Sunstreaker Diary

Ok...I'm writing this in my class, we are correcting an exam! XD Now, let just say I really love the twins and all or maybe all my stories will be about the twins! :P just can't live without them. I'm trying something with this story, just wanna see something. Enjoy it! :D :D

6:30 am

Hard to wake up! I want to continue recharging. Why do have to train this morning. Can't I just pass my turn? To be a front liner is not easy at all but I'm the best to kick decepticreep's afts! I think Sides is still recharging. What a lazy mech. He is sucking his thumb. Total trauma. To suck his thumb is only for sparklings! Time to awake him. Ahh...I found the Rude way to wake up somebot, it's the best! Hmm... Let me choose the good song and... Press the button play in three, two, ONE... PLAY! THAT'S WHAT I CALL A-…

7:00 am.

I'm in the Medbay. The grumpy Ratchet is not happy at all. I'm his first patient and that's the way it is! The glitch-pit-head of Sideswipe scratched all my paint job! AND, he launched his emergency grenades to me! You hear it Diary, to ME! He was so furious after that beautiful awake. What an ungrateful brother, I just wanted to help him not to be late to his exam... And thats the way he pay me back? Pffft! Next time, I'll let him recharge all the time he wants and if he comes, crying he forgot about the exam and he got a big looser mark, well it won't be my problem. Ratchet is trying to fix some of my parts but... It hurts and I can't stop squirming. Need some painkillers! OWWWW!

12:30 pm.

Finally free! No more painful wrenches on my poor head. Now, Ironhide will be mad because I was not in my training but I have a really good reason! Don't you think? I know how to be out of trouble. Just have to do a puppy face and everything is okay. Well, I hope so. It worked 'til my younglinghood. I'm a mechling, I'm still young so there is no chance to fail. OHH Primus! Ratchet is calling me, he forgot to do something. What a shame, that's what happen when you are an old 'bot, your memory processor is fully of information and now, it can't take anymore info, results? You forget EVERYTHING!

12:45 pm

NO NO NOOOOO! I forgot today was the vaccination day! I'm a strong 'bot no need to receive a shot. No diary, I'm not scared. Me? Scared? Pfffft Pathetikkk! I'm a LIAR! Yes! I'm very very very scared. I hate needles. But it's a secret okay. Ohhh... No no. I'm shaking, all my slaggin' frame is shaking! That's what Ratchet forgot... Why didn't he forget about it. Why? Torture.

13:00 pm.

I escaped from the MedBay! Feel kinda rebellious. Muah ha ha ha ha ha.

14:00 pm

FRAG IT! They found me! Don't wanna receive that slagging'-OWWWWWWWW!

16:00 pm

Ironhide is lecturing me. Isn't enough the punches of this morning and the painful shot? When Ironhide lecture, you just want to disappear, to melt on the floor. He is rude with his words. Hopefully, I'm not of Jazz's age because he told me, he punished him not by sending him in his room but he used one of the 'best' techniques to raise a youngling. Diary, I don't want to scare you, so I'll keep it secret! :P next time maybe.


He continues to lecture me! Somebot save me please... Mercy please! Mercy! He talks about the responsibilities as autobot. Boring! Its not like if I missed all my trainings. I'm old enough to take my responsibilities! Rude MECH! Don't love him!

19:00 pm.

Supper time! Whoooo! Long day, I deserve a good plat of energon noodles. Ahh! Look who is there... The fraggin' SIDESWIPE! I can't see him! No no... Don't be so stupid Diary, I'm not blind. I don't wanna see him. If he comes, to talk me, you can be sure I'll jump over him and teach him how to respect his big brother. Yeah yeah... I know... Im only three hours older but still... HE HAS TO RESPECT ME! Thanks Primus, there's a seat next to Bumblebee. Whoo! When I'm angry with Sides, Bumblebee takes his place. He is kinda my lil'bro. At LEAST, he is really younger than me. I'm 3 years older. BAM! By the way, noodles are delicious!

20:30 pm

We are at the meeting room. Optimus want to talk with the 'bots in training. It means, Sideswipe, Bumblebee, Blue, and myself. What does he want to say now. Uffff... Have to stop writing. Hopefully nobot know you are my diary. You know, I'm an artist, so they think you are a draw pad. Happy to be a pro in arts. So... Diary, gonna let ya.

22:00 pm...

BERTH! my berth is calling me! I can hear. I'm walking like a zombot'. Can't stay awake anymore. The ground is shaking! Ohhh no. I'm the one shaking. Ground is ok. I am not okay. It was one of the biggest day this week. Hahahaha. Yeah I know, we are just Monday. I learnt Planet Earth used names for their days. I could call my day... Afty. Hahahahahaha. dear diary, I'm tired! I feel my servo very heavy, my electro-pen heavy too. Everything's heavy now! Should I call Ratchet? :O no no. Finally in my berth. Sweet berth. Wait for me 20 minutes, gonna take my shower.

22:30 pm

Aww.. My little dear missed me. Don't cry anymore. Dad is here.

Okay... Shut up Sunstreaker! You look like a glitch mech. Really think I should sleep before to continue talkin-

I wish my quarters could be separate from Sideswipe. He is over exited... Jumping, screaming, touching everything and laughing. Primus, save me! I'll try to sleep.

23:45 pm

ENOUGH! I think Sideswipe will be the first Ratchet's patient tomorrow morning. I guarantee it. Goodnight Diary, I have something to settle with my lovely brother. MUAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA… I'm choking. Hmmm okay, Let's do it.

MUAH HA HA HA HA HA HA. I published this story for Autobotgirl2... XD I know she wanted this story. Love ya lil'sistaaaaaaa! :D REVIEWS ARE SPECIALLY WELCOME! :D