Summary - When Freddie is given an essay to write entitled "What is Love?" how will he react when he reads his work aloud to his English class and finally realises how he feels for a certain blonde headed demon?
Disclaimer - Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon own iCarly, not little old me, and thank the stars they do because if they didn't then there would have been no inspiration for this fic, which has been so much fun to write!
A/N - So here we are guys, the last chapter of 10 Things. *Breaks down in tears* No, it's cool, I'll get through this... For the final time, hugs and kisses and ponies and everything else I have ever promised to my reviewers, DramioneForever123, irishfan62, Keirah, mortalimortality, pinkworlds, loveseddie94, manic221, .Silence (FOUR FOR YOU, GIRL!) Geekquality, LoveB, G, LyshaLuvsSeddie, DannySamLover20, anon.10810 and DorkyBlonde, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! I also reached the 150 review mark this week, which is AMAZING, so a huge thank you to anyone who has ever commented and reviewed my fic in the past, reaching this mark before posting my final chapter means so much to me!
G - (NEW VIEWSER ALERT) - Thank you! And I love the TBBT ball pit episode is hilarious!
Check out the extra special A/N at the end for a special farewell, but for now, enjoy!
Previously on 10 Things iHate About You
Introduction - Sam and Freddie's English teacher asks the class to write a piece based on the idea "What is love?" Essay / Poem etc…
Senior Year - February (18 years old) : 3 days after the Introduction
Sam paced up and down her room anxiously, a task that was made a lot harder due to the masses of clothes, food leftovers and other unidentified objects littering the floor. Sitting down onto her unmade bed, Sam closed her eyes and shook her head as if trying to expel the one question that had been plaguing her mind all weekend. A question that wasn't food or web-show related, no, all she could think about was a piece of freaking homework assigned by her English teacher two days ago. Homework! Something was definitely wrong with her, and anyway, how was she supposed to know how to answer the question "What is love?" without mentioning fat cakes or honey glazed ham?
Looking around her room in an attempt to distract herself from her own thoughts, Sam caught sight of a photo she had wedged into the side of wardrobe, a photo taken so long ago that she had forgotten what was even on it. Getting up to take a closer look, she realised what, or rather who, was sharing the frame with her. She quickly plucked the photo out of its hold and she smiled at the sight of her and her favourite nub pulling funny faces at the camera. Wandering back to her bed and sitting down carefully, Sam stared at the photo and furrowed her eyebrows slightly, letting her mind trail back to some of her previous thoughts and unanswered questions. She let her finger brush gently against Freddie's face, smiling yet again, only to shake her head and throw the photo down angrily as she felt her heart beat speed up ever so slightly, all because of the mere thought of her nerdy best friend. For as long as she could remember she had been burying her confused feelings about Freddie deep down, hoping that over time the sweaty palms and butterflies whirling around in her stomach every time he was near would just disappear, but in the past few weeks she had been finding it harder and harder to ignore what she knew to be true.
Thinking back to the question of the day, she couldn't help but make the small yet possibly life changing connection between the two. Could it really be possible? Was she actually, dare she even think it, in love with the nub? No, she shook her head and scoffed at the idea, that couldn't be right, after all their years of bickering and fighting there was no way she was in love with him. All the days they had spent together arguing and teasing, shoving and laughing, crying and comforting. Just thinking about the countless times they had spent in each others company made Sam smile; the thought of his warm eyes upon her; the sight of his crooked smirk teasing her; the feel of his burning lips pressed against her own. Her smile dropped as quickly as it had formed. Oh. Crab.
Acceptance flooded through her as she let go of the breath she had been holding in for the past two years, possibly even more. She had fallen for the nub; the geek next door, the technical whizz kid himself. The nerdy, funny, amazing boy who had promised his mother a long time ago to never steal had successfully and inadvertently stolen her heart. And she had absolutely no idea what to do about it. Collapsing down onto her bed in an attempt to somehow fix her sudden light headedness, Sam felt something poke into her back uncomfortably. Reaching her hand underneath her, she pulled out a plastic DVD case; it was some 90's chick flick she borrowed from Carly about a year ago (she had only taken it because Heath Ledger was in it, aka the hilariously terrifying Joker in the Dark Knight.) Her eyes flicked over the title uninterestedly, until a sudden burst of inspiration flew through her like a cool wind on a summer's day. If she couldn't explain her feelings for Freddie by sifting through them in her mind, perhaps she could better decipher them once they were on paper. Then, before she could change her mind, Sam jumped up from her bed, got out a crumpled piece of paper from her school bag, grabbed her 'I 3 Meatballs,' novelty pen, and began to write.
"Hey Sam," Freddie called out to his favourite blonde headed demon as she shut her locker and turned away from him, walking away in the opposite direction.
"Hey," Freddie finally caught up to her after running behind her down the hall and pulling on her arm to make her turn around, "I'm not on the track team, so stop making me run! Did you not hear me?"
Sam shrugged and pulled away slightly as they fell into step with each other, avoiding physical body contact as best she could, and eye contact as though his gaze contained spoilers for the last episode of Lost. How else was she supposed to act around the boy she loved, the boy who could never know her true feelings because it would rip their friendship in two?
"You OK?" Freddie asked in a concerned voice as they dawdled in the direction of their English class.
"Yeah fine," Sam replied, keeping her gaze fixed firmly upon the floor and breathing in time with her footsteps. Left foot. In. Right foot. Out. And repeat until she was out of the vicinity of Freddie's watchful eyes.
"You don't look so good; did you eat some more expired Persian chocolates?" Freddie asked jokingly, though the worry in his voice seeped through.
"Probably," Sam answered quickly, hoping to get into their English classroom before he asked any more questions. This was the exact opposite of how she wanted things to be between them, but how could she behave as though nothing had changed when everything she had once been so sure about was now a confusing mess?
Freddie didn't buy Sam's monosyllabic answers, knowing that something was wrong, but instead of pushing her to reveal what she was hiding he opted for a sympathetic shoulder squeeze in hopes of showing her that he cared. At the feel of Freddie's warm hand upon her shoulder, Sam spun around; her eyes wide as she shrugged him off and pushed him away as quickly as she could. By doing this, Freddie's hand fell through the air and brushed against hers, causing a spark of electricity to flow between the pair. This in itself wasn't surprising to Freddie, as he become accustomed to these inexplicable sparks, which only ever occurred around Sam, but as he looked into her fearful eyes he realised that today, something was different. Did she feel it too?
Looking into Freddie's eyes just after their hands collided; Sam noticed that he looked just about as shocked as she felt. Had he felt it too? Had he felt it all the times before, and just ignored them as she had done?
Hearing the ring of the bell made the pair snap out of their intense staring contest, and this time it was Freddie who walked away, murmuring, "We should get to class," to a thoroughly confused Sam. She nodded, though he couldn't see her, and followed, even though the thought of suffering through an hour of Romeo and Juliet made her want to kill herself; if they couldn't even make it to the end of the play why should she have to?
"Good morning class," Miss Jones greeted the pupils as they settled down into their seats, "I hope you all have your pieces ready to present to the rest of the class."
Sam sighed heavily and rested her head against the desk, as she remembered that the piece of work she had actually completed was due in today. She wished that instead of having to listen to her classmates express their thoughts on love she could just be at Carly's house eating a bucket of fried chicken and watching Girly Cow. Oh, and if wishes were being granted free of charge, that she wasn't completely in love with her best friend, who only liked her platonically and would never date her. Yeah, that would be nice too.
"Anyone want to go first?" Miss Jones asked, her only response being thirty heads turning to look at anything in the room but her, "Ok, then, how about I pick someone out a random." Closing her eyes, Miss Jones waved her finger above the list of names before her and stabbed at the paper randomly, "Wendy. You'll be starting us off today."
A collective sigh was shared across the room as Wendy cursed quietly to herself before getting up and reading her homework, a poem entitled, "To my beloved James, with love."
As each person was called up to read their pieces of work, Freddie began to worry that he had completed the assignment incorrectly, after realising that everyone else in the class had based their work on someone in their lives, a boyfriend or girlfriend, parent, sibling, hell even a pet goldfish (a poem that was surprisingly not written by Gibby.) Clutching his paper anxiously, he prayed to fate that his name would not be called up next.
With only five minutes left to go, Freddie felt as though he was on the home stretch, that he had almost made it to the end, all he had to was last a little while longer and-
"So I guess we have time for one more. Freddie Benson, you're up," Miss Jones called out, interrupting Freddie's thoughts. Not believing his luck, Freddie slowly got up out of his seat and made his way to the front of the class. Fate was certainly no friend of his.
Freddie cleared his throat, and held out his piece of paper, looking over to Miss Jones for confirmation to begin. She nodded and smiled, leading Freddie to breathe in deeply and read what he spent all of Friday night and most of the weekend perfecting.
"When you love someone, you'd do anything for them, even if it's completely crazy - you do it because you care and want them to be happy," Freddie began, looking around the class nervously before carrying on, "They drive you mad sometimes, and can do the unforgivable, but you come around eventually because you can't bear to be without them, and sometimes they really are just doing it for your own good; even if you couldn't see it at the time. You accept them for who they are, proverbial warts and all, and even thought they're not perfect you don't want to change a single thing about them. Because you know they are truly beautiful - inside and out.
You know, they say time apart can make a love grow stronger - but its hard being away from them in the first place because you miss them so much. In the end, you put up with their crazy times, laugh with them in the happy times and comfort them during the sad times, because you know they'd do exactly the same for you.
And how do you know when someone loves you?
They defend your honour, stick up for you when you're too afraid to do it yourself and help you gain the confidence to be a better person someday. They know you better then you know yourself, an aged cliché, I know, but it's true, and they never fail to surprise you with each dawning day. They care about you and your well being, giving you strength in times of need, and though they don't always show it, you know how they truly feel deep down. They push you to be the best you can be, to strive for greatness, and give you the assurance you need to jump into the unknown, being there every step of the way.
And most importantly, they're there for you; when you want them but may not need them, when you need them but may not want them - and most importantly, when the two are combined."
Freddie paused to take a breath, before looking up and accidentally catching Sam's eye, who had been staring intently at him since he began talking. Freddie smiled at her briefly, the right side of his mouth quirking up higher than the left, before his eyes returned to the paper in front of him to carry on.
"The phenomenon of love is a hard thing to describe. It's not something that can be carefully calculated, or measured in a scientific way. It is a feeling, a pure emotion that people all over the world recognise; a sensation so strong that it can take your breath away and at the same time breathe the very being of life into you.
Because love in itself is not the magical thing - it's the person who you are in love with that makes every moment worth living for, every laugh worth sharing and every kiss more wonderful than the last. When you find that person, never let them go, because true love is a rare and beautiful thing that is hard to find. Sometimes it comes from the most unexpected places, with the most unexpected person, and with others you may not even realise that it's been staring you right in the face for as long as you can remember."
Freddie trailed off the last sentence slowly, his eyebrows furrowing as the cogs in his mind whirled, before his eyes snapped up from the page and he looked directly at Sam. Ever since he had started working on this essay two days ago he had convinced himself that it wasn't based on anything or anyone in particular, a fact which he had only just realised was completely false. In reality, his subconscious had been in control since Friday afternoon and had used the power of the written word to try and force him to open up and acknowledge the feelings he had been hiding from for the past year. His eyes jumped from Sam back to his essay as he skimmed over what he had written, smiling as each sentence reminded him of a memory so vivid and clear that he couldn't believe he hadn't realised it before. This essay wasn't about the meaning of love or his general ideas on the matter at all. It was about Sam. His blonde headed, his ham eating, prank pulling princess. His true love.
Looking up from the page at Sam again, Freddie cleared his throat and began speaking, adlibbing the last part of his essay instead of reading the brief closing line he had prepared, while keeping eye contact with the girl of his subconscious dreams.
"That's why I know I'll always take a chance on love," he began, his tone strong and clear, "because I'd rather live a life filled with oh well's than what if's. So take the plunge today; you never know what's going to happen unless you try; for all you know she could be the one and you could let her slip right through your fingers. What I guess I'm trying to say is don't let love slip away from you, no matter what the cost, because you'll regret it forever if you do. Thank you."
Freddie's last words hung in the air gently as he and Sam continued to stare at one another, before the last bell of the day rang through the school, causing the pair to snap out of each others' gaze as the rest of the class began to pack up.
"Amazing work today, everyone," Miss Jones called out, before turning to Freddie separately and speaking softly, "Especially you, Freddie. That was some pretty powerful stuff."
Freddie shrugged and smiled slightly, "I've got a pretty powerful muse."
With a twinkle in her eye, Miss Jones gestured for him to leave, "Go and get her then. No regrets, remember?"
With those words of wisdom, Freddie nodded and handed his teacher his essay before slipping past his crowd of class mates to get to Sam's desk. When he reached her seat, however, she had already gone; a lone pencil and half eaten fat cake being all that remained of her presence.
Freddie cursed to himself before grabbing his bag from his seat next to Sam's desk and running out of the classroom after her. Spinning around as he headed down the hallway, Freddie spotted a mass of blonde curls speed walking down the hallway, looking behind her every few seconds. Freddie refrained from calling out to her, not wanting to spook her any further, and dodged through the people in the hallway to catch up with her. Just as Sam was almost at the door, Freddie yelled out her name loud enough for a number of people to turn and stare at him in a confused manner.
"Sam!" he called again, "Wait, please!"
Sam spun around, her eyes widening as she saw Freddie before they darted from side to side until she found another exit, which she quickly ran through.
She realised her fatal error a second too late, as she found herself trapped in the courtyard, which only had one entry point, Sam began looking around for an open window which she could crawl through to re-enter the school.
"Sam, would you please stop. We need to talk," Freddie had caught up to her, closing the door behind him.
"There's nothing to talk about nub," Sam replied, as she continued looking around her for an escape route. You pretty much covered it all in that essay of yours; she thought to herself, a thought that made her heart ache in a way she could have never imagined and stomach churn in a horribly familiar way. All she knew was that she couldn't face Freddie after hearing all he had said in the god damn essay, while staring at her no less, without pouring her heart out, and she just didn't know if she was ready for that.
"This is ridiculous, you can't keep running, Sam. Sam!" Freddie reached forward and grabbed the back of Sam's shirt, pulling her backwards before spinning her around to face him. Chiz. The only flaw in her otherwise brilliant escape plan, ok, one of the many flaws; she had forgotten how strong the nub had gotten in the recent years, or had rather blocked it from her memory so as to stop daydreaming about him in class.
"Will you please just talk to me, or at least listen," Freddie asked, trying to catch Sam's gaze, which she was purposefully keeping away from him, "You heard what I said in my essay, what it meant. I mean, I didn't even know what I was trying to say when I was writing it, but I know now, and so do you." He squeezed her shoulders gently, an action that made Sam close her eyes as she fought harder and harder to keep what she was feeling locked away inside. "I need to know what you're thinking, if you're feeling the same thing that I am, because if you're not then I'll just leave right now and never bug you again. But if you are…"
Freddie trailed off, a hopeful look in his eyes that Sam couldn't help but return as she fell deeper into his gaze knowing full well that there may not be anyone to catch her at the bottom. She slowly stepped back from his hold, an action that made Freddie fear for the worst until she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, which she looked down at and unfolded, smoothing out the creases.
Freddie quickly connected the dots as Sam licked her lips nervously and cleared her throat, "You did the assignment?" he asked quietly, though his usual teasing tone could be heard.
Sam looked at him, smiling sadly, as she held back a sarcastic comment and mimed for Freddie to be quiet, to which he happily complied. Taking a deep breath, Sam held up her piece of paper, preparing herself mentally as she got ready to unleash the feelings she had been holding back for far too long.
"10 things I hate about you," she began, causing a small chuckle to stir out of Freddie. Sam raised a single eyebrow in his direction, and Freddie became sombre once again, miming the action of locking his lips and gesturing for her to continue.
I hate the way you dress in stripes
and the way you style your hair,
I hate your stupid nerd equipment,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate the way you make a pizza
and those dorky games you play,
I hate the way you make me smile
with everything you say,
I hate your crazy psycho mum,
I hate it when you're right,
I hate it when you're mad at me
I hate it when we fight,
I hate it when you're not around,
and the way you've made me fall,
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."
Sam's eyes darted up to look at Freddie before her gaze flew back down to the floor, her hands folding up the paper and sticking it back in her pocket as she felt more relieved and nervous than she had done in a very long time. Freddie mouth opened to respond to the revealing and heartfelt speech that he had just been subjected to, but his brain had trouble forming the words he desperately wanted to say. He was speechless, amazed at how Sam had managed to combine her wit and sarcasm as well as the emotions she had been holding back into a single poem; a poem! Of all the ways he could think of Sam proclaiming her feelings for another he had never imagined it would be in sonnet form. Grinning at the girl before him, who was still staring at the floor and playing with the hem of her shirt instead of trying to explain herself any further, Freddie knew from the bottom of his heart that she felt the same way as he did, and feeling as though no power in the universe could stop him he stepped forward to pulled her towards him, closing his eyes and leaning down so he could press his lips against hers.
Sam felt a wave of warmth come over her as she felt Freddie's lips against her own, washing away months of uncertainty and confusion as her eyes fluttered shut and she reached her arms up around the back of his neck to pull him in closer. With this gesture, Freddie smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist in an attempt to hug their already melded figures even more tightly together. Years of pent up passion and emotion flooded out in a single moment, as the kiss became more heated and the pair more daring. Sam ran her hands across the nape of Freddie's neck and then up through his hair as he ran his tongue against her bottom lip, causing all of her inhibitions to fly out of the proverbial window as she returned the favour with much enthusiasm. Freddie's fingers became a tangled mess in Sam's unkept curls, but that didn't stop him from twirling them through the blonde tendrils again and again as she grabbed onto his neck even tighter.
Slowly the pair began to dial back as the need for oxygen became greater by the second, reluctantly pulling apart before resting their foreheads against one another as they tried to catch their breath. Catching each others eyes after a few minutes of comfortable silence, they laughed, their breathing still uneasy, and stood up to face each other, Sam's arms still draped across Freddie's neck and his around her waist. Unable to look anywhere but at the girl in front of him, Freddie studied Sam's flushed face and indescribable smile before noticing a spark in her eyes that he had never seen before. A spark the bore right into him and ignited a million more emotions that he could never have imagined.
"Sam, I-" Freddie began, unable to hold back the words that he had wanted to say ever since he had realised how he had felt back in their English classroom.
"Don't say it, Fredward," Sam interrupted, though her voice was low.
"But Sam-" Freddie's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to deduce what was wrong. Didn't she want this?
"Don't." Sam's tone was harsher than before, though Freddie could almost swear she was on the verge of begging for him to refrain from continuing.
"I can't hide it any more; we shouldn't have to hide it if we both know how we feel-"
"One more word, nub, and I swear to God, I will kick you so hard in your family jewels you'll become infertile," Sam replied in a threatening, but joking tone as she backed away from Freddie's hold.
"What are you so afraid of?" Freddie asked, refusing to back down as he walked back up to her and pulled her into an embrace, stroking her hair out of her face.
"Everything," Sam whispered into his shoulder, letting her insecurities show for once in her life.
Freddie drew back and tilted Sam's face upwards so she could look at him properly, hoping he could bring across what he was trying to say with his eyes as well as his words, "You have got nothing to be afraid of Sam, at all. I know this is scary, telling each other how we feel, but don't you see how amazing it can be? We can be together, finally, despite our naturally stubborn natures and fear of the unknown keeping us apart for so long."
"But it's going to change everything;" Sam interjected quietly, "The things that we used to do without even thinking will have a whole new meaning behind them. What if being together means we have to lose what made us so great in the first place?"
Freddie smiled and brushed away a wisp of her hair from her face, "We could never lose what makes us great, Sam. We'll still tease each other, and laugh at each other's stupid jokes and argue about idiotic things. We're going to argue a lot. But that makes us who we are, and I wouldn't want to change that for anything. Sure, there may be a few bumps in the road but we'll get through them, just like we've done in the past.
"And what about when you go off to college, and I leave to pursue whatever dreams I might have by the time we graduate," Sam asked, smiling slightly, "What happens then?"
"I don't know what my future holds, Sam" Freddie murmured, "I don't know if I'll get into MIT, or if I'll even get the grades I need to go to whatever college will have me. But I do know that whatever may happen, whether I go to college or work or go running off into the mountains to be a goat herder, I want you to be a part of it. We can do the long distance thing, I'll set up a video chat channel and call you everyday, hell, I'll even find a part time job and save up every last dime if it means I can afford to come visit you in the holidays. We can make this work, no; we have to make this work, because I can't live without you, Sam."
Sam looked up at Freddie and smiled, getting lost in the pair of eyes that had become so familiar to her. The fear she had felt before was slowly melting away, as Freddie's words reassured her that maybe, just this once, everything would work out alright in the end. They wouldn't have to change who they were or what they were planning to do to be able to progress to this next step in their life, because by doing that they'd sacrifice what they had worked so hard to build in the first place. They could make this work.
"I love you," Freddie's words came out in a single breath as he continued to gaze down at Sam, sounding not like a grand gesture or over thought exclamation but as a pure statement that couldn't be more obvious or true, one which came straight from the heart.
Sam inhaled quickly, taking in this information as best she could as she half smiled up at Freddie, "You're really jumping straight in there, aren't you buddy,"
"Sam-" Freddie began with a warning tone, though his eyes were sparkling.
"I mean, the least you could do is buy me dinner first, get to know me a little better," Sam added, reaching her arms back around Freddie's neck so she could swing gently against the cool breeze. Her comfortable smile and teasing comments let Freddie know he hadn't scared her away with his proclamation, letting his mind and heart rest easy as he started talking.
"I do know you," he interrupted, causing Sam's eyebrows to jump up in surprise and delight, "better than I could have ever known or possibly imagined. It was all up there in that mixed up brain of mine; I just had to find it."
"Probably hiding behind all the Galaxy Wars trivia you've got locked away up there," Sam teased, causing Freddie to gasp in false shock before shrugging his shoulders in acceptance.
"Probably," Freddie admitted, causing Sam to laugh so hard she had to lean against him to stop herself from falling over.
"So who was the original director? And the second movie, where was it filmed? And-" Sam's teasing continued as she laughed gleefully, causing Freddie to roll his eyes good naturedly before leaning in to silence her with a kiss; a kiss so short and sweet that it left them both yearning for more as it ended.
"Freddie," Sam began, her voice so quiet and unsure Freddie immediately recognised what she was about to prematurely do.
"You don't have to say it if you don't want to, Sam. If you're not ready," Freddie interrupted quietly, letting her know with the mere tone of his voice that he wasn't expecting anything in return for what he had said.
"I want to," Sam replied, her voice more confident than before, "I'm just not that great-
-with the words, I know," Freddie finished her sentence, making Sam smile as she realised he knew exactly what to say when she was so used to tripping over her words.
"But I do," Sam added, accenting each word heavily as she stared up at Freddie with that same spark in her eyes that he had tried so hard to decipher, "I want you to know that. I do."
Freddie's crooked smile lit up his face as he pulled her closer into his embrace, finally realising what Sam was trying to tell him in her less than traditional way, "I do too."
"Give me some time. I'll get there," she joked, breathing in the scent of his jacket and hoping it would stay with her forever.
"Take all the time you need, Princess Puckett," Freddie murmured to her, "You know I'd wait forever and a day for you.
"OK, what sappy rom-com did you steal that from?" Sam pulled away and looked up at Freddie as she snorted at his cheesy line, to which he laughed and smacked her on the shoulder lightly.
"I didn't steal anything! That was from the heart, Puckett!"
"Yeah yeah…" Sam replied, as Freddie drew her back to him and kissed her temple lovingly, squeezing her tightly and knowing he would never let her go.
As the newest iCarly couple continued to tease each other, answering each witty remark with another clever comment, and every once in a while, with a kiss, we are reminded of what had led them to this new path of their lives. In some it all came back to that essay question, which in a way had succeeded in doing what years of furtive glances and less than subtle nudges from their best friend Carly had failed to do; bring them together. And when you think about it, the question asked was a hard and though provoking one indeed; what is the true definition love? For Freddie it was a number of things; strength, hope, and the belief that a single emotion could conquer all others in an implausible way. For Sam it was allowing herself to open up and express what she was truly feeling, it was someone being there for her when she needed them the most and, in a weird way, hate. Yeah, in Sam's own warped sense of the world those two words were pretty interchangeable.
Love was helping a friend in need, whether they wanted to be helped or not, it was seeing the beauty and talent in others when they were too blind to see it themselves. Love was finally opening their eyes and realising what had been right in front of them the whole time; it was holding on tight and never letting anyone or anything get between them. It's a pretty hard thing to define, love, but for Sam and Freddie all they needed to know was that they could find it in each other. It was when two things that no-one would even think to put together ended up having the strongest bond of all. Love was Sam and Freddie, as simple as that. And they wouldn't want it any other way.
A/N - So there we have it, and then they rode off into the sunset on horseback... :P Or did they? (They did... unless anyone wants a follow up story? About what I have no idea, but you know...)
Before I forget, I also don't own 10 Things I Hate About You, an awesome film from the 90's that you guys should check out if you haven't already (I also referenced it quite a lot in this chapter, so I hope everyone understood the choice of the title!)
Message me if you guys have any cool prompt ideas, or just to fangirl about iCarly and other things in general, I will be uploading again the future but I don't really have any ideas right now, so for the moment this is goodbye.
(Insert sappy HP7 reference here, because J.K Rowling is my everything):
Like this story, my gratitude is split into ten parts: to my family for not questioning why I would scream out 'fat cakes' and then spend the whole evening in my room typing away furiously and to my friends for not asking what I think about when daydreaming in class (Seddie of course!) Most of my gratitude has to go to (seddieisepic73) the best, most beautiful, amazing beta and friend in the world - for the constant support, love, and help with millions of grammatical errors, without her this story would be a complete mess and I will be forever grateful, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! To Forwoodx3, my honey boo boo, she knows why...
To Nickelodeon, for paying for the show, to Dan Schneider for creating the show and to the hilarious cast for making iCarly as amazing as it is (especially Jennette and Nathan, who made me fall in love with Seddie in the first place!) To anyone how has story alert-ed or favourite-ed, I love you guys, and more importantly to anyone who has reviewed, because each and everyone has made me smile and feel so loved in this amazing community.
And to you, if you have stuck with Seddie until the very end. Peace, love and Seddie forever, guys, see you on the flip side.
~ Mim