OK, I would have uploaded this earlier, but my internet died and I haven't been able to fix it til now. Anyhow, last chapter. This doesn't really have a plot, as you've probably figured out, it's just easier to read as 3 chapters.


Loki woke up late in the afternoon to the sound of his brother banging on his bedroom door.

"Loki!" He yelled through the door. "Loki, get up! You've slept half the day, it's time for lunch!"

Loki begrudgingly pulled himself out of bed and got dressed. He felt terrible, but he did not regret the way he spent his night. "What?" He spat at his brother as he pulled the door open. Thor merely laughed.

"Brother, if you did not want to be woken up then you should have gone to bed a little earlier than sunrise."

Loki rubbed his eyes. "How did you-"

"Sigyn told us." Thor gave him a wink. "Fandral is very proud of you by the way."

Loki groaned and followed his brother out to the dining hall. He wasn't in the mood for the suggestive quips and innuendoes of his friends. He should be allowed to spend time with his friend and not be mocked for it.

The first thing he saw when he entered the dining hall was Sigyn. She sat at the long table surrounded by the warriors three and Lady Sif. Loki could feel a smile grow across his face as he approached her, he tried hard to hide it.

"Loki!" She called as she caught sight of him. As soon as he reached her she handed him a small flask. It was the same one he had given her the day before, only now it was filled with a thick grey fog and not the golden smoke of Odin's voice. "Here." She said. "I would have given it to Thor, but… I had a feeling there was a reason you were the one carrying it."

Loki chuckled. "Thank you." He said, taking the flask from her and hiding it in his coat.

"Come. Sit, eat." She beckoned. He hadn't realised just how hungry he was til he saw the food. He gladly obeyed, taking a seat next to Hogun. The table returned to its conversation as Loki tried to look as dignified as he could while shoving food down his throat. He pulled it off with surprising ease.

"Oh, Fandral." One of Sigyn's sisters, whose named had escaped Loki, exclaimed across the table. "Must you leave tonight? You may all stay an extra night if you wish!"

Fandral let out a charming laugh causing all the girls- well, all except Sigyn and Sif –to turn a rather unattractive shade of pink and giggle themselves. "Ladies, you I would if I could. But we have to be getting back to Asgard, The Allfather entrusted us with a very prestigious mission and we must complete it."

Sigyn's sisters let out a collective sigh. Loki nearly choked on the meat he was eating. They were leaving tonight. How could he forget? That meant he would be leaving sigyn. No, no he couldn't leave yet. He was just getting close to her, it couldn't end now.

He sat in her garden and watched her tend to her flowers. His Friends had each found a way to spend their last day in Vanaheim, leaving him alone with Sigyn. It made Loki wonder whether it was just a coincidence or if his friends actually planned it…

"I can't read your mind, if that's what you're wondering."

His head shot up. "How did you-"

"I don't need to read your mind to know what you're thinking, Loki." Sigyn laughed. "You're not as enigmatic as you seem to think you are."

Loki struggled to find his words. Nobody had ever thought he was easy to read, being difficult was something he prided himself on. Yet this girl stood here telling him this wasn't so. It was like she was taking away his power, removing everything that made him, him. She had to be cheating somehow. How else would she know what was going through his mind?

"You mean to tell me" Loki started slowly "That after all these years of training you can't read a single thought that runs through a person's head?"

"Well I could, but you'd be able to sense it." She began, moving to tend to another plant. "Telepathy was never my strong point. I can read minds but the stronger a person's magic is, the more difficult it is to mask what I'm doing. It's the same as using spells. You know how you can always sense a spell if it hasn't been done right? Especially when that person's magic is weaker than yours."

Loki nodded in understanding. "So… what does it feel like?"

"It's like… a thousand tiny needles, prickling inside your skull. It doesn't hurt, most of the time, but it is an odd sensation." She told him with a vacant expression.

"Most of the time?"

"Well people have been known to fight it once they sense someone else's presence in their head. That usually ends in them getting hurt. And then there are those how use magic to block their thought from others. Taking down those walls can hurt both the person and the reader." Sigyn explained.

There were spells he could do to keep her out of his head? Loki made a note to look them up when he returned to Asgard. "Well if you're no good at mind reading, what are you specialities?"

"Predictions." She stated obviously. "Then healing, I'm an excellent healer, and it comes in handy in my gardening, surprisingly. My travelling spells are good. Telekinesis is a little too much like telepathy for me."

The two of them sat for hours, Sigyn told him of her magic while Loki showed her his. They shared stories from their past and reminisced on their time together as children. He stared at her, intently and unashamedly. He watched her hands move over the delicate flowers, causing them to grow and bloom at an unnatural, but beautiful, pace. Loki felt a smile form on his face. Sigyn had always like flowers, even when they were children.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked curiously.

She shook his head in response, telling her that it wasn't important, and got up to admire her handiwork. "So when are you coming to Asgard?"

"I'm not sure." She answered, lightly slapping his hand to stop him from tearing the leaves of her plants. "Don't do that."

He murmured an apology and rubbed the back of his hand. "You know, if you wanted to, you could always come back with us."

Sigyn blushed and shook her head. "Oh no, I couldn't. Not yet. My training doesn't finish til I come of age."

"But that's years away!" Loki exclaimed with too much emotion for his liking.

She frowned. "I'm not much younger than you Loki. And there is always the possibility that I finish my training early, or Odin calls for me."

Loki twisted a twig between his fingers slowly as a wicked grin grew across his face. Sigyn looked confused. "Loki, what are you-"

Sigyn screamed before she could finish. A large brown snake had formed under her feet, wrapping itself around one of her ankles. She kicked it away violently and ran into Loki's arms. "Loki!" She yelled at him. "Loki, get rid of it!"

Laughing, Loki signalled at the snake, which turned back into the pile of sticks Loki had created it from. Sigyn stood still for a moment, allowing herself to catch her breath, before pulling away from him.

"That was not funny."

He couldn't help but smile. "It was a little funny."

"Really?" She said, resting her hand on the side of her face. Sigyn lifted one of her finger and tapped her temple twice, muttering something under her breath. Before Loki could establish what happened he was standing in a puddle of water, drenched from head to toe.

"That." He started, hopelessly wiping the water off his face with his wet hands. "Was not funny."

"It was a little funny." She mimicked.

There were a thousand-and-one spells Loki could have used to dry himself, but instead he decided on a much more childish approach. Hug Sigyn.

"W-what are you doing? Get away from me, Loki!" She exclaimed as she tried to run away. Loki was too fast for her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his embrace. "Loki!"

"Why are you fighting, Sigyn?" He joked. "You were the one always telling me to share. 'It's more fun that way' is what you said, I recall. Well, now I believe you."

"Loki, we are not children anymore. Let go!"

"Yes, Prince Loki, I do believe you should let go of my daughter now." The pair bolted apart in shock. Standing by the entry was Sigyn's father, arms crossed and looking intimidating. Behind him stood Thor and his friends, silently giggling to themselves.

Loki watched Sigyn bright read before stepping forward to take control of the situation. "Your Majesty, Forgive me. I was merely just-"

"I know what you were doing." The king said. He paused for a moment and shook his head. "Loki, I realise you and my daughter were friends, but that was when you were children. Now that you are… older you cannot conduct this relationship in the same way. Do you understand?"

"I… but… Yes sir." Loki gave in. There was no use arguing or trying to clear his name, it was a lot easier to just agree and move on.

A small smile spread across the old king's face. "Very good. Now come inside, you should all have something to eat before you leave."

The sun had long since set when the group had finished eating and decided to head home. While they were all saddened to leave, no one was more stubborn about it than Loki. He spent the entire time trying to convince his comrades to stay, and had nearly succeeded before Hogun opened his mouth and reminded them of their duty. Sigyn had offered to walk them to the end of village, an offer they were truly grateful for since none of them were able to remember exactly how to get there.

The journey was made in near-silence.

"Sigyn!" He called after her. "Sigyn, wait!'

Sigyn turned around and gave a small laugh at the sight of Loki jogging towards her. It was so unrefined, so un-Loki like. "What?"

He stopped in front of her, a mischievous smile on his face. "I have something for you."

Loki's right hand snaked into left sleeve and pulled out a long stemmed rose and offered it to her. The flower was an unusual colour, dark green, with a jet black stem that still possessed its sharp thorns. It was so strange, yet so beautiful. She cautiously reached out and plucked the flower from his hand, careful to avoid the thorns. She brushed her fingers against the velvety petals and breathed in the scent.

"It's lovely." She whispered sheepishly.

Loki laughed as a blush spread across her cheeks. "Something for your garden." He told her, reaching for her free hand and bringing it to his lips. "Until we meet again, Lady Sigyn."

His formal words and his soft touch made her turn a deeper shade of red. "Until we meet again." She nodded.


TADA! What do you think? If you didn't like it, I'm very sorry you wasted your time reading it. If you did like it, Thank you! either way, review.
