Chapter 6: What's Wrong?

*Aerrow's POV*

"Well?" Piper stood waiting with her hands on her hips trying real hard no to smile at them both on the floor. Whilst Finn was staring at them sniggering. "Is someone going to answer?"

"Hey Piper, Finn. Nothing's going on JUNKO decided not to break." He glared at Junko slightly with a smile tugging at his lips.

"What? I thought I pulled them." He shrugged and pulled Aerrow up. "Anyways, I'm off, the fridge is calling." He walked past Piper and Finn and off to the kitchen. Aerrow walked over to Piper and gave her a hug, not wanting to rub it in Finns face, he made it quick.

"How are you?" He mumbled softly to her.

*Blushing*" Fine thanks."

*Cough Cough* Finn eyed them suspiciously and Piper quickly stepped out of Aerrow's arms. "Soo… anyway I'm just going to go…" he flayed his hand around trying to come up with an excuse. "… find… Junko and make sure he's not… eating everything." And with that he turned on his heel and left.

"What was that about?" Aerrow had a feeling something was off, and when Piper didn't answer he looked down at her to see that she was watching Finn. Something is definitely up with Piper and Finn, she doesn't usually act like this, and the look on her face is that…. Sadness and pity? Shaking his head he tried again, "Piper?" he asked hesitantly.

"Hmm… yeah?" she looked up at him - considering Aerrow's a foot taller than her - and looked slightly guilty.

"What's wrong?"


"Piper?" Aerrow looked down at her, trying not to show the hurt in his face that she wouldn't confine in him, but failed.

*Sigh* "Aerrow it's nothing ok." Looking at his face she could see he wasn't convinced. "You don't believe me?"

"No! I mean, of course I do!" he was getting flustered now.

"Look, Aerrow I really don't care right now. Ok? I'm not in the mood, I just want to sit down now. See ya around." And with that she left Aerrow standing there open-mouthed watching her go. Piper's never talked to me like that before, something's definitely wrong. And now she's mad at me. Perfect. Scowling to himself, he made his way over to his room to store the package with the crystal. He pulled up a piece of the floor and put the box in before closing it again. This storage space was where Aerrow kept all of his most meaningful belongings, and only he knew about it - not even Radarr knew and they shared a room!

*Sigh* I should find Piper, but she will want to cool off before we talk, knowing Piper. If I find her now things will only get worse. I hope this blows off in time for her birthday, otherwise everything I've done to prepare for it will have been for nothing. Whilst I wait I'm going to get food before Junko eats everything, considering I haven't eaten yet.

He got up off the floor and went over to the kitchen.

*Junko's POV*

Junko was stuffing his face with food, as per usual, Wallops usually eat loads to keep up their strength. Then Aerrow walked in looking kinds miserable, "Hey Junko, leave some for me."

"Hey Aerrow," he gulped down his mouthful of food so he could talk freely. "Where's Piper?"

"Umm… I don't know." He rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"Ok, wait what? You and Piper are always together, or know where each other are."

"Yeah I know, but…" Aerrow seemed reluctant to tell Junko.

"Aerrow, you know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah, I know, it's just, Piper and me, had a fight. Again."

"But you never fight."

"I know! Something's wrong. I don't know what, but every time I'm with her she seems distant, and when I ask her what's wrong she gets cold and shouts." Aerrow's face filled with sadness making Junko feel pity for him. Poor Aerrow, I know how much he loves Piper, and seeing him like this hurts.

"Aerrow, it'll be ok. Piper will come along eventually and everything will be just fine."

"Ok ok. But I hope it's before her birthday."

"Why? What's happening on her birthday?"

"Oh! Um nothing. Why?" He saw the look of suspicion on his face. "Nothing. Really ok."

"Hmm, yea sure fine."

"Anyway, I'm going to go find her now, see you around."

"Yea, see ya." He watched Aerrow go before returning to his food. Huh. I wonder why he came in here on the first place, I mean he didn't eat anything.

*Piper's POV*

Great, I can't believe I acted like that to Aerrow. What's wrong with me? First I almost kiss Finn and second I shout at Aerrow and feel like I want to smack him good. There I go again! I don't want to hit him really, but why do I feel so angry towards him all the time?

*Knock Knock* "Piper? It's me Aerrow."

Great. "What?"

"Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"Piper… please."

*Sigh* I should let him in. "Fine." She got up and opened the door for him. "Well?" Standing awkwardly against the door frame he looked at her. That look almost made her blush, even today, she felt her cheeks warm.

"Can I talk to you?" he smiled slightly at the sight of her blushing.

"Ok. Continue."

"Have I done something wrong? Did I do something to hurt you? Because if I -"

"Aerrow." She moved forward and slid her arms around him for comfort, not just for him, but both of them. "You haven't done anything wrong, believe me. It's something I've done." I have to tell him, now better than later.


"Whilst you were gone, I was in the kitchen with Finn and…"

"What happened?" she took this opportunity to sneak a quick look at him. Thank god he doesn't look mad i don't think I could deal with him shouting.

"Well, we almost….. kissed."




"Aerrow!" She felt his arms drop from her waist to his sides and she stepped back in shock. "Aerrow! Please say something!"

"….. Piper?" The look in his eyes of sadness, grief and hurt caused her to break down into a flood of tears.

"Aerrow I'm so sorry. I didn't… we… didn't… I'm sorry! I'm soo sorry I didn't mean to. I mean I wasn't planning on-"


"Please, please, forgive me. Please!"


"Yeah?" She looked at him slightly, he looked shell shocked.

"It's ok."


"It's ok."

"How? How's it ok? I almost kissed FINN!"

"Yeah, I know, but I see you're tormenting yourself enough already. I don't want to cause you anymore pain."

"Aerrow," She couldn't breathe anymore, she could feel herself falling but never felt the floor as a pair of strong, warm hand pulled her up before she hit the ground. And she only heard one word before she fell into complete blackness.
