The Secret Circle

So this is how it ends right. He drags me out into the centre of the woods, tries to kill me, I finally lose control and the darkness consumes me and kills both of us. I wonder if any of this is even going through his head? That we both kept battling with one another till the very end, without telling each other. That we never let our hearts take us over, instead we ignored our emotions and suppressed them because we had an agenda – a mission – something that we had to do. We must have gone a mile or two now from the others…all assembled together, wondering what was going to happen to the two of them.

"So this is it Jake," Cassie murmured, breaking away from him, stumbling over a few branches, "this is how you want to finish things?"

"I don't know what I want to do anymore," he yelled desperately, "Isaac said…and then you…this was never meant to be like this…you should have died that night at the boat house…things would've all been fine. But you let me fall for you and I was stupid enough to fall into your trap, and you've just been waiting manipulating me-"

"-yeah I have," Cassie fired back, cautiously closing the distance between them again, "yeah Jake I've been manipulating you because I needed to get to Isaac and to the True Believers and you were our easiest route forward. You gave me an opening and I took it Jake. You knew there was a darkness in me, well that was my father's side of things – duplicitous and seductive…the way he lured in my mother…the way I lured you in."

"The darkness is evil; I needed to kill it-"

"-no you didn't…you trusted in me for a little while," Cassie shouted again, "and then you changed right before my eyes – was it one of the stones that Isaac gave you…or something that they did to you at that Hunter gathering you want to," Jake gawped at her, "yeah I followed you there too – if my boyfriend was trying to kill me I wanted to know how he intended to do it. And you know what I found out Jake, all I needed was a lock of your hair, your family's stone and some hemlock – it's black magic, the blackest there is actually," she said confidently, producing the three items from her right pocket, "but then you have to use dark magic if you're going to kill someone."

Jake's eyes widened at her as she advanced on him, "Cassie…this is the darkness talking – focus you don't need to do this."

"You think that the darkness is controlling me Jake, you're trying to provoke it out of me…or isn't that why you brought me out here? To kill me so the darkness could be exorcised for ever?" Cassie quizzed mock-innocently.

Jake frowned, "If killing you is the only way to destroy the darkness that killed my family…then I have to do it Cassie."

"And you understand why I can't allow you to do that Jake," Cassie said, advancing on him, clenching the lock of hair, hemlock and ruby-red stone in the palm of her hand, "because if I allow it then you'll harness the darkness…and I couldn't…allow that."

I can't falter now. I know Jake is evil. He was planning to kill me, its kill or be killed, and I can't die. I've lost too much already, and, if I die my darkness will be released and it might take Jake or any of the others…and they aren't strong enough to hold onto it, no matter what they say it would be too much for them, and I could never forgive myself if one of them died for my sins. But why kill Jake? Killing him won't set him free…this is something that I have to do for myself and I can stop Jake without killing him. He's evil. I know that. But he's twisted and he's been exploited. Isaac moulded and manipulated him into being someone he isn't meant to be, and I have to set him free from that. I'm going to. And then I can face this darkness on my own – like I was meant to.

"I'm so sorry Jake," she said, dropping the hemlock and the stone to the floor and advancing on him, "know that I loved you…even for your flaws." She leant in and pecked him lightly on the lips. Physical contact is best, and you don't get more physical than this. I can take the darkness from him, it won't make a difference now…then I can dispose of it all…and I'll finally be free. At least that's the hope. If this works. There's something I don't understand but I can't face that now. I have to give myself freely. She brought her hand up to the back of his head and dropped him to the ground in one fell swoop, making sure he landed safely. By the time he regained consciousness she would be gone. If she headed north she'd be back by the Harbour and the Lake, and then she could finish it all. Finish everything. Cassie turned back to look at Jake one last time and then set off, jumping over branches and trees and crossing everything. Despite the sadness building inside of her she didn't cry, she channelled it, willing herself on bravely. Till she could get there and make the sacrifice.


"He's here," Faye called ahead of them, her voice sounding tense, "she knocked him out." Melissa drew up with Faye and bent down beside her as Faye tested his pulse and then briskly slapped him round the face. Jake jerked upright immediately, shocked out of his unconsciousness. He looked around frantically and then regarded Faye, who, so close to his face, seemed as though she might lean in to kiss him. Instead she sprang away from him, regarding him from above while Melissa stayed close beside him. Diana was keeping Adam at a safe distance – the two male Witches dangerous combination of jealousy, magical power and testosterone wouldn't help an already grim situation.

"Where is she Jake?" Melissa asked softly, ignoring Faye's imperious gaze.

"I'm not sure," he murmured distractedly, touching at the back of his head, "she said a lot about not letting me…kill her…to release the dark magic inside of her because she thought I'd harness it."

Diana moved closer now, keeping Adam behind her, "She must be trying to remove the darkness from herself."

"But she'd have to kill herself," Faye replied mockingly and then realized the true impact of that statement, "where would she go?"

"The harbour," Melissa answered solemnly, "she'll know that Nick…that the Demon was murdered there, water will purify her but it'll kill her in the process."

Diana nodded, "Faye take the boys to the Harbour – try and find Cassie, Melissa we'll get the Books and see if there's something in there to help…or if Jane can help us." Faye let the look between her and Diana linger for a moment and then break – it was a recognition between the two girls that they were now equals, aligned and attuned to one another. And strange though it was for Faye she felt a pang of warmth at that. She bent down and lifted Jake to his feet and then watched Adam advance upon Jake. She stepped in between the two of them as Diana and Melissa sprinted off, back in the direction they had come from.

"You two, put your rivalry aside – if you both love her you'll work together." Faye reminded and then waited as Jake and Adam sized one another up, before nodding begrudgingly and shaking hands gingerly. Faye nodded and then sprinted off toward the Harbour, followed belatedly by the boys.


This is the easy part. I stand in the water and just put my head under, and then just let the water in and it sets me free. And finally I'll be at peace. There won't be a conflict…or darkness…or evil. I'll be free. So gloriously free.


Cassie felt a shudder spark down her spine as she looked at Nick, standing beside her, waist deep in the water, a look of fear, tinged with that cocky smile she associated so readily with Nick, etched across his face. "Didn't think you had it in you."

"You barely knew me before…what happened," Cassie disregarded, trying to focus on the moment at hand, "and besides you didn't have a choice. I'm doing this willingly. I'll be free at last Nick, so wonderfully free, don't you understand how hard it is?"

"More than you'd imagine," Nick disagreed, moving closer toward her in the water till he was barley a metre away, "I grew up without parents and with a brother that was…that still is a dick Cassie, and yeah…my darkness isn't the same as yours but it's still there. I still know what it feels like, but when my darkness caught up with me I couldn't fight it. I wasn't as strong as you, and that got me killed. You're a hell of a lot stronger than me, than Jake – than any of us. The fact that you're standing here is a testament to that.

"If you take a long look at yourself you'll see you've come a long way from that stupid little blonde that breezed into Chance Harbour thinking that you're life was going to be hell," Nick grinned at her but Cassie couldn't…she was too entranced by how surreal the situation was, "and it turned out it was – but not as you expected it to be. You've made a bunch of friends that you will be tied to for the rest of your life Cassie. You're a smart Witch Cassie and you should know that this darkness isn't gonna beat you and you aren't gonna die to defeat it."

"I don't have a choice," she disagreed, "the Book of Shadows were no use…I couldn't find an answer in there…this is the only way Nick. The elements are purifying, and instead of being burned to death or buried alive drowning seems…easier. I can't do this Nick, and you can't stop me. I have to do this…then I can be free."

"I think they have something to say about it," he said casting his head toward the shore and Cassie turned around, spotting Faye, Jake and Adam, each regarding her urgently and each clearly searching for the best course of action, "you don't get to choose this Cassie, have faith in yourself and your abilities." Cassie turned to respond to Nick but he was gone, and at that point a thunderbolt crackled across the sky. Like that night at the harbour when she first arrived in Chance Harbour, when Faye triggered the storm. Except this time was different, Cassie could feel the electricity crackling through her body – it meant the darkness was coming.

She trudged back to the shore, toward Faye, Jake and Adam but then stopped short of them. She could feel how cold she was now – at first she'd thought it was just the water but this was something different, the darkness was coming. "Keep back," she yelled, "I don't want to hurt any of you, and don't try to stop me. I have to control this and do it myself – otherwise it might take one of you."

"Cassie we just want to help," Adam said stepping forward but without warning Cassie jerked her right arm and Adam sailed backward, smashing into a tree at the edge of the forest with a sickening crunch, slipping down it unconscious. Jake turned both his palms to the ground and Faye copied, holding their position while trying not to think about what kind of state Adam would be in after the impact. Cassie stepped away, repulsed at what she'd...what her darkness had just done. As if to state the impact another bolt of lightning streaked across the sky and Cassie could sense the rain-storm beginning overhead.

Jake moved tentatively toward Cassie and Faye mirrored, advancing upon Cassie who remained where she was, "Please stay back," Cassie said, realizing her voice was becoming increasingly hysterical as the first few raindrops began to hit her face and she felt the tingling building again in her body, "please I don't want to hurt any more of you." The electricity….the darkness was rising within her now, building like a cauldron as Jake and Faye moved closer, they were murmuring under their breath although Cassie couldn't tell what, as the darkness continued rising in her body. She felt it build up in her ankles and move swiftly through her body, absorbing her legs and her chest before approaching her head. The noise was deafening…though she couldn't tell what it was as she dropped to the floor, crying and screaming and writhing in pain.

Jake moved to touch her and Faye recognized that the connection would be deadly, wrenching his hand away seconds before a dark spell smashed into them, knocking them toward the tree-line, throwing them down just short of it as lightning again traced over the sky and there was nearby roar of thunder.

"I have to do something," Jake said looking into Faye's eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks, "I have to save her from this."

"She's gone now Jake," Faye said squeezing his hand tightly, "she's gone." She cast her head toward Cassie and then spotted Diana and Melissa stood on the far side of Cassie, tilting her head so Jake could spot them. He nodded and they both crawled slowly toward the two Witches, Faye drew herself up beside them, "What do we do? Adam's…unconscious and Cassie's…on the verge of being consumed by it."

Diana offered Faye her hand and she took it, giving her other to Melissa. Jake took Melissa and Faye's hands, completing a four person circle. Nestled in Diana's hand Faye felt a crystal and suddenly became aware that Cassie's crystal and her grandfather's were with the Circle as they stood silently. Suddenly Faye felt a connection, she could feel the ground at her feet, the air around her, the water pounding onto her and then she spotted the fire, a candle at the centre of them, still somehow alight despite the pouring rain. She could feel each of the elements working intricately together to produce purity – a kind of ethereal white energy that built in the centre of them as they all drew in the elements and brought them together with them.

Cassie could feel the tendrils of the darkness embalming her as they drew her in and tried to cut her off from the light, taking her away from the world and drawing her into the darkness. She could feel it wrapping around and then reached out, flailing with her arms for something to hold onto as she slipped further into the abyss, screaming and crying out for anyone to help her. And then she felt someone wrap her inside a hug, she blinked open her eyes a few types and then felt a single tear trace her faith as she regarded her mother, crouching in front of her. She was dressed in white robes and Cassie implicitly understood Nick had sent her.

"Mom…I can't do it…it's too hard…Mom please just make it stop." She said, feeling the strength of the last few weeks ebb away from her gradually.

"My sweet, sweet Cassie," she said stroking at her daughter's face, "you are stronger than I was –that's the reason you're going to beat what was always my mistake. Your father was an evil, wicked man…and I didn't see through that at the time. Instead I was stupidly taken in like young girls are. But if only you could know how proud of you I am, how happy I am that you and your Circle have such a close affinity. You have been everything and more than I could have hoped for – I never wanted this life for you but you have made this your life…you haven't let Witchcraft control you. You've shaped it and ensured that you use it responsibly and maturely and Cassie…you're just so wonderful. You have only one more challenge to overcome. This darkness is your father's attempt to manifest himself and he is coming, of that you can be sure Cassie. Your Circle are performing admirably – their powers are what brought you to me, and do not allow fear for Adam to build in you, your Grandmother is already ensuring that he is kept safe. One last, great push Cassie, and then you will be free at last. You can turn your back on this darkness. Courage, Cassie. I have every faith in your abilities as a Witch." Her mother kissed her softly on her head and suddenly Cassie felt a new strength, building inside of her as she stood up, shaking of the tendrils of darkness.

The tendrils snapped back like elastic, shaming them into a man that was taller than her, handsome, and about the right age to be her father. She could see why her mother had fallen in love. He was quite handsome in his own ways, tall, brunette, broad-shouldered and piercing blue eyes, like hers. The piercing blue eyes that meant deceit and ultimately death – darkness incarnate. She kept her distance from him but watched him warily. Acutely aware that he was plotting to kill her. He smirked at her and then began sprinting toward her, and before Cassie knew what she was doing she was hurtling toward him herself. She was glowing, an ethereal ivory colour, tails of lights stretching out behind her, while his tentacles of darkness began to wrap out behind him, trailing for miles. They were approaching the point of collision. Cassie closed her eyes as they smashed into one another and she felt a tornado of black and white whirl around them, wrapping and crossing over one another.

Thunder roared around them and then she hit the ground with a thud.


The light was streaming in through the window, glittering normally, as though she were wandering woodland. Except she wasn't. She was tucked into her bed resting. She slipped out from under the covers and realized she was dressed in a tee and a pair of shorts – someone had changed her clothes…and washed her hair, she realized stroking at it. She crossed to the window looking at the Armstrong's place and stopped as she regarded Jake, shirtless, wandering the room. He turned around and there was instant, warm, friendly grin on his face. She put her hand to the window in greeting, smiling uncertainly and he mirrored. She turned around as the door behind her opened and Diana slipped into the room, she was dressed in jeans, tee and a blazer – typical, effortlessly pristine Diana. Cassie grinned at her friend and hugged at her and then felt pain from trying to squeeze her too tightly so instead, flopped down onto her bed which equally hurt. She hadn't realized how sore she was all over.

"You feel bad, huh?" Diana quizzed, smiling sweetly at her.

Cassie nodded, "What happened? My body aches all over…I remember…seeing my Dad…and then there was this collision and…and then nothing."

Diana stroked at her left shoulder comfortingly, "The good news is that the darkness is gone, from you at least, your Grandma checked you over and whatever you did in your battle of wits or whatever worked…and as for the pain…you came down pretty hard after your ordeal. Not as bad as Adam…he's got a broken arm and collar bone so he's…looking a little messy," she blushed a little and tried to think of something other than Adam, "did you see Jake?"

"Just now at the window," Cassie said, musing over Jake's smile: did that mean that they were a couple now…she'd need some clarity there, "how's the Circle?"

"Better now we don't have this over our heads…Jake is reformed now…I think you did something to him. He even went to see Adam at the Hospital so they seem to have made amends…as for Faye…she is enjoying being able to exercise more individual power and Melissa…is focusing on her family's Book of Shadows…and finding us somewhere more secure than the Abandoned House." Diana clued-up.

"There's so much to discuss and think about," Cassie realized, absent-minded casting her head toward the window and where she was sure Jake would be, "even with this darkness lifted we have so much to think about it."

"And we can do that together," Diana replied confidently.


Sorry that the update has been a long time overdue,

But I wanted to get it right so I hope that in some way mitigates this.

This is also the last chapter I should point out…although there might

Be another Secret Circle fic at some point,

Hope you liked this one,
