I have finally returned. I'm sorry for not returning sooner but who knew that eggnog causes writer's block. Do not fret though all the eggnog has been removed from the premises, and from my systems. But enough about me, you want to hear about Travis, so here is more Travis.

Chapter 16- Journal entry (it's 2012 AWWW YEAHH!)

Travis's P.O.V

Well the holiday's have passed, and boy they were insane. Uncle Danny and Aunt Deanna were gone for vacation leaving Me, Tori, and Trina alone for a few weeks. This would have been fine except that they put me in charge, which in this family means preventing Tori and Trina from killing each other, easier said than done.

So here is my condensed version of Christmas. Trina got a huge freakin tree, no I mean HUGE, as in needs climbing equipment to decorate huge, wasn't that happy having to put it up. Tori got attacked by a mechanical Santa, which I could have done something about, but didn't because I was laughing so hard I tripped and fell. Trina sprayed Robbie with this sort of gun that sprays white stuff all over the tree to simulate snow. Now I could have made an infinite number of, what Cat would call "dirty" jokes, but I didn't. For one Robbie's my friend, then again that should have tempted me to say it even more, then the fact that if I did say anything Trina would try to kill me. Anyways at school Sikowitz made the class do secret santa stuff, which I avoided by bribing him with 5 coconut's, which I must say are really cheap. But anyway I got to watch everyone from the sidelines, which I must say was funny. Especially when Robbie got slapped by Trina by "letting" Cat kiss him on the cheek for giving her a guy with a cotton candy machine for secret santa. I like Cat in all but poor guy.

Oh about Cat, she has been taking more power in her relationship, as far as I can see. So I guess that talk with her did work . Jade was right, her experiment did work, which I hate to admit. Jade still says there is something wrong with Steven, and again I hate to admit that I think she's right. There is something about him that isn't right. I know that i'm still a little bit jealous but I think its my judgment speaking now. Besides i'm seeing someone now, I met her at the party, we had for new years. Her name is Penelope, but I just call her Penny for short. I hate having to shorten names because I slur, but that is life. Anyways she's really nice, about the same skin tone as me, and dark brown long hair, also mildly large cheekbones, but not as big as Tori's. We really enjoy each others company and get along well, well I guess new year, new start. Well I got to go I got to get ready to take Penny to the movies. Later journal.

Hey sorry it was so short I kind of didn't want to do a holiday thing for this story so this is just a recap chapter... BAZINGA