My first POJ fic! Hooray! So I'm gonna switch tenseā€¦ (like I do in every story) and I'll put up a notify-thingy that'll make it clear that I'm switching like that. Right there. All bolded up. The one that says Hunter on it. With a colon on the end.


Three is a sacred number. Three big gods. Three Fates. Three Furies.

Twelve is a sacred number. Twelve Olympian Gods. Twelve Titans.

So why is it surprising that I'm a triplet, I turned twelve years old yesterday, and my entire life has been shaken up by some cosmic Greek force determined to ruin my day?

I'll tell you why. It's the cabin I'm sitting in. The cabin my sisters and I are sitting in. All three of us, on one bed. Holding some sort of meeting that I think is completely ridiculous and refuse to participate in. And that Parker is clearly enjoying immensely, and that Jackie is being to hyperactive/ADD/ADHD/whatever problems she has going on right now. And off she goes talking about unicorns in stables or something with wings that she saw over by the perfectly wonderful mess hall with no roof and a giant crack in it. You'd think these people would repair it or something.

"HUNTER!" Parker shouted.

"What?" I asked sullenly. Couldn't she tell I was being angry?

"What happened that you're so scared to tell us about?" Parker leaned forwards.

"Why do you care?" I asked stupidly. To be totally honest, I was just looking for a way out of saying it. Any way out, really.

"Because you did- whatever it is you did, and now we're here, and we're supposed to be impossible, and everyone's confused, and since you were really the only one awake, and if you tell us then maybe we can figure out why we're impossible." Jackie took a breath.

"I don't want to."

"Spill it," Parker said, looking at me harshly. I pouted, then began slowly.

I stay up on Saturday nights. Just to look pig out on ice cream, maybe climb onto the roof- all stuff I'm not allowed to do when Dad's awake. So I was up, pigging out on ice cream up on the roof (one of those nights where I couldn't choose) and I was the only one watching as Santa's sleigh rode across the sky. One problem. It's not Christmas. It's anything BUT Christmas. The hottest day all summer, to be exact. Only I'm the one watching Santa's sleigh glide across the sky pulled by deer- not reindeer, regular deer. I should know, deer don't seem to be afraid of my sisters and I. But the deer rushed across the sky, and suddenly all hell broke loose. It's like seeing the sleigh triggered some kind of- oh, I don't know, attack of the killer myths that we're studying (and in my case, failing to study) in Social Studies. The first one flew down, swerved around the sleigh and dove towards me. I screamed and then- well, I don't really know what happened then. These giant metal birds dove at my head, at the same time a giant Hydra (even I can remember that) clawed its way down my cul-de-sac.

I screamed. Really loudly. And then, I found a bow in my hands. My hair fell loosed around my face, the dark curls blocking my vision as I shot down metal bird after metal bird. I hadn't realized that Jackie and Parker had joined me on the roof. Jackie had some kind of pointy stick thing and was down on the ground, fighting off the hydra. Parker was with her, Social Studies binder out, throwing wadded up papers at the giant snake and looking anxiously through our myth section, trying to find a way to beat these crazy monsters.

"Noise!" Parker had shouted triumphantly. "Jackie, scream!" And that was when Jackie let loose the scariest and most high-pitched noise I'd ever heard. The birds panicked, flying away, and Jackie had been smart enough to just go for the Hydra's heart. The thing lay dead on the ground, smoking, before it turned into dust.

This big scary bird-horse-thing with wings landed next to me on the roof, holding up a blonde girl wearing an American Eagle tank-top under what looked like leather armor. She touched down on the roof and I dropped the bow in surprise. It turned into a crescent moon clip, the one I always kept in my hair to keep the stupid tangles back.

"A moon. A bow. Three. Holy shit," the girl said, taking in Jackie and Parker. "Brains, spear. Damn!"

"Who are you?" Jackie asked rudely. It sounded weird, coming from her. She's usually so bubbly.

"Cooper." The girl said shortly. "We've got to get you to camp, quick. Come on."

"Um, I don't think-"

"That's really what happened?" Parker asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes! I said angrily. "You asked me to spill and I spilled. You should be happy that you know what happened!"

"Well I still don't know why we're impossible. And I still don't know why in the world we're sitting in the Artemis cabin."

A/N: I had to end there, I wasn't getting anywhere- the italics is what she's thinking as she says it- it's not actually what she's saying. Hope you like it.

You'd better review it! Pleeeeeease! :)
