Hi guys! This is my first Fan Fic, If someone reads it please be nice I normally write scripts so this format of stories for me is...hard but I tried. Thank you and read on! Review please!
I don't think it have ever run this fast in my life, I was running the fastest I have since I started my training...three, no four years ago, come on Rose, three more metres until you've won this race, yes I know corny right, but I Rose Hathaway is running in a race, a quick two hundred metre race, but it was still something I had to win, and right now I was way ahead of everyone.
I was just about to cross the finish line when something, or should I say some blew straight past me and made it there first, Once I passed the line, I slowed to walking pace and put my hands behind me head, more of a way to hold myself from punching whoever it was that beat me, than a move from tiredness, I could run thirty damn laps around this track and not get tired.
"Very good" Alberta said coming to meet me "but sadly you were beaten...Mr Belikov" She yelled and turned, standing behind her was, without a doubt my worst enemy, and I am not even joking, he was the most arrogant man I had laid eyes on, one year old than me ten times my height (Okay so not exactly ten but you get my drift) and about four kilos more muscle, shoulder length brown hair, tight singlet, and track pants, he was hot I give him that but there was no way in my right mind I would even think about dating him.
"Thank you" he said in that Russian Accent of his, arrogant!
"She didn't compliment you idiot" his head snapped to mine, and he glared
"You don't have to take your jealously out on me Miss Hathaway"
"Rose to you" I said and turned to walk away
I was just about to open the door to the gym to go back inside, I was running late for my next class, when a large hand replaced mine and stopped the door.
"If you don't let go of the door right this minute I swear to god, I will break your arm, no wait scratch that, you won't have an arm to break"
"Next time, push of landing foot, it will give you more acceleration"
I was getting sick of this, before he even had time to think I turned and kneed him where I knew it would get him down, he groaned and fell to his knees, I got down to his level.
"When I need your help I'll ask for it, not that I will ever need your help. And you said I couldn't catch you off guard"
I opened the door and let myself in.
Once lunch rolled around I was starving, I walked to the table to find the usual group sitting down, with a surprise new guest, and I walked over
"Hey Liss" I said grabbing a chip of her plate without taking my eyes off the new person at our table
"Hi" she said
"Who's the newbie?"
"Name's Adrian Ivashkov" he said standing and walking over, he stood just over six foot, his hair was ruffled, and as he got closer all I saw was his emerald green eyes, and an awful stench of alcohol and clove cigarettes, I put my hand out
"Don't come any closer" I said putting my hand on my nose
"What?" He asked
"You reek!" I said, Eddie sitting at the table behind him; spit his food on the table "Smoke much?" I said and walked away to the cafeteria, I piled my plate high and walked over to the church, there a nice sitting area, for some reason I just wanted to be alone right now.
You alright? I got from the bond
I looked over and made eye contact with Lissa and nodded and continued my walk over.
When I sat down I started thinking about, Dimitri I know big shocker, but I think I need to explain the reason why I hate him so much, When I first started here he wasn't here, and I was the 'most wanted girl at the academy' and when I say most I mean most, every guy wanted a piece of me and every girl wanted to be me.
When Dimitri got here which was in seventh grade, I started getting feelings for him, very intense feelings for him, not many people at this school knew that I was in fact still a virgin, at the time, but he figured it out, one night I was studying in the library and by this time Dimitri and myself had gotten to know each other pretty well, he walked in looking like he was looking for someone, his eyes drifted to mine, and he lifted a finger and beckoned me to follow him, I did and he lead me to a cabin, secluded from the whole school and opened the door for me, needless to say that is where I lost my virginity and never for a day would I regret whatever happened that night, it was what happened the next day that I would much rather forget, After we had cleaned up and were heading back to campus hand in hand, that was all good but it was when we stopped on the border, he let go of my hand said goodbye and left, later that day he wasn't at training, so I decided that I would go and stop by him dorm to see if he was alright, that will forever be a time in my life that I would want to take back. When I opened the door, all I saw was Dimitri, on top of another woman, that women being Tasha Ozera, Christian's sister.
*Flash Back*
"Dimitri?" I said as I knocked on his door, two days earlier he had given me a key so I opened the door and walked in, there on the bed was Tasha and Dimitri kissing, his shirt was off and she was working on hers.
"I should have known!" I screamed
Dimitri literally jumped of Tasha and looked down at her, in a disgusted tone, he then turned to me
"Roza, it's not—"
"What I think? I am pretty sure it is, but you don't have to explain, I know where this leads, have fun with her, she'll be good for you, a cheater for a cheater"
I turned and walked out, and ran as fast as I could to the only place, where I could safely get rid of my anger, the running track.
I got changed and walked out onto the field, I stretched and started running, pretty soon I had run about ten laps, it started raining but I didn't care I just kept running, I wasn't even tired, I kept running and running until I was soaking wet and my lungs ached for a break, even then I still kept running.
"ROSE!" I heard, it was him, I knew his Russian accent the same as if he was gone for two years.
"Go away!" I yelled
"No! We need to talk about this!"
"No we don't really!" I kept running, by now thunder and lightning had started and it was probably not the safest place to be right now, but like I said I didn't care.
"Roza stop" The desperation in his voice made me stop I approached him breathing hard
"I loved you! You hear that? I LOVED you! And you ripped my heart out!"
"It wasn't what you thought it was"
"And how's that?"
"She compelled me"
"Oh okay and what I'm supposed to just believe you? Leave me alone Dimitri"
I started running again and left him behind, I ignored his yells until he left, then we he left I went back to my dorm and cried my eyes out.
*End of Flash Back*
I ignored the roses and the sweet cards until eventually they stopped coming, I ignored his looks of longing and lust until they turned to annoyance and he just left me alone for good, the only bad thing is that we had private training session's everyday with Alberta. I used to look forward to it, now all I want to do is get out of there as quickly as possible.
"What are you doing out here on your own?" said a familiar voice that made me want to throw up in my mouth
"Trying to get away from you" That was partly true, for one reason, If I was near him all I wanted to do was cry because of all the things he has done to me, and I was scared that I would cry in front of him so I covered it with attitude, I'm not sure if he believed me though.
"Sure you are" He said gracefully sitting next to me, after all he was 6'7 and it surprised me every time he sat down so smoothly.
"I am" I got up, but before I could get anywhere he grabbed my hand
"I think we need to talk" he said to me
"If it's what I think it is, I'm not interested, I'm going to the gym, bye"
I ripped my hand out of his grip and started walking
"I love you Roza" I heard, I flinched but kept walking.
In the gym I was sweating like a pig, my hair was sticking to the back of my neck and I had on a small tank top and short shorts, and they were soaked through, I had always been one for hard work, and when I get angry it seems to come easier to me.
I heard a wolf whistle behind me and I stopped
"Whoever it is, get out here before I smash your face in"
"Chill out Little Dhampir, It's only me"
"Who are you again?" I asked
He looked taken aback by what I said but straighten up and started talking.
"Adrian Ivashkov"
"Oh yeah, the drunk one who smells like clove cigarettes"
"That's hot" He said
"Being able to pick out the cigarettes I smoke"
"Don't worry; you pants will loosen one I leave you alone"
He chuckled, and looked up to the roof
"You're feisty aren't you?"
"Yeah, so you wouldn't be able to handle to me, so just stop right there"
"And who could handle you? The Russian?"
I stood up straighter.
"What would you know about that?"
"More than you know, you dated for about two days and he cheated on you, if you ask me I'd say that he couldn't handle you but hey, I would never do that to someone so beautiful"
I just looked at him, was he right? Probably, but that didn't stop my heart from hurting every time he was around, or my knees from going weak.
"I take it from the silence I'm right?"
"You don't know anything"
He came towards me and moved hair out of my eyes.
"I would treat you like a princess"
"Pity because I am nothing like that, I don't need to be treated like a princess, I need someone who can keep up with me, someone who I can fight with who won't cry if I hit him to hard"
"You have teachers for that"
"I don't know Adrian I don't know you very well"
"Twenty two, very experienced, knows how to treat a woman, my parents live at the court, my aunt is the queen, I have brown hair and green eyes that some say would shine, and I intrigued to the point of love with a girl named Rose. Is that enough for you?"
I didn't get a word out before he kissed me. What was I going to say? I was going to say no.
"Rose?" I heard a voice behind me. Crap.
That's the first chapter! Can you guess who it is? Review please: D
The next chapter will be up soon, depending on homework and exam revision, I have exams coming up soon: D Thanks Guys