
"Jess? Let's go to Terabithia! Homework and chores can wait!" MayBelle exclaimed, thoroughly excited, as the two stepped off the bus and onto the dirt lane.

"Ok, but we can't stay too late today. I want to visit Leslie's grave before dinner," Jess responded to his younger sister.

"Yay! I'll race you to the bridge!" With that, MayBelle took off running down the road.

Jess, of course, beat MayBelle there, but waited for her before crossing, as was their custom. It was a full year to the day after Leslie had died, and the kingdom was flourishing. There had been no new from the Darkmaster since the day Leslie died, and Terabithia became more beautiful every day. Everyone loved their two rulers, King Jess and Princess MayBelle.

The two rulers walked hand in hand down the streets towards the castle. They stopped and helped peasants and gave kind words and smiles to everyone.

When they reached the castle, they were confronted by Adam, the person who looked after thing s while Jess and MayBelle were at school. Jess felt a pang of sadness when he looked around the grand hall as he thought of Leslie and her memorial. The tree-house that had been theirs when they first discovered Terabithia had been turned into a memorial for her.

Adam broke him out of his thoughts by saying, "King Jess, Princess MayBelle. I am sorry to report, but we have received word from one of our informers who has been checking out around the Darkmaster's fortress and word has it that he will be making a stand against the kingdom of Terabithia, and more importantly, you. Extra security measures are being put in place around the kingdom, but we fear it will not be enough."

"The Darkmaster will be making a stand?" MayBelle asked, slightly terrified.

"Yes. Rumor has it also that within his dungeons he holds a prisoner. And this prisoner is the only thing that has been keeping the Darkmaster in check for the past year. But, this prisoner is growing weak, and will not be able to hold back the Darkmaster for much longer. He is slowly killing the prisoner. We must prepare for war." Adam responded.

Jess sighed. "Very well. Do as you see fit. I will not let the Darkmaster rule Terabithia again as he once did. Even if it kills me, I will protect this kingdom."