A/N: Okay I finally got onto writing my own crossover for Mass effect/Crysis. Just so you know, I'm heavily basing it on Peter Watt's novel "Crysis Legion" (awesome novelization of Crysis 2), and the universe is quite heavily AU. Oh, and also i'm not a native english speaker, so please inform me of any grammatical error.

I knew it.

I knew someday they would have to pull me out of cryo. After all, if they put me in cryo in the first place, it was because they were afraid they might need poor ol' Alky again, wasn't it? Otherwise, they would have just found a convenient way to… Dispose of me. Us. Whatever. Me, the suit, and Prophet's leftovers.

Now, as the ice slowly melted around me and the suit was rattling off its checklist, I was left wondering what spooked them out to the point that they felt the need to pull me out from my bottle of formol. Not that I wondered for long, anyway, what with the enhanced brain capacities offered by SECOND and its artificial neural network, and those nanorobots made of protein screwing around with my own fleshy neurons. After all, there was really only one reason they would need me. Somehow, Humanity made it to the stars. And inevitably, they stumbled on more Cephs. Or worse, those that created them. And it made them crap their pants so much that they suddenly remembered that they just had someone (Or was it something now? This subject is kind of blurry.) that had a lot of experience dealing with them.

I was at this point when they realized that I was conscious. And a nurse (Well at least she looked like a nurse, young and good looking along with the white lab coat.) quickly ran at me. She seemed slightly wary of me and stopped a few feet from the cryotube I was in. I couldn't blame her, after all since I bonded with the N2.0 I was a living, breathing killing machine. Well, no, scratch that. The suit took over the respiratory and circulating functions of my flesh body a long time ago. Let's just say I'm a killing machine, with an emphasis on machine.

"Can you hear me, corporal Rodriguez?"

And she calls me with my former human name and rank! She mustn't have received the memo informing her of my condition. "Of course I can", came my synthesized, Prophet-like voice. "Incidentally, I can even hear Dr. Kasparov –that's his name right?- discussing about me with his assistant in the next room, as well as the beating of your heart. And from it and a dozen other signs such as your body temperature, skin conductivity and eye saccades, I can even tell that you are not feeling too comfortable in my presence. Now if you would be kind enough to call the good Doctor so we can be done with the procedures…"

That shut her up. Mouth wide open and all. She immediately turned and practically ran to the next room, while the two armed guards present in the room tensed up instantaneously, which granted me a "THREAT DETECTED" from SECOND and a neat targeting reticule on them on my HUD. Speaking of them, they had a strange getup too. Apparently, in whatever time I woke up, skintight body armor was all the rage. And weapons didn't use bullets anymore. Interesting. The doctor came hurriedly in the room, as I got up for the first time in God-knows-how-long. Tall, about 50 years old, bald, and a serious look on his face. Overall, he looked more like a military man than your average physician, but that wasn't too surprising.

"Well, welcome to the future corporal. How are you feeling?"

Sharp and to the point. My initial evaluation of him was correct.

"Not too bad, considering I…" I checked up my Carbon 14 level with SECOND. "…spent 133 years in the fridge. All things considered, I think I'm a very healthy walking corpse. But I guess you are more concerned with the state of the suit. Then be reassured. Everything reads 100%." That got him a little off balance, though to his credit he didn't show much of it. But of course, it's not like he could really hide something like that from me.

"Oh… Well. Saves me having to tell you. Now… Will you please seat in the cradle for a moment?" He told me, pointing to a relic from a distant past. A vintage nanosuit cradle, complete with the Crynet Systems logo on it. They must have pulled it out from some secret government bunker along with me, this company having disappeared in 2023. Anyway, I sat in and just 20 seconds after the magnetic clamps got me in place, an other two men entered the room. Apparently, they were too chickenshit to come talking to me when I'm free of my movements. One was a civilian wearing an official looking suit of some sort, the other appeared to be military, with a blue and gold uniform that looked like it came out from a cheap sci-fi movie from the 80's. And judging from the number of stripes, he must have been of a quite high rank. The civilian spoke first.

"Welcome back among us, corporal Rodriguez… Or may I call you Alcatraz?..."

"Alcatraz. Whoever I was before does not exist anymore. Now who are you mister…?"

"Oh excuse me. I am agent Rilman, from the US DoD. And this is general Williams from the Systems Alliance."

"Systems Alliance huh? Fancy name. I like it. So, if I understand correctly, I am being leased to it by the US government because some shit went down somewhere, and I'd bet my heart if I still had one that it involves some aliens…"

"That's correct." The general spoke up. "Just a week ago, a scientific expedition in deep space came back to one of our colonies claiming that they had been attacked by alien ships. Their escort didn't return. Needless to say, you are the most well placed to know what happened the last and only time humanity encountered an alien species."

"And so you fear that we are facing the ceph again."

"Evidently. We always suspected that Earth was probably not the only planet they were on, and that eventually we might encounter them again."

"So now you need me. Why? Aren't we at like the 50th nanosuit generation today? I must be a piece of museum now. Unless…"

Rilman spoke again "…Basically nearly all the tech related to the suit has been lost following the death of Jacob Hargreave and Karl Ernst Rarsch and the destruction of their facilities during the Ceph War. Add to that some… Ethical… considerations and you have the only one nanosuit in existence today. Some of it's tech still exists of course, as you can see with the suits of the marines present in this room (That's when I noticed the tell-tale grey hexagonal shapes on their form fitting suits), but their capabilities are nowhere near yours. For instance, due to the lack of any symbiosis with the nanotissue, the wearer strength and speed is not improved in any way, as is the brain computational capacity. On top of that, their healing capability relies on external systems and other medical innovations you are not aware of. Basically, they are just body armor with a stealth capacity and minor strength improvement provided my more traditional actuators, but none of the capacities provided by the bonding with the suit."

"I guess my own experience must have been quite an embarrassment."

"Look, the war had been won… There was no way we could justify continuing to develop a technology that turns soldiers into… Into…"

"Something like me?"

"Sorry. But yes."

"No offense taken. After all, to feel angry I guess you have to feel emotions first."

That threw a cold. Although it wasn't totally right, I could feel emotions, but they were dulled. Toned down by 90%. And seemed like they were felt by someone else and not me, courtesy of the cyborg part of my mind.

Williams broke the silence. "Well… Long story short, we need your help and expertise in this affair."

"I'm listening."

"We will send you to the Shanxi sector along with the reinforcement fleet we are sending there. Your job will be to assess the threat, to know if we are indeed facing Cephs, and if need be to assist in fighting the threat."

"And what if I don't care? After all, it's not like I owe anyone something in this time. In fact, It would be more the opposite. And on top of that, my own link to humanity has been tenuous at best lately… So tell me. What could I possibly gain in all this, beside a new chance to die for good this time?"

"Well, for one, we could possibly make you human once again."


"Think about it Alcatraz. More than a century have passed since you were put in cryo. That's more that enough time to make some breakthroughs in medical science."

At first, I thought he was just outright lying about that to get me to do what he needed me to do. Not that I would refuse anyway. After all I'm just a weapon: point and shoot. That's all I ever knew and I was alright about it. I just wanted to know how much they needed me. And after checking and rechecking his vital signs, I could only reach the conclusion that either he was the most trained liar I had ever seen, or he was telling the truth. Or he thought he was. Impossible to tell at that moment.

"Okay, maybe I'll trust you then. How do we proceed?"

"Excellent. You will get aboard the ship SSV Midway after you are finished here. The fleet will depart in a few hours, and you'll get properly briefed on everything once en route."

And with further ado, they both turned and left the room, leaving me still stuck in the cradle with the Dr. Kasparov, that was furrowing his brow like crazy in front of his console.

"Hey doc', if you're looking for life signs you can keep looking for a long time."

He looked at me startled, like I interrupted a very complex train of thoughts.

"What? No it's not…"

"And don't think because I'm a grunt I can't understand anything you'll tell me. You'd be surprised at the number of things I can understand since I'm in that thing."

"Well it's just that… Your suit was supposed to be inactive all that time. And as far as I can tell, it wasn't totally." He flicked on a holographic display that showed a section of my spine. "See there? Fused along the spinal cord? That's nanotissue. During all that time, the bond between you and the suit has expanded. The artificial neural network now runs along the entire length of your spine and even expands along the nerves. I don't know how it did that being powered down but it did. I don't know yet what that could mean but it's possible your capabilities have been even more improved. Possibly it makes the nervous system even more efficient, rendering you even more faster than before and… I need to look at all the implications. But other than that, everything seems fine. There is some minor tissue damage due to the long time spent frozen but the suit should take care of it. Otherwise, you're free to go."

"Free? Are you so sure?" I said as I got up. Before he could respond however, I was heading out of the medical facility with the two goons following me.

Time to discover in what world I ended up.

A/N:First chapter for my first time writing on . Yay! Any review is appreciated, as long as it's not just flaming for the sake of flaming ;)

Any question? Criticism?