So, this is just a teaser/intro to get you ready for the main events. The insanity has yet to begin.
I appreciate reviews (whether good or bad).
I hope you enjoy :)
Full Summary: It's Damon's idea that he, Bonnie, and Elena should go on a cross-country road trip together. Instead, he gets stuck with the whole crew. Will Meredith be able to tame this unruly group? Does Matt find true love - or a true stalker? What happens when Elena's diary goes missing? Plenty of Bamon/Stelena
DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Vampire Diaries, or any of its characters. I only own this story. Furthermore, if you are a PETA representative, understand that no animals were harmed in the writing of this story. *huge sigh*
Road Trip: Vampire Diaries Style
Chapter 1: Revving Up The Damon-mobile
"Okay. Here's a random scenario," said Bonnie who was sitting in Stefan's room at the boarding house. She was accompanied by Elena, Matt, Meredith, and Stefan himself, of course. Since there had been no evil entities roaming Fell's Church lately, they were taking the time to give each other random "What Would You Do?" situations. The game was obviously a product of their boredom.
"I'm waiting," replied Stefan.
"A building is on fire and there are baby animals inside. One room in the building contains puppies, and the other has kittens," Bonnie began. "You only have time to get to one room. Oh, and when you look at puppies and kittens from the outside of the building, you see that they've pressed their noses against a window. Which do you save?" Elena looked horrified, and Matt was equally stunned.
"Bonnie! I never would have thought that you could think of something that dreadful. Seriously?" Meredith admonished.
"It's not like it's a real situation. Now go on and answer, Stefan," Bonnie said.
Before Stefan could answer, their game was interrupted by the loud honking of a car horn.
Everyone in the group directed their gaze toward the window. Elena went to it and peered below to see a black SUV sitting in front of the house, still honking its horn impatiently. The windows were darkly tinted, so she couldn't see who the driver was.
"Who is it, love?" Stefan asked her.
"I can't tell. Can you go out there and see?"
"I'll come with you," said Matt as Stefan stood to go out and speak to this mystery driver.
Stefan and Matt approached the vehicle as the window of the driver's side made its way down, revealing a pair of black Ray Bans set on a pale face.
"Damon? What are you doing here, and why are you driving that?" Stefan pointed to the ride that Damon was in. Although it was a luxury SUV, it was still quite different than Damon's usual Ferrari. Stefan was standing at the open window, facing his brother.
"Tell Elena and Bonnie to get ready. We're leaving in five." Damon replied without answering any of Stefan's questions.
"And just where do you think you're taking them? You aren't, by the way."
"If you must know, brother, I'm driving them to California for a little spring break vacation. I'm tired of this dinky town and the headaches that it brings, and I'm sure the girls are too. Besides, the idea of an all-American road trip intrigues me." Damon smiled grandly, letting it linger a millisecond before turning it off.
"You're out of your mind. California? That's across the country!" Matt interjected from behind Stefan.
"Au contraire. Here come the girls now. Let's see what they have to say." Damon pointed as Meredith, Bonnie, and Elena came out of the boarding house.
"What's going on out here?" Meredith asked.
"Pack your things, ladies. We're going to the, what do you call it? The Yellow State?"
"Damon, what are you talking about?" Bonnie asked.
"He means The Golden State. He wants to take you and Elena to California," explained Stefan.
Bonnie's brown eyes widened. "I've always wanted to go there. I watch 90210 every week!"
"You can't be serious." Matt said as he turned toward her.
"I'll go," Elena chimed in, earning an "Are you crazy?" look from everyone besides a smiling Damon. "Let me finish," she continued. "I'll go as long as Stefan comes with me." Damon's smile disappeared. Meredith raised an eyebrow.
"As a matter of fact," Meredith began. "I think we should all go. Every one of us needs a vacation, and it looks like that SUV can fit us all comfortably. How about it, Damon?" She looked at the disgruntled vampire in the driver's seat.
"It's not what I intended," Damon replied.
"Then it's settled," said Stefan. "Everybody get your things. We're going on a road trip."
Damon faced forward and rolled up his window.
What did you think? I nearly broke my own heart when I wrote the "What Would You Do?" part between Bonnie and Stefan.