Authors Note: A story written for a future Soul Eater cosplay concept of mine. I wish to cosplay Lord Death. But not him from 800 years ago or him from the anime/manga timeline. This story will explain Kid's hardships and exactly what Lord Death I wish to cosplay as. This story will revolve around Lord Death and Death The Kid. Also this story was written while listening to O Death. I suggest you YouTube it and listen to it while reading.

Summary: Who is more powerful than Death? Kid doesn't understand, but he knows that it isn't over. When a curse it set upon Lord Death how will Death the Kid handle the hurt and sorrow while taking on the responsibilities of dealing with the repercussions of said curse?

Who could beat Death?

He wanted to understand. He wanted to so badly that he was nearly driven to tears. The Death Room shook and trembled violently around them. The crooked grave markers tilted and swung this way and that way; some falling over altogether. The large mirror that rested at the top of the platform was vibrating so violently that the reflected image of The Death Room was nothing but fractured colors and shapes.

Lord Death gazed upwards towards the painted ceiling. His form remained upright, unweaving and calm. Only the slightest vibrations on the tips of his ragged cloak showed that he was being affected by the violent trembling around them. He glanced back at the mirror as the frame cracked ever so slightly from the vibrations running up its length from the floor.


The Death God's attention was reverted to his son who was standing at the bottom of the platform. The young Reaper made a noise of slight surprise as he was knocked completely off balance and collapsed to the floor. He clung to the violently vibrating platform, eyes screwed shut. A loud chorus of banging caused both Reapers to look back at the entrance to The Death Room.

The rows of giant guillotines released their sharp heavy blades in a manner resembling a domino effect. The vibrations climbing up their wooden spines causing the blades to come loose. Loud echoing bangs echoed throughout The Death Room as the blades dug into the floor sending bits of rubble here and there.

"DAD WHAT'S GOING ON!" Kid screamed as he attempted to stand but only managed to climb up onto the top of the platform before collapsing again. He gritted his teeth as he was knocked three feet to the left. His father leaned that way slightly.

"Kid, is the rest of the school experiencing these vicious vibrations?" Lord Death asked. His voice though still rather high pitched held a curiously dark air to it. Kid looked up at his father and shook his head.

"NO!" He yelled. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?" He yelped as a violent tremble rocked the entire platform, uprooting part of it and causing part of it to sink into the floor. He would have been thrown off had Lord Death not blocked him from the edge with one of his large white hands.

"It would seem that I have been cursed." The older Reaper said simply as he scooted Kid's prone form back into the middle of the platform.


He wanted to understand. He was so confused. How could his father be cursed? How could one curse Death himself? He shook his head. He didn't understand. Who would curse his father? And why wasn't the rest of the school being affected. When he was pulled out of class and told that Lord Death wished to see him he hadn't thought anything about it. But the moment he had entered The Death Room it had hit him. The slight vibrations sending tingles up his legs. He had quickly run through the guillotine hallway to reach his father but the closer he got the more vicious the trembling became. By the time he had reached the bottom of the platform he couldn't even stand up on his own two feet.

"DAD! GALLOWS MANNER! GO THERE! USE THE MIRROR BEFORE IT COMPLETELY SHATTERS!" Kid screamed in panic. Lord Death shook his head as he gazed down at his son who had managed to lift his torso up on his arms.

"I can't do that Kiddo."


Lord Death unfolded one arm and lifted a finger as he explained. Kid couldn't understand how his father was being so calm in this situation. The vibrations were growing more violent.

"I cannot return to Gallows manner because the curse will follow me there."

Kid let out an exasperatedly defeated sound. "If these tremors are only affecting The Death Room and not the rest of the school than that means that the curse is specifically on me and will follow me wherever I go. I cannot risk destroying Gallows manner. I cannot risk leaving you without a home to return to Kid."

Kid's head snapped up and he gazed wide eyed at his father. His fails dug into the vibrating platform beneath him. He gritted his teeth. What was his father…?

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Tears welled up in his mismatched gold eyes. "DAD! I DON'T UNDERSTAND! PLEASE-WHAT'S GOING ON!" What was his father getting at? He feared the answer.

"This is a violent curse Kiddo. And it is getting worse and worse with each passing moment. I am afraid that soon I won't be here. So I cannot risk going to Gallows manner and leading to its destruction. If I must leave you, I will not leave you homeless."

The tears spilled. He latched onto his fathers cloak with one hand and winced. The vibrations shooting up his arm caused a few small cuts to split the skin along his arm. He let out a slightly pained noise. How could his father be tolerating such violent vibrations?

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? YOU CAN'T MEAN THAT! YOU AREN'T GOING TO LEAVE ME! THIS CURSE…YOU'RE DEATH!" He screamed gazing up at his father as blood dripped down his hand. "HOW COULD A STUPID CURSE MAKE YOU LEAVE ME?" He refused to say the words. He refused.

"We are gods Kiddo. We are gods with the power over life and death. We are the ones to keep the balance and to judge those who have left the path. But we are not the most powerful beings out there."

Kid gasped and fell forward slightly when his father glided smoothly back several feet from him. "It seems someone very powerful is not happy with me. I do not know what will happen, but I know it won't be good."

Cracks started forming on the older Reapers mask. His from grew more and more distorted as the vibrations grew more and more violent. Cracks appeared across the platform. Kid plastered himself firmly against the floor as the platform cracked and tilted inward in a crater like fashion towards his father.


The white skull mask shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces and the cloaks hood fell back. Kid gazed up at his father who was smiling down at him. The ends of the white hair vibrated madly shielding piercing blue eyes.

"Hold on Kiddo. No matter what okay?" His dad said with a bright but weary smile as his form grew completely distorted. With a crack the vibrating and loud thunderous rumbling hit its climax. The Death Room split right down the center and crumbled in on itself.


Authors Note: So much confusion. Poor Kid.