Thought i'd post this, this is where the idea of Black Magic Lagoon started, it was gonna be a whole lot diffrent.

Black Magic Lagoon: AR

An Idea Is Born

"Fuck off you scar faced bastard."

Revy looked up from her meal to where the shout had come from. Over at a nearby table in the mess hall a man with black hair and glasses was staring down a tall man with blond hair.

The man with black hair was someone Revy didn't know, a new inmate of the high end security wing of the infamous NYPD twenty-seventh precinct house most likely. The blond man was easier to identify, Cody Travers, a man who lived to fight.

Revy smirked as she watched the two stand off against each other. Cody wasn't exactly a weakling, he could take and deal quite a few hits, he had proven that through fights many times. The black haired man looked a whole lot weaker than Cody, the jagged scar running down his face said a whole lot more than anything else.

You didn't just pick up a scar like that in some random street brawl, you picked up a scar like that when you were tied to a chair and being worked over with a knife.

The first move happened so fast Revy nearly missed it, the black haired man stepped towards Cody and brought his knee up into the man's crotch with enough force to lift Cody from the floor.

To his credit Cody didn't scream, he doubled over but he only grunted from the force of impact, standing up fully Cody grabbed a blunt plastic knife from the table and drove the entire blade into the black haired man's shoulder.

Staggering back the black haired man let out an odd smirk.

"I've had worse knife wounds you know."

Cody grinned as well.

"I've been hit harder than that as well."

By the time the guards arrived to stop the fight the two man were sat side by side chatting like friends. Revy continued eating as she decided to pay the black haired man a visit. He wasn't weak, that was for sure.

The idea was that many years after hogwarts, Harry, who by now is in his mid-twenties, Ends up in an american prision, the same prision as Revy. Some how the two become freinds of a sorts and eventually end up in Roanapur.

This is my challange.

I would like to see this done. I would like to write it myself, hell if i have the time. Feel free to try your hand at it.

The basic rules are this.

1. Revy is in jail for at least Murder and armed robbery. Anything beyond that is up to you, blackmail, breaking and entering, arson. If it's a crime and you think it fits, go for it.

2. Harry is a lot darker and edgier than he used to be, why, make it up. I'd like to see something beyond the usual 'his freinds turned their backs on him.'

3. At some point Harry and Revy have to end up in England and meet Harry's old freinds.

Beyond that, go for it.

Also, if anyone does actually start this, (i doubt it) let me know so i can read it.