Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, unfortunately...

Chapter 1

"Shit." she muttered fixing her shoe. She gazed at the grayish sky. "This is not fair, I am not dressed properly for this kind of weather." she whinned.

"Talking to yourself again Serena?, that's one of the first signs of insanity." her best friend said. She gazed back to see him. He was dressed as impecable as always. His suit fitted his tall frame perfectly. His blonde dirty hair was messy and glittered with water. And his green eyes glittered with mischief.

The first signs of pouring rain. She hated storms. Thunderstorms to be exact. She shuddered.

"If I were you I'd be careful, wouldn't want you all alone with a mental person." she muttered. She took her umbrella out from her huge Channel bag, and she opened it. "You know somethinng?"

"I know a lot of things." he said cockily.

"No, not about female body." he was about to say something. "I don't want to know anything about sex either." she finished. He smiled closing his mouth. "I want to quit this job so badly. I would rather get runned by a bus before seating through another meeting with that bitch pretending to be something she is not." she squinted when she gazed at the sky.

"She is sleeping with the boss. I guess that makes her more important than the rest of us." he said placing his hand on her back.

"Everyone knows that. Nobody gives a shit." she replied looking around. "I really need to get my car back." she muttered stepping on another crack and stumbling around. He held her in place and started laughing. "Why are you even walking with me?, your car was in the parking lot." He laughed loudly then. She stopped to look at him. "You could have given me a ride.." she scolded.

"And not see you in this lovely weather." he placed his hand on his heart. "Never." he smiled then. "Besides, been a long time since I visit my best friend." he said. "Who consecuently lives in the same building you do." he commented.

"The one who would be a millionare if he were to charge for sex?" she asked looking for her keys in her purse.

He began laughing then. "There is nothing wrong with casual sex." he defended. "My friend likes to indulge himself in the pleasures life has to offer." he finished.

"He is a pig." she muttered. When the gate suddenly opened to reveal the man in question. His gaze darkened when he saw her long legs uncovered by her black raincoat. Her hair pulled elegantly up in a pony tail.

"Hello, I don't think we have ever been introduced before." he said taking her hand and kissing the top of it. She jerked her hand at the contact.

"I don't think we will." she said, then she turned to Andrew. "See you tomorrow at work." she glanced at Andrew's friend and then began to walk away towards her floor going up the stairs instead of using the elevator.

When she was younger she was stuck in one for over five hours. She swore never to get in one again. She reached her door and opened easily. The first thing she saw when she walked in was the red number on her naswering machine. She went to it and pressed play. She took her raincoat off and walked to her kitchen removing her shoes in the process.

Beep..."Hey sist!, guess what we HAVE to talk ! I have so many things to tell you!, call me back!" Beeep.."I guess you are not home jet... right?, if you are pick up the phone!." Beep... "Serena this is getting old just answer the goddamned phone!" She gazed at the answering machine and deleted the messages.

"What on earth could she want?" she asked herself as she grabbed a pair of slippers and put them on. She walked back to her counter and grabbed a cup of hot chocolate. As soon as she was about to sip it she heard a knock.

"Sere!, open the door!" Her sister, She mentally scolded herself. She grabbed the phone and opened the door.

"What a coincidence." she showed her the phone. "I was justy about to call you." she said waving the phone and then throwing it back on the couch. "Anyways. You sounded pretty ... anxious, what's up?" she asked casually as her sister jumped up and down.

"I'm engaged!" she yelled excited. Serena's eyes went wide.

"Mina, I didn't even know you had a boyfriend." she said more in shock than in apology.

"I met him a month ago and he asked me to marry him. We sort of skipped the whole boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, isn't it great!, now you get to be my maid of honor!" she screamed. Serena grimaced.

"Yes, now me the older sister gets to see her little sister get married before her." she sat on the couch. "Yeay." she said in fake enthusiasm. Mina went to sit next to her.

She took her nads in hers."Don't say that!, I just ... I'll break off the engagement." she said hurriedly. Serena looked at her.

"No you won't." She sighed, "When is the wedding?" she asked.

"In december!" she said happily. "I can't wait!," she squeeled. "Anyways, I have to tell dad, so I arranged a meeting with him and his girlfriend to tell him." she said.

"What does mom say about this?" she asked.

"Mom told me to invite him. Who will walk me down the aisle if he doesn't?" she asked rethorically laughing.

"Mom is a control freak, a neat freak and a perfectionist freak, she would be angry if he refused to go.. what I meant was about the whole wedding." she finished.

"She already met Kevin and she loves him!" Where did Mina get all this energy?, Serena wondered. "Anyway I just came here to tell you!, Next week we begin preparations, so you know you have to help me!" she said hugging her tightly. "Mom expects you to visit her." she commented before leaving.

"She can do her monthly checks through the phone." Serena commented grabbing her cup of chocolate which had gone cold.

"You know what I mean." suddenly Mina had lost all eagerness and excitment.

"I will next week when I see you to begin preparations." she said not looking at her.

"She will be alone when I get married you should consider going back to live with her." Serena's head jerked.

"There are cats for lonely women, I've been thinking of getting a few myself you know?" she said sarcastically.

"Serena..." she said sternly.

"Okay I'll consider it at least." Mina smiled then and closed the door behind her.

Mina looked just like her, people always asked if they were twins. Blonde shiny hair that reached almost their butt, blue huge eyes with long dark lashes. But Mina was a bit taller than her. That was ironic considering that Serena was almost five years older than her sister. Five years older and still not married. Still single period. She shook her head and grabbed her phone.

"Hey Andrew, can I see you at the bar down the street." she said putting some jeans on. "Okay great." she muttered pressing the end key. She didn't feel like dressing up so she just wore a simple one pink one sleeved shirt and some was walking down the stairs when she saw Andrew's best friend entering his apartment behind a girl.

She mentally shook her head. Men like him never changed. She gazed back to see him staring at her. She immediatly turned her head. His gaze was really intense. His eyes could draw in even the strongest willed woman. He was gorgeous there was no denying to it. His was the tallest man she had ever seen, his posture was always straight and confident. His eyes, his midnight blue eyes could make you feel things even without him touching you. For a moment Serena wondered what would it feel like to have his hands touch her body the way they had touched so many women before. Then she felt disgusted with herself for thinking that.

"Hey Sere, you sounded depressed on the phone..." Andrew said breaking from her thoughts.

"You know what I want to do today?" she asked. He shook his head."I want to get drunk and forget about everything and everyone." Andrew smiled at that and slid one arm around her waist, "Even though I want to do that I don't want to lose my 'V' card." she said clarifying.

He smiled and neared his lips to her ear. "No one said anything about sex."

Serena opened one lazy eye, light was on her face. She squinted and wrapped her sheets around her. She turned around and felt someone next to her. She opened both eyes in panic. It was Andrew right next to her. He was wrapped in her sheets. She began shaking him violently. But stopped when she realized that He sitll had his jeans on. She gazed at her body to realize she was still wearing her underwear.

When he woke up he looked at her surprised. "What are you doing here?" he asked groggly.

"I was expecting you to explain it to me!" she screamed. He fell of her bed then. "This is my apartment, the question is what are You doing HERE?" she yelled. He got up and looked around. His shirt was neatly folded on her couch. Her clothing was nowhere to be found.

"We didn't have sex if that's what you are asking. Otherwise our clothing would be discarded everywhere." he commented. "Ill ask ricardo." he said shrugging as if it were nothing.

"I don't do this!, I don't wake up with random men half naked!" she screamed seating down on her bed.

"First of all I'm not random." he said chuckling. "And second of all nothing happened ok?, I'm sure you would feel sore if we had had sex." he said smiling teasingly. Serena rolled her eyes. "Come on!, I'll buy you breakfast." he said walking next to her out of her apartment.

To her horror Mina had been about to knock the door. With wide eyes and slightly shaking she gulped.

"you have company." she said slowly gazing back in the apartment.

"Andrew we need to talk." Serena said looking straight at Mina.

"About what?" he asked looking at his watch.

"None of your goddamned business." she said, then Andrew realized she meant Mina.

"Sorry, guess I'll buy you breakfast some other time." he said smiling. Mina entered her apartment and looked around.

"I thought you said we would see each other next week." she muttered.

"Did you sleep with him?" Mina asked shoked. "Not that there is something wrong with that, I mean I lost it years ago, but you were always a straight -"

"No.." she cut in. "I just went to have a drink last night and he walked me back that's all." Mina gave her a dubious look."If I had I would just say so." she muttered.

She handed her a pastel yellow sheet. "I just came to give you this." she said happier. "You know your duties." she began giggling then.

"Is your dress going to be yellow?" she asked looking at the sheet.

"No!, its going to be white, obviously." she said looking through a thick stack of papers.

"Really?, I heard that only innocent women should marry in white dresses.." she muttered laughing.

"You heard wrong." she said going on with what already was in her head about the wedding.

By the time Serena got to work she had drank three coffees already. She was at her computer when her boss knocked on her door.

"Serena. My office. Now." she said walking away. Serena rolled her eyes and walked into her office. She sat on a black chair across from her burgundy desk. "Serena, I found out today that we no longer need you working here." she said.

Serena frowned. "Just today?" she asked sarcastically. "I figured I didn't need to work here a long time ago." she said rising and walking out. She grabbed her purse and her raincoat.

"Hey did you ever find that report from section A?" Andrew asked her from the door. He frowned by seeing her grabbing the few personal things she had in her office.

"Nop, and I never will." she replied smiling.

"What are you doing?, where are you going?" he asked franatically.

"I just got fired, I think griselda thinks we slept together. You know how she has been eyeing you lately." she burst in laughter.

"Gross, not even I woulnd put my dick inside that." he muttered.

"Well I'll see you later." she said walking out.

"Dinner at your place?" he yelled. Serena smiled and nodded.

She walked back to her apartment. She couldn't open the door, her hands were busy carrying other things. Andrew's best friend appeared out of nowhere.

"Here let me help you with that." he said grabbing her box and opening the door for her to enter.

"I got it." she muttered as he chuckled.

"Where to?" he asked.

"Third floor." she said, he began walking to the elevator. "Um, I'll meet you up there." she said walking through the stairs.

"Serena, I'm not going to kill you in the elevator." he mocked amused.

"I'm not worried about you killing me, I don't go in elevators. Ever," she finished walking to the stairs. He began following her.

"Why?" he asked.

"When I was younger I was stuck in one for like five hours. I swore never to get in one again."

"My name is Darien by the way." he said, "I would shake your hand.." he motioned to the box in his hands.

"Yeah I know, you are Drew's best friend. He talks a lot about you, and he is not even gay." she muttered. What would girls say about him other than the obvious facts. He cracked a smile.

"We have been really close since we were kids. We know each other well you could say." he shook his head. "Did you get fired?" she laughed then.

"Yeah I did."

"what was the excuse?, they were cutting personel?" she laughed harder then.

"Nop, she is just a bitch who thinks I slept with Andrew." She grabbed her keys to open her door.

"Why would she think that?" he asked amused.

"Because he spent the night over and I guess he was a big mouth about it." she entered and extended her arms to receive the box.

He entered and gazed around. "You have a very... girly apartment." he said gazing at the pink curtains and the pastel colors around the apartment. She wasn't sure if it was an insult or just a sat on her couch.

"Don't make yourself comfortable." she said plainly. "I am going to spend a lazy day doing nothing after a long time." she finished taking her heels off.

"Don't worry about me. I will make myself invisble, you won't even know I'm here." he said. She looked at him weirdly.

"No, this is my apartment." she said. "And I need to shower." she looked annoyed then. "I don't mean to be rude but -"

"Great then don't be. I have no cable on my apartment I just want to watch the game, then I'll be out." he smiled charmingly. One of those smiles that clearly said that with it he could get anything he wanted. She shrugged and went to shower. By the time she got out he was no longer in her apartment. But the TV was on. It was on the game, mute.

She glanced around and realized that her door was unlocked. She went to lock it shaking her head. She realized that he left because he was on the phone, she could hear his voice outside.

Thanks for reading!, if it's not too much to ask please ... Review! :)