Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Hey this is my attempt at another story hope u like it. I am thinking about editing the chapters to my other story but I haven't made up my mind yet and I lost the chapters I had written when my laptop decided to fail me... if you read this please review and tell me what you think. This story starts off with Edward and Bella in the meadow.

"How could you do this to me?" she said with an expression of betrayal and pain. It was like I had somehow caused her a great pain by omitting that tiny detail.

I was left confused not understanding why she was reacting like this way to the news.

"You said you had money!" she said as a sob broke through.

"I do" I said dazed. "My brother has control that's all, just so he can invest it as he sees fit but it's still mine"

she looked so heartbroken that I had the urge to embrace her and console her, so I moved towards her but before I could even reach her she flinched away and said " DON'T TOUCH ME!" she sounded so hurt and broken and desperate that I couldn't help but comply.

I didn't want to make it worse. I would do anything for her and if this was what she wanted then I would give it to her even if every tear she shed felt like it was stabbing my heart. She dried the remaining tears from her face and turned to look at me with a look in her eyes that I hadn't seen in them before

Her eyes were cold and she had no expression what so ever on her face. She turned and left me there confused as hell and a bit heartbroken... what had just happened?

I didn't know how long I stood there but when I started to notice the shadows in the grass I looked up and saw that it was getting dark. I was on auto-pilot as I went to where my car was and drove home. I briefly wondered how Bella had gotten home since I had driven us here but thinking of Bella just made me remember all that had happened today so I tried to put it out of my mind.

Earlier that day

It had started off great. I woke up happy as I always did when I knew I would see her. I showered and dressed in a hurry I wanted to get to her house as soon as possible.

When I got to her house I quickly rang the doorbell and was greeted with the most beautiful person I had ever seen.

"Hi Bella" I said a little breathless I couldn't help it every time I saw her I seemed to lose my breath.

She smiled

"Hi Edward" she looked amused and a little embarrassed.

"What?" I asked.

Her smile seemed to become bigger as well as her embarrassment.

"Oh nothing, I just wish you could have waited a little longer" she said.

My smile faltered didn't she want to see me as much I wanted to see her? Before I could get even more concerned she continued

"I mean look at me" she said while looking down.

It was the first time I really took in her appearance. She was still in her pajamas and her hair seemed to be a bit messy. She still looked beautiful though.

"I'm not even dressed yet and my hair is all messy and my make up! I'm sure I look absolutely hideous to you" she said.

I laughed at the absurdity of the thought. I loved her and she was absolutely stunning in anything she wore.

"Bella" I said still chuckling "you look beautiful in anything you wear"

Her face warmed at that

"Yeah I'm sure. Come on in" she stepped aside to let me in.

I looked around and it seemed like she was alone.

"Uh... I'm going to go and get ready... I'll try not to take long but I don't make any promises" she smiled at me one last time before turning back and going upstairs to her room.

Her house like mine was huge... a mansion. She said she hated it because it reminded her of her loneliness. She lived with her brother because their parents had passed away when she was 13. Her brother, James, was 21 and took her in. That was almost 4 years ago and although it seemed like she was over it sometimes I wondered if the truth was otherwise. Her face sometimes had a haunting look and she often seemed sad of course being Bella she tried to hide it but I saw through her facade.

I met her 2 months ago and had been completely enthralled with her from the first moment I saw her. It was love at first sight for me... and for her. I sometimes doubted this because she didn't seem to be interested in me at first. It seemed like she was being forced to talk to me and... she seemed to be more interested in others... like my brother. I clenched my hands at the thought.

I took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

I went into the living room and sat down. Besides she was with me now and if she had wanted someone else she could've had him but she had chosen me so... she must like me.

Bella came down then and effectively made me forget everything I was thinking. I got up from the couch I had been sitting in and went to where she was standing. I took her hands in mine and kissed her.

"How is it possible for someone to be so stunning?" I questioned.

"We should get going" She said blushing.

She gave me a quick peck before pulling me out the door.

When we got to the meadow we quickly sat down and began to eat the food we had bought along the way. Everything seemed to be going fine we even talked about getting married. I know it might seem too soon but we both loved each other and we both agreed that we couldn't wait any longer.

It was useless she said why should we wait any longer when we knew that there wasn't anyone else we wanted to see. I agreed with her but my brother, Emmet, wouldn't be pleased when I told her this she said "who cares what your brother thinks? Don't you love me?" she asked

"Of course Bella you know I do but..." I couldn't continue. It was a bit embarrassing to admit that I depended on my brother. He controlled the money because he was older and would know better according to my parents.

"but what Edward?" she asked.

"Bella" I began "Emmett controls the company and all our money" and that's when everything went wrong

I really wish we could have talked about something else. At the time I had been flattered that she had broached the subject but now... god I didn't know what had gone wrong.

When I got home I went to my room and just laid there thinking and thinking something told me that there was a change coming and that the change wasn't a good one.

Several days have passed and she still hasn't called me. I don't know what to do I've tried to call her but she won't answer my calls. I don't know what's happening.

Why did it bother her so much that my brother controls the money?

I know that the answer is obvious that she is a gold digger but that can't be it. She isn't like that and I know she loves me. I may have had some doubts now and then but they ended the moment I looked into her eyes because they silently told me they loved me.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door

"Yes" I say without opening the door.

I didn't want to see anyone... yet.

"Sir its Anna your brother would like to know if you are ready" I sigh.

God I hate Emmett for making me attend the stupid dinner party.

Well in all fairness he doesn't know what's going on said one part of my mind.

Of shut up he knows enough said the other part.

"Sir?" asks Anna when I don't answer.

"Yes Anna I'm almost ready. Tell Emmet I'll be down in 5 minutes". My voice had become lifeless these past few days. Only when I was really irritated did it have any life in it. I sighed and then proceeded to adjust my tie and fix my hair.

I exited my room and went downstairs.

Emmet was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs with a serious look on his face.

"You better get your shit together. I don't want you mopping or bitching at the party" he tells me sternly.

I hated that he acted this way now. When my parents died I had also lost my carefree-always smiling and loving brother. We used to be friends and tell each other pretty much everything. Now instead of a brother I had a serious businessman who was always serious and cared only about making more money. Hence the reason for the party.

"I know how important this party is ok. I won't mess it up" I sighed and plastered a fake smile on my face "there that better?" I asked in an equally fake voice.

He looked at me like he was going to say something but let it go and turned around to greet the first guests that were just arriving and so it began.

It's only been 3 hours but it feels like more. I'm so over this party I can't wait for it to end. I think my facade has started to fall because Emmet has been glaring at me for the last 5 minutes.

Whatever I don't care. I had mingled all I could. What the hell did he expect from me?

I was currently with one of the investors and he was talking about something, I have no idea what, I had stopped listening a long time ago.

I sighed and turned towards the door. That's when I saw her.

She had just arrived with her brother. She looked as beautiful as ever and like always she took my breath away. She turned to scan the room. My heart had skipped a beat when I first saw her, but it began to ache when I saw that her eyes were cold the minute our eyes met. She quickly looked away and her brother led her towards another group.

It had been so long, at least for me, that I couldn't help but follower her, with my eyes as she went about the room. I watched as she went from group to group mingling and talking to everyone but me. She was ignoring me and that hurt….A lot but not as much as when I saw her flirting with every guy in this room.

Every time I saw her flirt I became so filled with rage that I wanted nothing more than to beat the shit out of him to teach him a lesson and also show every guy that she was MINE!

But since I couldn't do that I just stayed where I was and gritted my teeth.

After what seemed like forever I finally saw her go on her own. I followed her; I couldn't stay away from her any longer. She seemed to be going to the back towards the garden. She stopped walking when she got to the kiosk that was in the middle of the garden.

"You have to stop this Edward" she told me without turning to look at me.

"Bella" I begin but she interrupts me

"I thought that my actions had been clear enough" her voice was cold and her words scared me. "I was trying to avoid actually saying this but I guess I'm going to have to say them anyway." she took a deep breath and continued to say the words that would shatter my world. "We can't see each other anymore"

"What? Why?" I asked bewildered "look Bella if it's about the money"

"It's not about the money!" She says interrupting me.

She turned to look at me with anger in her eyes but what left me speechless was the fact that the beautiful eyes that I loved were gone now and she didn't look like the same person anymore. She wasn't the same Bella that I loved how was that possible?

"How can I trust you again if you lie to me!" she screamed.

" B...Bella" I stammered.

"NO! Don't even think about justifying yourself... you hurt me deeply Edward. And as much as I... I can't be with you anymore ok. How can I? What more have you lied to me about huh?" with that she turned to leave and I was left there again confused and with my heart breaking into a million tiny pieces.

So what did you guys think? I know there are some mistakes but please review.