A/N: Story over! Thank you all for your reviews, support, patience and happiness. Thank you for your Kindness. People like you motivate an author to continue his/her work. Thank you for being there!

Jeez! I feel like I will cry! XD not like I won't hear anymore about you! Will I? :S I love you all and thank you again! I don't even want to write this chapter! I want to keep you guys with me! XD Aww

Thousands of Thanks to:

AD Axel

Alicia the Hedgehog

Freezing Enferno


Lambor Terror Lep


Lunar Radioactive






For adding my story in your favorites. :D

Thousands of thanks to:

Alicia the Hedgehog



Lunar Radioactive





for adding the story in your alert list! :D

Thousands of thanks to:



Freezing Enferno


Lambor Terror Lep


Alicia the Hedgehog



for your reviews! :D :D

And finally, thank you to all the readers! :DDDD

~Time after~

"SIDESWIPE! WHERE'S MY DIARY!?" I remember I put it under my pillow and now, it is no more there! The only one that knows where I hide my diary is Sides. That slag-head! Argh!

"Woah bro! I don't even touch your girly things!"


Ok... Having a diary is girly but I don't write anymore on! I keep it to remind me what were the stupid things I did, like the banana episode or the day I took Sunstreaker jr as mine. It also reminds me the steps I had to go through to get our lil' sis back. The night I cried because of the memory of the last day alive of my creators. The day my bro and I were playing cards behind a big rock meanwhile the others were fighting so we could talk to our sister. Ha ha ha! Or the day I opened my chest to a femme for the first time! Wait! I'm talking about BrightHope here! XD Don't misunderstand me! I had to open my chest so she could see my spark. To know it was all a year ago. Today, everything is new. I mean, new kind of experiences, new brotherly funny moments, everything is new. I don't write anymore on my diary but I keep it. Nobot touches it! The problem is that I don't find it anymore!

"Look Sunny-"

"Don't call me that!" I say with an angry look.

"Alright. Then Sunstreaker. I haven't touched it! I'm way too busy working on important things!"

"Oh let me guess... You are working on pranks? Aren't you?" Just what I needed! A brother always putting himself in troubles! He is 17 vorns! Come on! He has to grow up! Even Brighthope is more mature than him! Ok... Partially but still! A 17 vorns mech working on pranks, oh please! Primus save us!

"No. I'm not working on that!"

"Really? Lie to me twice and you will see slagger. Come on, do it." I like when I have authority on him.

"I-uh... 'right! Argh! You are right but listen, don't say anybot about it ok? And I may tell you where's your Didi, like you call it!"

"What?! Tell me where it is!" I push him against a wall and hold his arms tightly. My menacing look is terrorising him. I can see it.

"But-but promise me you won't say anything about the pranks!" I nod my helm and he sighs in relief. "Bright' has your diary."

"THE SLAG?! Why? How?"

"She was going to make your berth since you N-E-V-E-R do it and she found your diary. Are you gonna rescue your helpless diary now?" He chuckles but not for a long time. I punch his mocking face and leave the room heading my little sister's quarters.

I knock at her door but no answer. Is she in there? If she is and does not want to open me the door, we will have some words about it, if she isn't in there, I will start to look for her elsewhere. I try again and again. Still no answer.

"Bright'! Open the door now! I need to ask you something!"

... Still nothing. I knock harder.

"BrightHope! Open the door now! I'm serious!"

... Oo-kay. Nothing. Time to look for her!

I start walking in the long noisy corridors asking for her. Apparently there's nobot that has seen her. Weird. Are they pulling a prank on me? If she is pulling a prank on me with Sides' help, they both will suffer the consequences! Especially Sideswipe since he is the one that influences our little sister to do that.

"Hey 'streaker!" I roll my optics as I recognise the voice. That voice is soooo annoying sometimes and full of lyrics! If you know what I mean. I turn around and face the party dude of the base. Jazz. I gesture him to talk since talking with him is the biggest mistake ever. If you like talking for hours and hours, then you just found your pal but if not, run away from him or just make him understand you have better things to do than talking for hours. I'm not saying I don't like him, no no. The problem is that I have missed a lot of my patrols or monitoring shifts because I spent my time talking about everything and anything. I learnt my lesson and now, I just evade him. Seems like today, he found me.

"I heard ya're lookin' fer your lil' sister or am I wrong?" His smirk is so big that his face could break into many little pieces. What is he hiding?


"Yes what? Yes I'm wrong? Or yes ya're lookin' fer your sister?"

"Yes I'm looking for my sister." I reply reluctantly

"That's what I wanted to hear! Well she had stealth training an hour ago with Mirage. Ya can go ask him where's yer lil' charge." He dances and hum a song before to disappear behind a door. Yeah... A well known door. It's Prowl's door. What are these two doing in there? Yuck! Don't want to think about it! Right when I start to walk again, a door opens.

"Hey Sunny. Mirage is the rec. room fer yer info!" then the door's shut. That slagger of Jazz, always trying to help!

After some long steps, I finally arrive at the rec. room. I quickly spot Mirage and walk to his direction. The mech, he is drinking his ratio of energon.

"Sorry to interrupt you Mirage but somebot told me you had training with my sister an hour ago right? Do you know where she might be?"

"Looking for her uh? Ahhh the brotherly care of Sunstreaker. Never thought I would see it. I remember when one of my friends tried to play that role with me. Being the big bro. I-"

"HEY! HELLO! I asked you to tell me where is my sister not to tell me one of your prehistorical stories!" I interrupt him rudely. I have no time to waste if I want to save my diary.

"Woah calm down golden flower! Calm down! Your sister is in her quarters. I think she said she would recharge or take a shower. Something like that."

"You will pay for calling me Golden flower, old rusted mech!" I throw a fist at him but he seems not to care. I leave the room grumpily and walk again to Bright's quarters. This time I will force the door to enter the room if necessary. I stand in front of it thinking on what should I do. If she is sleeping, forcing the door would not be a good idea. But if she is not, I can do it. What if she is burning my diary? I see no reason why she would do that but the unexpected can be expected with her.

I slowly open the door. Dummy me, her door was unlock since the beginning I just never opened it. I knocked but never opened it. As I enter her quarters, the low light next to her berth shows me the recharging frame of my sister. She is deeply recharging. I slowly get closer to her and caress her helm. She is so precious when she sleep. She must be dreaming of something really beautiful because of her to smile. Isn't that one of the best thing to see for a brother? To see his little sister smiling happily while she is recharging?

"BrightHope..." I slowly shake her and she groans. I don't really want to wake her up so I stop. She suddenly shifts and I notice she is hugging something in her arms. Is it Sunstreaker jr.? Because I gave her the kitty as gift. She loves the fured animal and Sunny jr. likes her too. They are both good friends but I don't think Bright' sleeps with the kitty. I mean, she could crush the cat if she does not pay attention to it. I slowly remove her arms and I gasp when I see what she's hugging; my diary! Then a river of ideas come to my mind. Why is she recharging with my diary? Did she shred my diary? Did she paint on? Why does she keep my diary!?

Then I slowly decide, after my intense questioning moment, to take it and leave her quarters.

Back in my quarters, I open my diary with fear to see something disastrous that would kill my Didi forever. I turn the pages and double check them but still nothing. Why did she have my diary then? Why was she hugging it?

Author: Argh! Stop questioning yourself and-

HEY! I'M THE MAIN CHARACTER HERE SO LEAVE MY STORY! Ughh that author makes my life here hard and impossible. Anyway I was saying that... Uh... What was I saying? Oh yeah! The 'Why' question. I check my diary again and again trying to find any little defect on it but nothing then something weird happens. A small data-pad falls from the pocket of my diary. A white and golden data-pad. I know these colours. I know them well. That data-pad belongs to BrightHope! Hm... What is she hiding? I turn it on and WOAHHH! Magic happens! A ton of cybertronian symbols appear. I didn't know my sister knew Cybertronian. I guess those Decepti-clowns taught her something good at least. Time to read.

Dear Didi,

I know I should not read you because this diary belongs to my brother, not me but I have a good excuse. I was going to make my brother's berth when I found you. My bro is so not good to hide things. Like when he gave me Sunny jr. He told me he had something to give me and I waited. Apparently, the 'something' was in his quarters, waiting for me. So I followed him and he opened his door. I entered and I saw something moving under his desk. His desk had a blanket on it, like it was trying to cover something. Besides, the blanket was green and Sunny hates green. It was really suspicious. He told me to wait and so I did. I kept my optics on the desk. Then, something moved.

"Where's the gift?" I heard Sunny ask looking under his berth, opening his drawers and closing them.

Then it moved again. My spark started to race. Something was not normal under that blanket. I stared at it. It slowly fell until it revealed a little yellowish fury ball. I squeaked of cuteness. That's when Sunstreaker realised his gift couldn't wait to be 'open'. He facepalmed and groaned.

"I told you to stay hide! Look what you did Junior!" He said sternly, talking to the cat like it were his charge. I giggled and rapidly took the kitty. Sunny was glad that even if the kitty ruined the surprise, I still loved it.

Ahhh that brother! My brother of mine. I read his diary. He is so cuteee and a real goofy mech. I didn't know my brother could be so funny! Things didn't really change but I never imagined in my life that my brother would question himself about bananas. Who's the banana's daddy?! What the slag did infect his internal processor that day?

When I was with the 'Cons, the ones I considered as my family, I used to be the sparkling of the base but I was not treated like one. They treated me like any soldier. 'Cons don't have a spark. Their matter is to execute the Autobots. They want all the Energon. I was so blind before. They called me little sister but I was nothing of them. If I were, they wouldn't treat me like I were a toy. They wouldn't beat the frag out of me because I would fail in one of their missions. Here, I'm in training. A real training. Not the trainings where you learn to destroy lives and shoot at your enemies or friends. You shoot at your enemy only to make him fall. Autobots don't off-line by pure fun. They think twice before to off-line. Starscream really hated me because I was better shooter than him and that really got under his frame! Anyway, Megatron was different with me. He didn't treat me like he treated his soldiers. He was rough and with no mercy but he also had his 'soft' side. A soft side that I only heard of from Soundwave until I saw it. I have got to admit that the first weeks here were hard and weird. They were always happy, smiling or laughing. Everything was normal. Nobot beat another. It was so weird. From a dark base to a lighted one or fairylike like I called the first week, you can definitely see the differences.

I know I had not the chance to meet my creators but I'm pretty sure they must have been handsome and charming. Sunstreaker told me all the story. I have a brave brother. Since he was a youngling, a very young youngling, he took the responsibility to take care of Sides'. Even today, he still takes care of him. He has double responsibility with me now in the family but Sideswipe has matured a l-i-t-t-l-e bit!

Diary, I'm the luckiest femmeling on Earth. I had a hard youngling-hood but now, I'm ready to live a beautiful 'adolescence' like humans say! Optimus Prime talked to me, asking me if I was really ready to engage myself as an Autobot. Of course I am! Didi, if you allow me to call you like my handsome brother does, Thank you for being with my brother. I know you can't speak nor counsel him but you helped him a lot to let out everything he had inside. I read you, I read you all and I will admit I cried. Cried of laughter, sadness and relief. My brothers really fought to bring me back to my real family. Do you think someday I will meet my creators? In a dream or something? I wish I could.

Sunstreaker, don't get angry because I wrote something after I read your diary. I know you don't like we touch your personal things or girly things like Sides' says but I think I really had to read it. The bond between us is stronger than ever and I will do my best to be a good little sister. Sunny, my beautiful and shiny Sunny, I have the handsomest brother ever. I never thought it would be so beautiful to have a family. I know you are the toughie in the siblings here but your hugs are the warmest and most comforting I have ever had. The tears you let out when I finally accepted to go to my real home, those pure and sincere tears, I will never forget them.

I love you my brother! I know we have a lot more to know about each other but we have plenty of time. As you did, I will open my chest so you can what I really feel being with you two. Sideswipe and you. To thank you is not enough for what you did but one day, I will pay you back everything! I loveeeee you banana bro!

I can't keep it anymore... My tears can't stay hide forever. This sooo sweet of my little baby sister! She does like us.

I hug the diary and Bright's data-pad and joyful tears leave my optics. My sweet little sparkling. I leave my quarter and head my sister's quarters. I know she is recharging but I want to be close to her and give her that secure presence she needs.

Standing in front of her door, fresh tears come again. I can't control them but I let them free. I silently open her door and look at her again. She is still smiling. Why? I sit down on her berth next to her. I carefully lift her up, nestling her to my chest. Oh slag! She is opening her optics. Is it because she suddenly feel cold? I have to put her blanket back to her frame.

"Daddy? Is that you?" she asks half asleep. I stop doing what I was doing and smile at her. "Thank you for giving me two wonderful brothers." her voice is sleepy but full of gratitude. Then she rests her helm on my chest and continue to sleep. I place the blanket on the two of us and I hum her a lullaby, enjoying the moment with her. With my BrightHope, my baby sister!


Doneeeee! :) a chap a bit long but I guess it's normal when it's the last one. Anyway, thank you again beautiful people!

PS: I had a request. Autobot-Mayday asked me the possibility to make a sequel of this story and I accepted! :) Of course, I will begin it when I will have half of my stories done but I will give you a preview of it so if you receive a notification about a new chapter of Sunstreaker's diary, it won't be another chap but the preview of the sequel. :) Thank you againnnn! :D