The way we see you.
Summary: So this is the Finale of my few one shots hope you like.
Disclaimer: Just to clarify I own nothing it all goes to Michael Bay... (Sheds a tear of sorrow) any way on with the show.
DEDICATION: The Idea of the Pov of Sam, the credit goes to foxfiretwo for their Idea and help.
Big, Big, Big thanks to one of my faithful readers who has been giving me great advice and excellent reviews.
Thanks to joyfull scroll.
Sam's Pov:
Why don't they hate me?
Why don't they cast me aside or chuck me in the ocean like they did to megatron two years ago?
I betrayed them, I nearly caused their death and still they keep their faith in me.
I know they are all wondering why I won't come out of my temporary room on base and they don't know the guilt I feel, they never will, because now I can barely look any of them in the optic.
Knowing that I nearly caused the end of the world because I didn't have the nerve to say no.
My friends; the people I love; the people I tried to save I nearly killed.
And even though they tried to tell me it wasn't my fault I still feel the death of Ironhide and Que on my conscience.
And not to mention I am a killer of my own race. Sure Dylan threatened the end of the world, but I killed him I killed a human being. Its highly ironic that I now want to be a part of NEST and yet I fee; unimaginable pain by killing a man so evil he will forever and always look after number one (Himself) .
In mission city, I was a wimp who was trying to get a girl he wasn't meant for.
In Egypt I actually did cause the death of a brother and father in all but blood.
And in Chicago I killed, I betrayed, and I made huge, HUGE, HUGE, mistakes.
But do they hate me no and I don't understand why.
Normal Pov:
A knock on the door is what brought Sam out of his musings and looking up he saw in the doorway, his ex- college roommate and Friend Leo Spitz.
He had originally been brought to NEST because during the final battle Brains made his way to Leo's Street apartment and used his major awesome computer skills to hack onto starscreams weapons display which gave the NEST team the hesitation it was looking for.
"If you're done wallowing in self pity, I and the others have something to show you."
"I am not wallowing in self pity!" Protested Sam.
"Yes you are dude, now you can either come with me willingly, or the two soldiers down the hall are going to come bursting in here and drag you there themselves by orders of that Lennox Dude."
'Why can't people give me a break' thought Sam. Though after a second he did comply as he wasn't in the mood to be dragged to the Autobots Hangar.
5 min's later:
Leo and Sam stood in front of the main door that led to the Autobots.
"What is it Leo?" Demanded Sam.
As his friend had been stalling now for about the whole 5 mins later which included a boring list of.
Taking the long way round.
Talking about old school professors. (Still hate that damn Colan)
And how Sam hasn't talked to anyone in nearly a week.
"This is what is going on Sam."
Pushing the door open Leo showed Sam the highly decorated Autobots hangar.
Streamers of all shapes and colours were hung up left right and centre, and on the left side of the room stood a table with one half filled with presents and the other half with tons of little nibbles and slices of pizza and cans of beer and bottles of cola, limeade and juice.
And standing right in front of him stood the people who until now he couldn't even look at without feeling that gut wrenching guilt, but now he just felt happy.
Skidz & Mudflap.
Wheelie & Brains.
Ron & Judy Witwicky.
Ratchet & Prowl.
Lennox & Epps.
Wreckers & Carly.
Simmons & Leo.
Optimus & Bumblebee.
All of them.
Not one missing.
Sam started to feel the tears he had been holding back for months build up in his eyes, but this time they weren't from sadness... No... These were tears of happiness, of friendship and of love.
"Happy late birthday party Sam!" They all shouted simultaneously.
"What... I mean... How" Sam was officially lost for words.
"Well you's see we figured seen's as you's B-day wasn't all together..." Began Skidz.
"We's been thinking that we could have it now." Finished Mudflap.
Sam couldn't hold them back any longer, as the tears cascaded down his face he felt everyone surround him in a big group hug.
And I mean BIG!
"Happy birthday Sam." Spoke Prowl as he handed Sam his present (A book on cybetroninan astronomy) "Cool thanks prowl.)
"Nearly get yourself killed this year, and you won't be seeing your next birthday, Happy birthday." Warned ratchet, but his soft tone took away the effect of the threat.
Opening the smallest present from the lot Sam recognized the non active all spark shard that was now engraved with 'To Sam, The biggest pain in the aft with the biggest place in my heart, love you son'. Surprising everyone Sam stood up walked towards Ratchet and did something no one else in the galaxy dared to do, he gave ratchet a hug, and even more shocking ratchet returned the embrace.
Taking a seat once again Sam made his way through...
Leo's gift (1000 ways to please your woman) And thanked him with a fist bump.
Simmons (A holographic watch "Shh top secret") and initiated a high five.
Skidz & Mudflap (A gangster's guide 2011) which resulted in a triple fist bump.
Wheelie & Brains (Wheelie's old optic "A sign of trust and friendship") which ended in a hug.
Epps (A pistol, much to the displeasure of ratchet) this resulted in a one armed hug.
Lennox (A miniature model of the ARK) another one armed hug.
His parents (A scrap book of pictures of the Autobots, miles, himself and NEST.)
The last two were the ones he was most nervous about.
Bumblebee walked forward and placed an average sized box into Sam's lap.
Carefully unwrapping the present Sam couldn't help the suspension he and everyone else in the room felt.
Finally he removed the last piece of paper and under it was an object that had everyone gasp in astonishment.
On Sam's lap lay a slab of cement which was carved with lifelike pictures of everyone in the room with Sam at its centre and the glyphs that Sam saw in Egypt.
Speechless Sam and everyone else looked at Bumblebee, who merely shrugged as if it wasn't the most beautiful thing they ever saw.
Sam stepping up and onto 'Bee's servo Sam wrapped his arms around Bumblebee's neck in one of the most heartbreakingly beautiful family hugs anyone had ever seen.
As Sam parted from 'bee people could see tears coming down his face.
Now it was what everybody had been waiting for, everybody knew Optimus cared for Sam but it's also known that he is the most least familiar with earth customs.
Sam was taken off his feet by Optimus who stared upon Sam with such intensity it was almost unnerving.
Then opening up a compartment in his hip he brought out something that made everybody jump so hard that it literally shook the room, as in optimus's hand was the matrix.
"Are you sure Optimus?" Was all Sam could get out.
"Sam there aren't a lot of people I would trust, But if there is one person I would trust with my life, earth's life and my friends lives it would be you." Concluded Optimus.
Taking the Matrix in his hand Sam, in the weeks he spent feeling alone, sad and guilty now felt free, happy and cared for.
Doing the same as he did with 'Bee Sam gave Optimus a hug and in letting go Sam looked around from where he was on his perch and finally knew that this is where he belonged.
This is his home.
This is his life.
This is his friends and family.
And he wouldn't want it any other way.
Authors Note: So what do you think like or not?
I found this chapter really hard to write because it had to convey a lot of emotion. But thanks for the reviews and favourites.