This is the last chapter of this one. Hope you guys like it. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed this story!


John almost-almost-smiled when he opened the door to the hotel room and found Randy sleeping in the large bed. Randy hadn't slept for days, not since he'd woken up in the hospital and John knew just how exhausted he was.

He'd stayed with John until he'd been cleared to leave the hospital. He'd come in with a concussion but at least it hadn't been too serious. On the day he'd been released, he'd found Randy beside Justin's bed, who had still been unresponsive, in shock, he guessed.

John used to think the worst week of his life was before he'd moved. He used to think it had been when he'd taken a bad hit on the football field. He'd lain there, unable to move for several minutes, in utter terror that the hit had paralyzed him. It hadn't but the following few days, when he'd learned that he'd never be able to play again had set him adrift in a way he'd never been, even when his parents had cut off contact when he'd come out.

He was wrong. As terrible as that week had been, it was nothing compared to the week he had just gone through. Waking up in the hospital to a concussion and gaining the knowledge that not only had Mike killed himself but that he had also killed another person…watching Randy scratch at his own skin to get off blood that had already been washed away, Randy clutching him as he sobbed for everything he had seen over his life. Even seeing Justin's blank eyes…

And Mike…John could only think of him with a sense of surrealness and soul deep sorrow. Mike had been his best friend in grade school. Mike had kept in touch with him all throughout high school and his career. Mike had been the supportive one, the comforting one when he'd lost his career.

John sat on the bed next to Randy, watching him sleep. He couldn't connect the two people. The friend who had always been there for him when John needed him and the guy who had caused Randy and his friends so much pain.

Trish and a couple others-Shawn and Cody, John had learned was their names-had come by after John had gotten the hotel room. He'd gotten it as soon as he'd been released from the hospital with the sure knowledge that, even if they'd somehow managed to get the blood out of Randy's carpets, that he'd never go back to that apartment again.

And John…he couldn't go back to the house either, at least not yet. He would, to get his things out but that would be it. He couldn't fathom staying there any longer.

After a moment, John lay down on the bed and rolled so that he could wrap his arms around Randy. Nothing would ever be the same again. He was sure of that.


"Are you sure about this?" John asked solemnly, setting one of his bags down just outside the door of the house. Randy was sitting on the steps of the porch, one of John's oversized hoodies engulfing his smaller frame. It was still pretty warm outside but Randy had been a little sick, probably due to the lack of sleep.

"I can't stay here anymore," Randy replied, turning to look at John. "You don't have to come with me," he said quietly.

John shrugged, glanced back at the house. "I can't stay here either." He went back inside, glancing around the place to make sure he'd gotten everything. He stopped on his way to his room at the open door of Mike's.

Mike had always been a bit of a neat freak and everything was orderly in there. He wondered where it would all go. Mike's parents had been called but John had avoided seeing them. He'd never cared for Mike's parents, who hadn't cared much for their son. He wondered if they'd take it all with them when they went back to their home or if they'd just sell it all…


He should probably be helping John. At least, that's what Randy thought but he couldn't even force himself to go inside, just like he hadn't been able to go inside his apartment. He'd tried, after. Someone had suggested that it might help him deal but he couldn't.

He hadn't slept much at all, too afraid of the nightmares. Too sick with his newly gained knowledge. He'd always wanted to know who had killed Adam. The dreams he'd had before Adam's death, which at the time he'd thought were only dreams, had never given him a clue as to the killer.

Maybe he should have known. At least, that was the thought that kept repeating in his head. He and Mike were friends in high school. Maybe he should have known something was wrong then. But he and Mike had never been as close as he and Justin, definitely not as close as he was with Adam.

And John…John had surprised him by staying. Randy had expected him to leave after he'd been discharged from the hospital. Maybe he'd even expected blame. Randy's gut sure had been twisted up with guilt since. He'd never hated his little ability more than he did then.

Randy was pulled from his thoughts with the sound of a car parking in the drive and he looked up in time to see Justin getting out of the driver's side. Justin walked hesitantly closer to him and Randy got a good look at his face. There were bags under his eyes that matched the ones under Randy's and he looked even thinner than the last time Randy had seen him.

"Hey." Justin stopped about a foot from him but Randy did not get up.

"What are you doing here?" His voice sounded hoarse in his ears, strained.

"I just…I wanted to tell you I'm leaving…"

Randy glanced behind himself, to the still open door of the house. "Yeah. Me too."

Justin nodded. He blinked a few times and Randy was sure that he might start crying. Before, Randy had only ever seen Justin cry a couple of times, only once after they'd made it into their teenage years. Since Mike…he'd seen it too many times.

"I'm sorry, Randy," Justin finally said quietly, the sincerity in his voice clear.

"I know." Randy let out a sigh. "But it's not enough." It didn't erase the past seven years. It didn't erase what had happened on the high school football field after graduation.

"I know." Justin paused, chewed his lip. "But I am." He glanced behind Randy as John came back out to the door. "Hope you're happy, wherever you go. See you around." He turned at that and went back to his car.

Unexpectedly, the sense of loss in Randy grew even greater. He was positive, in that moment, that he would never see Justin again. John sat down beside him and they both watched Justin drive away.

"You okay?" John asked, and the question was about Justin, nothing else.

"Not really," Randy answered. "You sure you want to come with me?" He'd already asked, he just needed to be sure.

"I'm sure."

"There are still things you don't know about me…"

And that was probably true. God knew there were things about him that Randy didn't know. They hadn't spent nearly enough time together. Still, even with how horrible the last two weeks had been, he couldn't bring himself to leave the one good thing that had come out of it.

"It's okay. We got time."

They both looked up when another car drove up and Randy did stand this time. Trish, Cody, and Shawn got out and John watched from the steps as Randy pulled Trish into a hug.


Randy watched the road from the passenger seat of John's car. Maybe he was running but it didn't feel like running. He was finally going to the city and maybe it was what he needed. Maybe it was what he should have done when he'd graduated like he'd planned.

And John was with him. John was willing to see where what they had went. The horror of what he'd seen was still there, and he and John still didn't know everything about each other. He hadn't told John about what he saw sometimes.

But John was right. They had time. He'd only ever told two people about them but maybe he would tell John someday. Maybe John would leave when he did find out but John had stuck with him even after everything that had gone down in the past couple of weeks.

They weren't aright. Maybe they'd never be but he had to hope.


So, I've been planning on ending this story like this from pretty much the beginning. Writing it out was harder. I know it's just a little bit open ended but, hey, I always liked leaving stories just a little open.