Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

This chapter has another jump in time; Callie is now thirty years old.

Epilogue: A Perfect Circle

Ten Years Later

"Mom!" fourteen-year-old Brooklyn whined as Callie pressed a kiss to her forehead. Callie then proceeded to pat her child's head, making sure that her hair looked its best.

It was Brooklyn's first day of high school, and she desperately wanted to get out of her house so that she could catch her bus. She should have known that the process of her actually getting to the bus was going to be long and arduous; this was her family she was talking about!

"Let your mother fuss over you, its not everyday that she sends her oldest child off to their first day of high school," Embry scolded his daughter teasingly.

Brooklyn rolled her eyes, but allowed for a smile to form on her lips.

Callie pulled away from the teenager and held her at arms length, "You look exactly as Kendra did at this age," Callie informed her as tears began to form in her eyes, "When she placed you in my arms and I looked down at you, you were so small. How did you grow up so quickly?"

Embry wrapped a comforting arm around his wife, pulling her body a bit closer to his own.

Brooklyn, sensing her mother's imminent breakdown, pulled her into a hug, "I may be growing up, mom, but I'll always be your little girl."

"Really?" Callie sniffled.

Brooklyn broke into a wide smile, "Really."

Callie pulled away from the hug and examined her daughter once more as she wiped her tears from her eyes. She couldn't seem to put together any words to tell her daughter, so she turned to her husband and pleaded, "Embry."

Pushing back tears of his own, he turned to Brook and smiled softly, "Have a good first day," he began, "don't use your powers, make friends, and pay attention in your classes."

Brooklyn rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, Daddy, I'll make sure to not use my powers," she told him, having caught what he tried to slip into his lecture.

Embry grinned at his daughter, "I love you Brooklyn," he told her as he pulled her into a warm hug.

"I love you too Daddy," she hugged him back, she then turned to a more composed Callie and pulled her into a hug as well, "I love you too Mom."

"I love you too Brooks."

Once the two women pulled out of their hug Brooklyn squatted so that she was eye level with the two children standing at her parent's feet.

"I'm gonna miss you Brook," seven year old Braden Alexander Call told his older sister.

"I'm gonna miss you too B," she told him as she pulled him into a hug, "Have a good first day at school too, okay?"


Brooklyn pulled out of the hug with her brother and faced the smaller child, "Don't give Mommy too hard of a time today, you know that she gets really tired because our brother or sister is on the way."

"Kay!" two-year-old Selena Kendra Call told her big sister with a toothy grin.

After she had pulled her youngest sibling into a tight hug, she stood up and faced her parents, "I better go, the bus will be here in a few minutes."

"Have a good day Brooks," Callie told her daughter.

Brooklyn looked at her family, feeling a sense of overwhelming happiness.

Braden with his black hair, brown eyes and tan skin shining in the dim sunlight, a carbon copy of his father; holding his mother's hand in an attempt to give some semblance of comfort. Although Braden took after Embry with his looks, his supernatural abilities shared roots with his mother. At the tender age of six he began having visions, visions of the future. Although his power was not completely mature, it was still there, waiting for something to set it off. The family wouldn't know for a few more years if Braden would take after his father and shift into a wolf; which Braden wanted to happen desperately.

Selena, or, Lena, as she was often called; her black hair and gray eyes sticking out against her lightly tanned skin, a mixture of her parents; her wide eyes looking around in a mischievous manner that told Brooklyn that her little sister would be getting into some sort of mischief in the coming moments. Fortunately for Callie and Embry, or unfortunately, depending on how someone would look at it, Lena took after her mother in all areas. She had already shown signs of telekinesis, which had been sparked mostly when she threw a temper tantrum after not getting her way. She also had Callie's temper, but luckily enough for her parents, she lacked the ability to control fire, or the house would go down in flames at least twice a week.

Embry, her father, standing with a comforting arm around his wife and a bright smile on his face, is what drew Brooklyn's attention next. Brooklyn knew that Embry wasn't her biological father, but she also knew that for all intents and purposes, Embry Call was her real father. He was the man who had checked under her bed for monsters every night, the man who had taught her how to play football, the man who had loved her as his own child. He was her real father.

Her eyes then shifted to the red haired woman in Embry's arms; Calida Call. Brooklyn knew that Callie was her aunt, not her mother. She knew all about her biological mother, Kendra, and Brooklyn loved her, but Brooklyn didn't see Callie as anything less than her real mother. She was the one who had taught her how to control her powers, who had helped her to make vanquishing potions, who had literally died so that she could live.

Calida Call was her mother.

Her eyes shifted to Callie's slightly swollen abdomen where her future brother or sister was growing. Brooklyn couldn't wait for her new sibling to come into the world, she only had to wait five more months, and she couldn't be more excited.

This was her family. They were crazy, loud, supernatural, and everything in between, but they were her family, and she would never change them. Currently, they were a family of five, but soon their family would be complete with its sixth member.

Six people.

More love than anyone could have hoped for.

Six hearts beating as one.

A perfect Circle.

The End

There it is, the end of The Circle. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with my story for the past few months, I don't think I'll ever be able to convey how much all of your support means to me.

Originally, I wasn't going to post this story, I was just writing it for fun; but something made me post it, and I'm very glad that I did.

Please leave a review telling me what you thought of the story, I'd love to hear all of your opinions!

Thank you, once again, for all of your support!

I will be writing a spin off of this story that will have a series of one shots. This story will act as "missing moments" from the story, which means various jumps in time. If you have any ideas as to what you think those moments should be, leave some ideas in a review! The story should be up sometime either later today, or tomorrow. The story will be called: A Perfect Circle.