Everything Is Not What It Seems
a Twilight And Soul Eater Crossover
Chapter 1
Who And What I Am
My name is Bella Swan, I'm 17 years old, and I've just moved to Forks, Washington. My parents, Charlie and Renee, are both divorced, and I've been forced to move here with my dad.
That WHOLE introduction was a complete lie!
Ok. So...let's just-start over again.
My name is Medusa.
No, I am not the woman with snakes in my hair, like the Medusa from Greek mythology. Oh, and I can't turn people to stone either. At least-not by looking at them.
Even though I appear to be 17 years old, I'm actually over 800.
That's right. I am not human. I am a witch. And not just any witch-I am a snake witch.
Now, I wasn't always a witch you see. I was born Kana Edness, normal, just like anyone else. My parents hand always known that I was destined for greatness, and they swore that they would send me to DEATH WEAPON MEISTER ACADEMY in Death City.
Yes, when I reached the age of 12, I was sent to the academy, and was tested to see if I was either a meister, also known as a weapon wielder, or a weapon.
When I was tested, it was clear that my powers were indeed that of a weapon, and so, as time went on, I mastered my powers, and was able to transform into a my true weapon form.
A scythe.
Yes, I was and still am, a scythe. For those of you who are stupid, a scythe is like a tool that farmers use for cutting grass. Only I however, DO NOT cut grass.
I am an enchanted weapon, which means that I can speak in my weapon form, and if the blade of the scythe is badly damaged, so am I.
I was assigned to a meister, who was known as White Star.
He was a well trained assassin, and I did fall in love with him.
But, after I had collected 99 kishin souls, and was on my way to devouring the last and final soul-the soul of a witch, we split up.
During one of our encounters with this witch named Arachne, I came across one of her spell books, stole it, and began to practice spells from it.
White Star argued with me, saying that I was obsessed with magic, and in a fit of rage, I told him to leave.
I didn't mean it, but he left anyway, leaving my heart shattered.
I was still so young then. I was only 14.
So, I changed my name to Medusa, and soon mastered the powers of a witch within the course of a year.
I learned that, among witches, I was known as a Snake Witch.
As the years ticked by, I continued collecting souls, and FINALLY managed to kill Arachne by myself. Therefore, I became a Death Scythe.
I was SO happy, and I wanted to immediately tell White Star at how I succeeded, but, when I found him-it was too late.
White Star had already found a new partner, and together, they were even more powerful than me and him combined.
In a fit of jealousy one night, I snuck into White Star's house, and destroyed his weapon, which was a bow and arrow known as Kaiyamaru.
After I did it, I felt horrible, and in the weeks that followed, I couldn't bear to see White Star so unhappy.
So...I left. And eventually traveled here-to Forks Washington, to live with someone my parents knew, Charlie Swan.
I would pose as his daughter, and would be known as Bella Swan.