Inside the cathedral, Rapunzel was in awe. Everything was so ornate and beautiful, and she had to constantly remind herself not to touch everything. She followed Esmeralda up winding stairs, excitement pouring out of her. As the four climbed the stairs, Rapunzel held Eugene's hand tightly.

"Do you think he'll remember me?" she asked Eugene.

"You're kind of hard to forget," he chuckled.

When they finally reached their destination, Esmeralda called out for Quasimodo.

"Quasimodo? Quasi are you here? I've got a surprise for you!" she called. Suddenly the four heard uneven footsteps approaching and Quasimodo appeared. Rapunzel immediately recognized him and it took all her restraint (and some help from Eugene) not to run to him.

"Oh hello, Esmeralda!" Quasimodo said, smiling as he hugged her. "Hello, Phoebus," he nodded. Then he looked at the two strangers.

"Quasimodo," Esmeralda said, taking Rapunzel's hand, "Does she seem familiar to you?" Rapunzel's eyes were wide and smiling. She desperately hoped he'd remember her. Quasi studied her for a while and tilted his head.

"You do look vaguely familiar," he said, "Especially your eyes." Then Quasi noticed the small, green chameleon on Rapunzel's shoulder. "Wait a minute! You can't be. It's impossible," he said in disbelief. "Are you that baby that was baptized here a long time ago? Ran… No, Ral- um…"

"RAPUNZEL!" Rapunzel shouted her name, not being able to take it any longer and hugged the short man. "My name's Rapunzel! Oh, you do remember me!" she squealed.

"Rapunzel! Yes, that's right!" Quasi laughed and hugged the girl back. When she pulled away from him, she was smiling from ear-to-ear. "But wait, what happened to your hair? Wasn't it blonde before?" Quasi asked. Rapunzel's face dropped slightly.

"Yeah, it used to be," she said, "It's a really long story, but I'll tell you it later!"

"Alright," Quasi laughed, "I can't believe that chameleon's still alive!" Rapunzel's brow furrowed.

"You know Pascal?" she asked. Pascal whirred positively on her shoulder. She picked him up and he made gestures to Quasimodo, himself, and to her.

"That's right," Quasimodo said, "I gave him to you! I remember thinking you'd need a friend."

"WOW!" Rapunzel exclaimed and hugged Quasi again. "Thank you! I never even thought about how I got Pascal. He's just always been there! He's my best friend!" Then she remembered her other best friend, who had yet to be introduced. "Oh!" she exclaimed and grabbed Eugene's arm, pulling him to meet Quasi. "And this is my other best friend! Eugene!" Eugene extended a hand to Quasi and they shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you," Eugene said.

"Nice to meet you too, Eugene," Quasi smiled.

"Well," Esmeralda said, "I think we've all got some catching up to do!" They all agreed, so Quasi found some pillows to sit on and the five sat down to talk about all the things that had been happening in their lives.


Hours passed as they each told their stories and laughed and enjoyed each other's company. The seating arrangements eventually changed so that Rapunzel was perched on Eugene's lap and Esmeralda had assumed a comfortable position under Phoebus' arm. Quasimodo lay on his side, head propped up on his fist. Eugene looked out a window and noticed that the sun was nearly set.

"Hey, Blondie?" he said quietly, as Quasimodo was still talking. She looked at him with the smile that had been permanently glued to her face for hours now. "It's almost dark. We gotta head back to the palace." Her brows knit together.

"Oh, but I don't want to leave yet!" she pleaded. Quasimodo stopped his story to ask what was wrong. "Eugene says we have to go back to the palace now," Rapunzel pouted.

"I'm sorry," Eugene said truthfully (he didn't really want to go back either), "But we need to be back soon or else your parents will worry."

"Can't Phoebus, Esmeralda and Quasi come with us?" Rapunzel asked. "There's plenty of room in the palace! They could spend the night!" Eugene raised one eyebrow at her.

"Well that's not really my decision, Blondie," he grimaced. Rapunzel turned her attention to the others.

"Oh, won't you please come back with us? I bet if I ask Belle and Adam, they'll let you stay! They're really nice! They couldn't possibly keep me from my new friends!" Rapunzel whined. Esmeralda looked at Phoebus.

"Well," she said, "I guess it couldn't hurt to ask."

"What about Jolly and Achilles?" Phoebus asked.

"Oh, they'll be fine alone for one night," she assured him. Phoebus shrugged. Rapunzel was beaming again at their agreements.

"What about you, Quasimodo?" Rapunzel asked him with pleading eyes. Quasi was going to say it was a bad idea, but one look at her face and he caved.

"I guess we can ask," he smiled.


Belle and Adam agreed to let Rapunzel's friends stay the night, saying that any friend of hers was a friend of theirs. Esmeralda, Phoebus and Quasi introduced themselves to Belle and Adam. Quasi, who was still very self-conscious, apologized for his appearance to Belle.

"Queen Belle, thank you very much for allowing me to stay. I realize my appearance can be frightening. I apologize for any discomfort I cause you," Quasimodo said sadly. To his surprise, Belle laughed at his apology.

"Oh, Quasimodo! You don't need to apologize. I've plenty experience with things much scarier than you," she smiled at shot a loving glance at Adam.

After a wonderful dinner full of conversation and laughter, everyone retired to their respective rooms for the night.


Adam sat against the headboard of his and Belle's large bed, waiting for Belle to join him. She was in their washroom getting ready for bed, but the door was open so they could converse.

"It sure is nice having so many guests in the palace tonight," Adam said. Belle agreed.

"It certainly feels homier. And isn't that Rapunzel just the biggest sweetheart?"

"She is very charming," Adam agreed. Belle leaned against the door frame of the washroom with her arms crossed.

"Not as charming as you though," she winked. Adam smiled and patted the empty spot next to him, encouraging her to join him. As she walked towards him, Adam admired the way her nightgown clung to her curves and wondered how he got so lucky. She joined him in bed and Adam handed her a book. Belle read to him almost every night. He loved listening to her read. Normally she picked the stories, but they had finished their last book and Adam had picked out a new one. Belle examined the cover.

"Moby-Dick?" she raised one eyebrow at Adam and he nodded eagerly. "Great choice," she smiled at him. Belle cleared her throat and began, "Call me Ishmael..."


Phoebus and Esmeralda lay in the huge, strange bed of their huge, strange bedroom.

"Never thought I'd be sleeping in a palace," Esmeralda sighed and snuggled closer to Phoebus.

"I know," he agreed, "It's so…spacious," Esmeralda nodded, sending the beautiful scent of her hair about his face. He inhaled and kissed where her temple met her hair. She closed her eyes, smiling and sighed.

"Isn't it strange how we both knew Flynn, er, Eugene?" she chuckled. Phoebus nodded and cleared his throat.

"Yeah, about that," he said slowly, "Were you two…ever…you know…" Esmeralda stopped him with her laugh and rolled to face him.

"Who, Flynn?" she laughed, "No! Haha, I mean he tried but it takes much more than 'The Smolder' to win me over." Esmeralda laughed and rolled on top of him, straddling him. "You should know that," she smiled and gave him a chaste kiss. Then her face got more serious. "Besides," she said, running a hand over his chest, "You know you're the only man that's ever had me." Phoebus looked at her with loving eyes. One hand rested on her waist and the other cupped her chin to bring her down for a long, passionate kiss.


In Rapunzel's designated room, she lay in her big, lonely bed, wide awake. She was still wired from the day's events. She rambled to Pascal about how great the day was, even though he'd been there, but Pascal grew tired and eventually nodded off. Rapunzel huffed and got out of bed. She really wanted to keep talking. She wasn't the least bit tired, so she lit a candle and sneaked off towards Quasimodo's room.

When she knocked on his door, it only took a few moments for him to answer. He opened the door was barely able to say her name before she pushed her way in with a. "Hey, Quasi!"

"Uh, hey," he said. "What are you doing here?" He watched as she sat down on his bed and made herself comfortable.

"Oh, I was just still too wound up to sleep, so I came to talk to you!" she exclaimed.

"Oh," Quasi said, sitting down next to her. "Well what would you like to talk about?"

"I don't really know!" she said, "I was just thinking how it's strange that we have such similar pasts."

"I know," he agreed, "It's like we're destined to be friends." Rapunzel smiled at him.

"Yeah!" she exclaimed, "And now I have three best friends! Pascal, Eugene, and now you!" Quasi laughed.

"And don't forget Phoebus and Esmeralda."

"Oh, yes! They're so nice. And I can't believe they both knew Eugene from the old days!" she said in disbelief. Quasi nodded.

"And you know what else?" Quasi asked, "I think you and Eugene are a sweet couple."

"Really?" she gushed, "Thank you! I love Eugene so much."

"I can tell," Quasi laughed, "And I can tell he loves you just as much."

"Oh," Rapunzel sighed, "Yes. He's so patient with me. There's so much I don't know or understand, but he always is there to teach me." Quasi nodded and yawned.

"Mhm. He seems like a great guy!" Quasi stretched his arms, "Rapunzel? I don't want to seem rude, but it's awfully late. We both need our sleep, or we'll be tired in the morning."

"Oh, you're probably right," she sighed and stood up. She and Quasimodo hugged and said their goodnights.

Rapunzel walked down the dark hallway with her candle. She planned on going back to her room, but her head still buzzed and she wasn't tired enough to sleep. She decided she'd go visit Eugene, knowing he'd be able to relax her. When she arrived at his room, she tried the door handle first and didn't bother knocking. It was unlocked so she let herself in. Eugene lay in his bed, but he wasn't asleep. His hands were behind his head and he stared into the darkness. When he heard the door open he sat up.

"Blondie?" he asked. He wasn't going to tell her to leave because one: he knew she wouldn't do it, and two: he had been thinking about her all night and really missed her. He could see her smile at him in the candle light and he pulled back the blankets, making room for her next to him. He wouldn't tell her to leave tonight. She sat her candle down on the night stand and snuggled up next to him. "So what are you doing here?" he asked, kissing the top of her head.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep, so I visited Quasi and we talked for a while. But then he wanted to sleep and I still wasn't tired, so I figured I'd come visit you since you always seem to relax me," she said with content smile. Eugene chuckled.

"I couldn't sleep either," he said softly and sighed, "I'm glad you're here."

"Can I stay here tonight?" she asked. Her pleading face was glowing in the light of the candle and he brushed a stray piece of hair away from her face.

"You probably shouldn't," he sighed, "but I really don't want you to go." She grinned and gave him one of her quick, child-like kisses. Eugene's eyes lowered and he gazed at her, swearing he'd never seen anything so beautiful. He reached up to cup her cheek and pulled her in for another kiss, internally swearing he wouldn't let this go too far; but he needed this. He held her there for a moment and when she didn't pull away, he slowly urged her lips apart. She complied, curious as to what he was up to. A shock wave went through her body as he slid his tongue into her mouth. Her eyes shot open, but she didn't pull away.

Eugene marveled at how wonderful she tasted. She was so soft and beautiful. After the initial shock of this new experience, Rapunzel curiously caressed his tongue with her own, wanting him to feel the warmth she was feeling. Eugene moaned and deepened the kiss. He moved on top of her, supporting his weight on his elbow, one hand entangled itself in her hair. Her arms snaked around his neck and she instinctively pressed closer against him. For what seemed like forever, they kissed like this, heads swimming with complete euphoria.

They eventually had to broke for air. Both breathing heavily, Eugene rested his forehead on hers, smiling. Rapunzel giggled breathlessly,

"Wow! That was… Amazing!" Eugene rolled over on his back and ran a hand through his hair, trying to clear the red haze of lust from his head.

"Yeah," he breathed, desperately wishing it didn't have to end. Rapunzel wrapped a slender arm around Eugene and rested her head on his bare chest, sighing contently.

"Promise we'll do that again?" she asked, grinning. Eugene chuckled.

"We will definitely do that again." Eugene wrapped an arm around her small shoulders and rested his other hand on the arm she'd draped over his chest. Rapunzel nuzzled his chest, breathing in his relaxing musk, and listening to his heartbeat; she was asleep within moments. Eugene knew he'd be in big trouble if anyone found them like this in the morning, but at the moment her could truly care less. He'd just made out with the girl he loved and now she was sleeping, safe in his arms. He couldn't have been more content. He'd think of something to avoid trouble if he needed to. He always did.

The candle's fire grew dimmer and dimmer until the room was submerged in darkness and Eugene was asleep.

A/N: Alright! Well there's Chapter 4! Sorry it took so long, but as you can see, it's pretty long and I worked really hard on it. I probably should have split it into two chapters, but oh well! I really hope you guys enjoyed it! And how 'bout that kissing scene? ;D Pleasepleaseplease review! I truly appreciate them! Thanks!