
If we really owned this would we be on Fanfiction? Use your common sense people!

Warning: Everyone here excluding the YJ crew is based on real people, we are not exaggerating our teachers personalities. To put it very simply, our teachers are crazy.

Ch.1: Of Black Holes, Schools and TVs


All six members of YJ were sprawled on the couch watching TV when a large black entity appeared in front of them. Wally being, well, Wally, reached out to touch it.

"Oooooh … Shiny!" Wally wailed, reaching out to touch it. Artemis leaped up immediately to slap Wally's hand away.

"Hey, Kid Idiot! I have a suggestion, let's not touch random black unidentified flying objects," she scolded. Wally glared back at her, but shrugged.

"We should probably check it out," suggested Kaldur, trying to contain his curiosity.

"I VOTE KALDUR GOES FIRST, BEING TEAM LEADER AND ALL!" Wally yelled, making Robin burst into laughter.

Kaldur, not really getting it, got up and walked in front of Wally to check it out.

"Are you sure this is safe? I mean we don't get know what this is…" M'gann said. Wally waved her off. Superboy, meanwhile was in the background sulking, pondering how he would take off his shirt this time…

"Don't sweat it, Megalicious. We'll be fine," Wally assured, running next to her. Artemis rolled her eyes.

"Just do it, Kaldur," Superboy said. Kaldur shrugged and leaned forward to touch It …. Just then Wally appeared behind him and pushed Kaldur in. Artemis facepalmed.

"Yay! Fishboy's gone!" Wally cried.

"You idiot! He's our team leader. What are we supposed to do without him?" Artemis hissed.

"Uh … improvise?"

"Artemis is right. We have to go look for him," Robin said, siding with Artemis. Artemis smirked.

Wally-0, Artemis-1

"Yeah let's go." M'gann agreed, getting up. Superboy followed, seeing as there were no opportunities to take his shirt off here…

And that's when all this began.


"Class, this is Wally West. Our new student," Mr. Kopduer (or the preferred spelling, "Mr. Kop4duer" … Don't ask. By the way, the "4" is silent.) (A/N: The teacher this is based on actually does spell his name with a number in it… Shh…)

Wally stood there dumbfounded. How had he ended up here in school, of all places?

"Wally, you can sit by Diana and … EVELYNE!" he shouted. A hooded girl jerked her head up from the desk beside a raven-haired girl.

"Mom … Five more minutes …" She muttered. Everyone snickered. The raven-haired girl poked her.

"Unless I'm mistaken, I'm not a girl, nor am I your mother. So GET UP!" Mr. Kop4dur yelled at the top of his lungs. The whole class burst into laughter while Evelyne sunk into her chair. Wally walked down the aisle and sat next to the black haired girl.

"Hey! You must be the new kid! My name is Diana and this is Evelyne." Diana said while nudging the still asleep Evelyne awake.

"No… That monkey stole my cheese… I want it back… I'll team up with Mr. Unicorn to get it back… No!" Evelyne stood up screaming. "MR. UNICORN! WHY! HE WAS SOOO YOUNG!" It was then when she realized that she had made a fool of herself for the second time that day. And to think, First period only started three minutes ago. Evelyne blushed and sat down.

"Uh... Evelyne? You want to introduce yourself to the new kid?' Diana asked her.

"Oh yeah. Hey, I'm Evelyne. Sorry, I must have sl... I mean missed your name. What was it again?" Evelyne asked.

"I'm Wally. Wally West." He said as class started.

Wally noticed that Evelyne was very tall. She had ombred hair but, instead of the typical blonde color, it faded into grey at the end. She, like the rest of the class, was wearing her uniform but it wasn't styled the way that everyone else's was. Her white button up shirt was untucked and there were a few buttons at the top that were left undone. Like the other girls, she was wearing a red and white plaid skirt but it's hemline was an inch or two shorter than everyone else's. Completing the look was her undone tie and black converse. Her red blazer was forgotten, thrown over her chair haphazardly.

Diana, on the other hand had straight and long midnight-black hair and deep, but friendly blue eyes. Her uniform was pristine, skirt just above the knees, tie straight, translucent black tights, suede black headband, and leather flats. She was staring intently at what Mr. Kopdur was teaching on the blackboard and writing notes down frantically on her pastel pink notebook.

"All right, Evelyne now that you're awake would you like to tell me the answer to this problem? What chemical would react?" Mr. K asked. Evelyne, who obviously did not know the answer made a sour face. Diana resisted the urge to laugh. If Evelyne was getting this embarrassed and school had only started... Just imagine the possibilities...

"Uh... I think that it would be that chemical on the left of the chart. Ya'know... the green one." Evelyne muttered. Wally smirked, amused. He could easily solve this problem. Eh, why not just do it for fun? He looked up at the board and analyzed the problem. Evelyne guessed at an answer at that moment and obviously got it wrong as the teacher wrote something on the board. Wait... that was wrong too!

"No, no, no, no, no. Just no, dude!" He cried, jumping to his feet going to the board. Mr. Kopdur who was caught off guard backed away. Wally, meanwhile, jumped into a semi-long explanation about chemicals.

"And so... if you just add that... cut off the air... sprinkle in a little water, and that's what it would turn out to be... Now to get this... just add a little bit of lithium... Watch the amount of acid... And that's how you'd get the answer. Get it?" He asked, turning to the class. It looked like only one person got it, and that was Diana who was nodding her head. Meanwhile, everyone gave him a blank look... including Mr. K who was frantically checking the answer book.

"Dude... I just got schooled!" Mr. Kopdur said as Wally went back to his seat.

Diana and Evelyne exchanged glances. They were slowly putting it together. Both watched Young Justice and mentally slapped themselves for not getting it earlier. Wally West...How he knew the science stuff... The attitude... He had red hair and freckles for crying out loud!

"Yo, Eve, ya thinking what I am?" Diana asked.

"Yes..." Evelyne nodded. Diana nodded.

"So you know who he is?"


"Say it at the same time." Diana commanded. Evelyne again nodded.

"Kid Flash"

"Justin Bieber."

Diana facepalmed. "No, Evelyne he's Kid Flash, get it?"

"OH... I see what you mean now… are you sure he's not Justin Bieber?" Evelyne asked.

Diana sighed.


Five minutes later Wally actually found himself enjoying the class. Usually Wally hated school, but Mr. Kopdur was an amazing teacher. He made hilarious jokes and poked fun at some of the students. When the students were working he would play popular music and he would let the class chose the music that he played. One time when he was playing Firework by Katy Perry (A/N: Don't Own!) he jumped up on the desk and started to sing in a very high pitched, off key voice. Wally was also enjoying the company of Diana and Evelyne. They were both incredibly kind, if not a little crazy. He was actually disappointed when the class finally ended. He looked down at his schedule, up next, math. Algebra, here I come.