Dark Heart
Chapter Fifty One.
Even a fighter like Dain barely had a chance against Axis and his magic… but fight he did, till he was bloody and bruised and knocked out cold. Axis huffs and walks over to the pretty vampire, hefts his unconscious body over his shoulder and leaves the room, taking Dean to his Queen.
Castiel wakes with a scream of "Dean !".
Moments later Azriel is in his room… "Cas… something's wrong… Dain's hurting and I can't reach him…" his voice high with panic.
Lord Castiel was already up and pulling clothes on "Yes Az I know… I felt such fear from Dean… we ride as soon as the horses are saddled" replied Castiel as he rang for Miss Ellen.
Miss Ellen had heard her masters scream and was already running to his room when he rang, she ran through the open door panting "My Lord ?".
"Ellen have mine and Azriel's horses saddled immediately… something has happened to Dean and Dain we ride at once" barked Lord Castiel as he pulled his boots on "Az go tell Bal and meet me at the stable… I have to tell John".
"Of course Cas" replied Az as he turned to go get dressed then go tell Balthazar.
Ellen fled to the staff quarters to rouse the stable boys and get the horses ready for her master.
Lord Castiel finished dressing quickly and ran to John and Mary's room, he did not bother to knock simply walked in… to the bed, woke John quietly and whispered to him then used his vampire speed to reach the stables just after Azriel had. They mounted their horses and took off for Ashbrooke at top speed. Both vampires deeply worried for their fledglings and angry as hell.
Azriel had done much the same with their brother but he cautioned him not to wake and tell Sam till after John had left to meet up with the pack and hasten their return.
Balthazar did not like the sound of that… if The Dogs of War were needed then it was bad indeed.
John woke Mary after Lord Castiel left and told her as much as he knew then got up and got dressed "I will meet up with Lucian and his pack… Lord Castiel wants them home faster… don't worry Mare… Castiel loves our boy… he'll find Dean" said John as he got ready to leave.
"Yes John… I know, there will be no help for any one who has hurt him… Lord Castiel will tear them apart" replied Mary shakily "Just hurry back".
"I will… we will, Lucian may even send some of them to Ashbrooke from where ever I find them" assured John.
Mary nods knowing it is very likely the alpha will go himself and send the rest home.
"John… be safe" she half whispers.
He kisses her forehead "I always am". Then he is picking up his bow and heading to the stable, John finds Miss Ellen waiting for him with bag of supplies "May you find them quickly" she says.
"I will if this horse is fast enough" nods John as he takes the bag and mounts the horse.
"He is" assures Miss Ellen before John rides out. She stands there a moment praying to the fates that the young Lords are ok then goes back into the castle to prepare food and drink, knowing the whole castle will soon be up and worried.
Castiel and Azriel ride hard all the way to Ashbrooke, pushing the horses to their limits. Just as John rode hard, looking for Lucian.
And once Balthazar had Sam calmed enough they headed to Gabriel's to tell him what had happened.
After hearing where they had gone… Gabriel frowned and thought 'Fay country'.
"And they have no idea what happened ?" he asked.
"Not really… but they both looked scared and that can't be good" replied Balthazar.
"No… it can't" agreed Gabriel "I'll send word to those closest to them… let them know and then we can go back Cas's and wait".
Bal nods "Great idea… we should be there if Cas and Az send word".
Gabriel nods and turns to Tommy "Pack some of our things, Love… we may stay awhile".
Tommy nods "Of course, My Lord" he turns and goes to their room to pack.
Sam sits close to Balthazar as he and Gabriel talk… as Gabriel writes a list of those to be informed and a message for them, gives it to his man and sends him off. He is very worried about his brother and hasn't said a word since they arrived. When Tom had them packed the four of them headed to Castiel and Dean's castle to wait.
The vampire lords arrive in Ashboorke in record time, both horses exhausted. Azriel knows where Dain is likely to stay as they have been here before and takes Castiel to the closest inn, they had not checked in there so they moved on to the next place Dain would stay. Sure enough they had gotten a room there and the lords headed straight upstairs to their room. They had to kick the door in as it was locked from the inside… they found Dain unconscious and evidence of a fight but no sign of Dean… his things were untouched but he was gone.
Azriel sits on the floor cradling Dain, tears streaming down his face "Oh My Love… who did this… oh Dain, wake up please" he sobs.
Lord Castiel slowly gets angrier as he looks around the room… he spins on his heal and bolts down the stairs and out of the inn… to the stable and finds both fledglings horses still there.
"Excuse me, my Lord" says a small voice from behind him.
Castiel turns quickly "Who are you boy ?" he demands.
"Th… the stable boy… my Lord" the young man answered automatically.
"The Lords who own these two… did you see them ?" asked Lord Castiel.
The boy nods "Yes I did… they gave me extra silver to take good care of the horses… they were nice" the boy smiles.
The vampire Lord smiles and nods "Yes they are… did you see them last night ? Did you see anything strange ?" inquired Castiel as calmly as he could, not wanting to frighten the boy.
He nods "Yes my Lord… I saw them come in for the night… they checked on the horses before they went inside" the boy looks down as if scared but continues "Then that man took the shorter Lord away… I didn't know who to tell… I was waiting for the other Lord to come for his horse… I…" half sobs the stable boy.
Lord Catsiel had take a few deep breathes before he could speak "The other Lord is hurt… now tell me do you know the man who took Lord Dean ? If not which way did he go and how long ago ?".
The young man took a deep sobbing breath "I don't know his name… my Lord… he is Fay, that I do know and he headed toward the mountain… toward Fay country".
Castiel growled low and the boy cringed.
"Fear me not boy… you have served me well and will be properly rewarded… I am angry at the Fay scum who took My Dean" said the Lord.
The stable boy nods and asks "Shall I fetch the doctor… for the hurt Lord ?".
Castiel shakes his head "No need… he will heal on his own but thank you… keep tending to the horses as you have been, I will be back" replied the vampire lord before leaving the stable to go tell Az what he had learned.
Dain was still out cold when he got back so Castiel crouched down beside them "Az… the stable boy saw some fucking fay scum carry Dean out of here… I want his head… we have to find Dean… we have too" says Lord Castiel to his brother.
Az nods absently "He'll pay for this Cas… pay for hurting my boy… you take the head… I want his fucking heart" snarled Lord Azriel as he tenderly cradled Dain.
Not willing to leave Ashbrooke but needing to get word to his brothers Lord Castiel goes looking for the town messenger. He sends word to his castle and goes back to the inn.
John Winchester finds Lucian the day the messenger from Ashbrooke arrives at Lord Castiel's castle by this time all his close brothers and sisters knew that Dean was in trouble and awaited more news. On hearing what John had to say Lucian growled and turned too his pack "Kale, Blaze… with me, the rest of you get this pitiful excuse home" then turned to John "Coming with us or going home ?".
"Going home… Mary and the kids will need me, Lord Castiel will find my boy and kill who ever hurt him" replied John.
The Alpha nods and rides for Ashbooke at once.
Lord Gabriel pales when he hears the word Fay… he knows much of their current queen… knows exactly how she became queen. Knows who she murdered to get there… and he feels sick and worried for Dean.
"Bal… I have to go to Cas and Az… the Fay queen is a nasty one… sly and twisted… Cas needs to know what he's up against" states Lord Gabriel after hearing the message.
His brother can only nod and say "I'll stay and wait for the pack".
Lord Gabriel leaves Tommy with his brother and Sam and rides for Ashbrooke an hour after hearing the news. Balthazar is left in charge of informing the other vampires and keeping the household calm.
Rasputin takes charge of the pack and heads for home shortly after their alpha rode out, they placed their prisoner in the dungeon when they got there, knowing Mary would be in no state to deal with him now.
~AN: Sorry about the delay in this chapter… but there it is… the official end of Dark Heart.
*ducks the barrage of rotten fruit*
Now, now… calm down dear reader… there is a sequel planned Dark Heart: Fay War.
So keep an eye out for the first chapter… to be posted as soon as possible. Thank you all for the reviews ! Those who want to know what happens to Lord Dean… just have to keep reading *evil grin*.~