head and his arm went to my back pressing me closer as a tongue peeked into my mouth. It felt so so sweet.

We finally broke away, gasping. I touched his face tenderly. "See? I knew I was missing out on something." He just stood there in shock.

"Are you sure you don't need a ride? It's kinda cold out." I giggled; it was smoldering outside.

"I kinda like it. It make me feel…alive."

Then I walked out, leaving him to his thoughts about me. But who's to say that I didn't have my own?

And there you go, chapter 1! It's a bit longer than I expected but, its only better for you . So I'm expecting some reviews. Here's how it works:

1-2 reviews: I don't update

3-7: Gimme about 2 weeks

8-11: I week

12-13: A few days

14+: You'll get it the next day and I will be SUPER happy

But remember, I will expect more as I progress in the story. And sorry, Alek will appear in the next chappie…I KNOW U ALL LUV HIM SO REVIEW FOR HIM IF NOT FOR ME ;)