Zoe new she was a smart girl. She was the top of her class in both high school and college. So how did she end up fully clothed, with her head on his chest and legs wrapped around his? She had no freaking idea.

Slowly sliding out of his embrace, (Wade's arms were wrapped around her waist not making this an easy task) she made her way into the bathroom. When she looked outside she realized it was already dark outside. Had she really spent all day sick in bed? Damn lake water. Throwing her robe on she brushed her teeth and then decided it was time to wake the beast.

Grabbing a feather that had fallen out of her pillow she sat down in bed next to him and tickled his nose lightly. She couldn't help but laugh as he scrunched his nose up. She did it a second time, this time he batted at his nose, trying to get whatever it was, away. Zoe covered her hand over her mouth, trying to keep her laughing to a minimum.

Round three. Picking up the feather one last time she moved it around just under his nose. Bingo. The next thing she knew Wade slapped at his face and then proceeded to fall off the bed.

"I see you are feeling better." He said as he got up off the floor.

Zoe just covered her mouth up as she laughed hysterically. "A little," She said cracking a grin.

Brushing himself off Wade went and picked up the soup. "Hungry?"

"Starving." She said sitting on her bed and wrapping her robe around her.

"Well I'll go heat this up for you." Zoe was about to tell him that would be easier said than done, but he was already out the door.

"Do you not have a single kitchen appliance?" He yelled from the hall.

"Why do you think I eat breakfast at Lavon's every day?"

"How do you not even have a microwave?" He asked still clearly not understanding the situation.

"I don't starve to death."

"I guess we can go back to my house and heat this soup up for you."

"You just want to get me in bed."

Wade came up behind her and placed his hands on her waist. "Already did that today Doc." He said into her ear before giving her nudge to the door. "Now come on. You gotta eat something."

The two walked over to Wade's trailer. When they got there he instantly went into the kitchen part of the tiny trailer and put the soup in the microwave. Zoe decided to make herself at home and sat down on the couch. She found a blanket and draped it around her body.

"Here ya go." He said a few minutes later handing her the bowl of soup.

"You're not going to eat any?" She asked as she took a bite. "This is really good." She told him surprised. Who new Wade could cook?

"I told ya my Ma taught me." He said as he laid back and grabbed the remote to turn the TV on. "And I already ate."

Soon the only sound you could here was the TV and the slurping of Zoe's soup. However instead of it being weird or awkward it was actual quite calming. Soon her soup was gone, placing the bowl done on the coffee table she decided she might as well stay and watch TV. It wasn't like she had one of those anyways, and she didn't really want to go back to her house all alone. What if she got sick again?

She knew he was trying to put the moves on her the moment he stretched his arm out and placed it on top of the couch. Ever girl new that was a move and not just an attempt to get comfortable. Oddly enough Zoe she didn't care and she really didn't care when his arm moved from the top of the couch and around her shoulder. She might have even found it comforting not that she would ever tell him that. Deciding to make the best of it she leaned her head on his shoulder and not meaning to she drifted off to sleep.

How was it that twice in one day she fell asleep in the arms of Wade Kinsella? Once again she had no freaking idea.