SOOOO sorry for the long wait guys. It's finals week and I've been so busy with school stuff and work stuff I've only just now had the time to write this. SERIOUS fluff warning here, boys and girls. This is should be the final chapter so PLEASE REVIEW. I'm begging.


It was a solid three weeks before Harry's premonition came true and the students of Hogwarts finally shut up about his and Draco's friendship. By that point Draco was reaching the edge of his rope and had taken to snapping at every person who tried to speak with him – including Harry.

The third time this happened, the two happened to be sitting in the same spot by the lake, for the moment silently. Draco had his arms across his chest, scowling. Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. He was unhappy with the given situation because he had been in a good mood and was looking forward to a pleasant afternoon. This, however, did not seem to be happening. On their way down to the lake, Harry and his currently irate friend had passed a group of second years. As they walked by, a few of these children happened to giggle. Despite Harry's distinct feeling that the reason for their laughter had absolutely nothing to do with them, Draco seemed to feel otherwise – thus their current position. Harry sighed again.

"So…" he began, awkwardly fingering the back of his neck. "What do you want to do?" Draco scowled.

"I don't care, Potter. Pick something." Harry looked at him for a moment, trying to decide whether to be hurt or angry.

"Since when do you call me Potter?" Draco shrugged.

"Whatever." That snapped it for Harry.

"You know what, Draco?" He spat. "I'm sick of your attitude. Those fucking kids weren't laughing at you. And just because you're mad at the rest of the fucking world doesn't mean you need to take it out on me. I've done nothing to you. Grow up and get over it." He stood up and started to storm away, too heated to really think.

Draco stayed back in shock. He didn't know whether or not to follow Harry and to be honest, he felt a little hurt. It was the first time Harry had yelled at him since they'd become friends and now it suddenly felt as though none of it had even happened.

"I'm sorry!" He cried out in instinct. He didn't know why but he couldn't let him walk away. "Harry…" Harry stopped, about ten feet up the hill. "Come back…"

Harry didn't turn around right away. For a few moments he only stood still, and Draco began to wonder if he was going to walk away after all. A lump formed in his throat. Harry was the only friend he had…

After what seemed like years, the darker boy turned around, a glare written on his face, and began to slowly trek back toward Draco, who by this point was chewing on his lower lip in nervousness. For some reason he felt like crying, and he at the moment was wondering if he would. Harry approached him, arms crossed.

"What, Draco?" He snapped, still in a temper.

"I-I" Draco stuttered. Harry raised his eyebrows and Draco, for reasons unbeknownst to him, found himself an instant later throwing his arms around Harry's neck and hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry…" He mumbled into Harry's shoulder. "Don't go…"

"Whoa…" Harry, now startled out of his anger, tried for a moment to praise the boy off of him, but gave up in the next, and hugged him back. "Draco, what's wrong?" The blonde responding by tightening his grip around Harry. It was a few moments before he let go, and when he did his eyes looked red. Harry sat him down gently in the grass, and Draco pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged them.

He was ashamed for crying and was now at this point just embarrassed at what he'd just done. He didn't hug people. Anyone. Under any circumstances. Ever. And yet he'd just thrown himself onto Harry and he'd honestly cherished the feeling he'd gotten when he'd done so. He just… he didn't want Harry to walk away from him. What if he never came back…?

"Draco, what's wrong?" Harry asked again. Draco still didn't respond so he tried a different approach. "Why do the other people upset you so much?" Draco took a deep breath. He knew why it upset him. He just wasn't sure if he wanted to explain it to Harry.

"Because…" he said quietly, "because you're the only friend I have." He exhaled, feeling completely pathetic for admitting it.

"What about it?" Harry pressed, unsure as to where this was going.

"Why can't they just fucking let me?" Draco snapped, his voice breaking slightly. "I'm sorry Harry I didn't mean to make you mad. I just… I'm so tired of it." Harry looked worriedly at his friend.

"What do you mean why can't they let you?" He asked cautiously. Draco wiped angrily at his eyes. He shouldn't have ever yelled at Harry.

"Why can't they just let me be happy?" Harry scooted closer to the blonde boy and put an arm around him. He'd been expecting Draco to pull away but he instead leaned into the embrace.

"Maybe you haven't noticed Draco, but they've left us alone for almost a week now…." He said slowly. "If you keep getting defensive like this all you're going to do is make yourself unhappy…"

"I guess." Draco whispered.

"Come on," Harry said, standing up and offering a hand to his friend. "Let's go upstairs. We can play a game or something. Try to relax." Draco looked up a little tearfully and accepted Harry's hand.

"Yeah…" He answered. "Yeah, alright."

As they walked back Draco was preoccupied with the fact that Harry was being so nice to him even though he'd just yelled at him. He tripped on a little hole in the grass an Harry grabbed him before he fell.

"Whoa… watch hun. You okay?"

"Y-yeah…" Draco stammered. Had Harry just called him hun?

Inwardly Harry was kicking himself. Hun? Honestly? Really? What was wrong with him? He felt himself flush as they trudged up the muddy hill. He'd decided he fancied him a long time ago but if he wasn't careful Draco would figure it out.

But was that such a bad thing…? Harry wasn't sure. He sighed.

"What's wrong Harry?" Draco asked him. Harry only shook his head in reply. It was time to talk to Hermione.

This is a Time Break This is a Time Break This is a Time Break

Later that night Harry sat in the Gryffindor common room with Ron and Hermione. He'd just sent Draco back to his own room and everyone else had already gone to bed for the night. He figured this was as good a time as any other to bring up what had been on his mind.

"So…" He started awkwardly, fingering at the back of his neck. Ron and Hermione looked at him and he felt himself go hot. "N-nevermind…" He stammered. Who was he kidding? If he couldn't even get up the courage to tell Ron and Hermione, how in the world was he meant to say something to Draco?

"No…" Hermione said slowly. "No, go on Harry. What is it?" Harry sighed. He wasn't even gay…

"I…" He sighed again. "I'm thinking about… maybe… asking Draco out…" A beam broke across Hermione's face and a look of amusement appeared on Ron's.

"Okay…" He said with a bit of a laugh. "Now what was it new that you wanted to tell us?" Harry glared.

"I was wondering how long it would be before you told us that." Hermione told him. Harry felt extraordinarily uncomfortable.

"I just… I don't know if he's going to feel the same way, you know?"

"Trust me, kid. He knows." Ron said with an eyeroll. "God you can be so oblivious sometimes." Harry flushed.

"So how are you going to do it?" Hermione asked. Harry shrugged. He honestly didn't know.

"Well…" She said with a grin. "If I know Draco, you should be really romantic about it." Harry felt himself go even more red than he already was.

"I don't know Hermione…"

"Oh, come on, Harry. Trust her. She knows about this sorta stuff." Ron had a point.

"Yeah, Ron. But Hermione is a girl… Draco isn't." Ron shrugged.

"He's a gay guy. Same thing." Harry glared. "Right… 'cept you." Harry shook his head, unable to help a smile.

"Alright, Hermione. I'll trust you. What did you have in mind?"

"Well…." Harry sighed. This was going to be interesting.

This is a Time Break This is a Time Break This is a Time Break

Draco was waiting in the North Tower nervously playing with the cuff of his sleeve. Harry had written and told him to meet him here tonight. He had no idea what was going on but he was anxious and had gotten there early. Draco took a deep breath and tried to tell himself that nothing was going on tonight. He couldn't quite manage it. For some reason he felt like he was in trouble.

Lennon sat beside him and he stroked him softly. He let out a shaky breath.

"Come on Harry." He mumbled. "Where are you?"

Almost on cue, Draco heard Harry's footsteps on the stairs. He bit down on his lower lip out of nervousness.

"Hey…" Draco noted that for some reason Harry sounded just as nervous as Draco felt.

"Hey, Harry… What's all this…" He was cut off by Harry's finger gently resting itself across his lips.

"Shh…" Harry said shakily. "Don't ask questions. Just… come with me." Harry lowered his hand, which Draco now noticed was shaking and – to his immense surprise – grabbed Draco's. Draco didn't grasp back at first but he didn't pull away. When he'd gotten over the shock of having his hand held, he squeezed Harry's fingers in return, noticing that his hands felt small an delicate in comparison to the darker boy's.

"I…" He didn't know what to say so he fell silent. Harry led him quietly down the stairs of the North Tower.

"Did you bring your coat?" He asked as they reached the bottom of the stairwell. Draco only nodded. What in the hell was going on? "Put it on, okay?" Draco did so, wondering why on earth Harry was so pale.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently. Harry nodded.

"Yeah… I'm just nervous." This confused the lighter boy.

"Why are you nervous, Harry? What's going on?" Harry shook his head.

"Don't worry about it. You'll see." Draco bit his lip and Harry smiled. He led them out the front doors of the castle into the massive open night outside. Draco gasped. The sky was absolutely breath taking. He'd never really been outside at night before. If he ever had he'd never paid attention to the sky. The number of stars was completely unbelievable, all shining bright and silver around a massive full moon glowing off above the lake.

"It's… it's beautiful." He whispered.

"Yeah, it is." Harry said back. He wasn't looking at the sky. Still holding Draco's hand, he led the boy over the rose garden maze that Dumbledore had put in their fourth year. "It gets even better." They wound their way through hedge after hedge as Draco found himself gripping even tighter to Harry's hand. After about five minutes Draco began to hear the sound of running water.

They turned a corner and Draco caught sight of the most magnificent fountain he'd ever seen. It stood in the middle of a cobbled courtyard, surrounded by ornately carved stone benches. It was simple, yet beautiful.

The base of the structure was round and carved, filled to an inch from the brim with red water, then blue, then purple, and then gold, flashing each colour elegantly accenting the blood red rose petals floating on the surface. In the middle of the fountain, another round, stone basin rose from the water, overflowing with a fall of gold, and then purple, then blue, then red. White rose petals floated gently on the surface of this basin, which played home to what appeared to be an opal dragon, spitting a silver substance from its mouth.

Draco looked over at Harry in awe.

"Harry this... this is…" He couldn't find the words. Harry said nothing but pulled out his wand. He tapped lightly on the edge of fountain. At first, Draco didn't understand why he did this. And then, faintly – almost as though from a distance – he began to hear the sound of harps and wind flutes coming from the water inside the fountain. "I… Harry what is this?"

Harry just sat him down on a bench beside the water and grabbed each of his hands in his own. He said nothing, leaning his weight onto the blonde. Draco rested his head on Harry's shoulder, not understanding but wishing that this would never end. As he sat there, with his eyes closed peacefully, a horrible thought occurred to him. He felt his lip quiver.

"This is a dream isn't it?" He asked Harry. "None of this is real. I'm going to wake up in the morning and none of this will have ever happened…" Against his will, he felt a few tears slip down his cheeks. Harry looking alarmed, lifted Draco's chin with his hand.

"Shh… Draco please don't cry…" He let go of one of Draco's hands and lifted it into the air. Draco watched through blurry eyes as Hedwig swooped out of a nearby tree and landed on Harry's arm. He noticed that she had a letter attached to her leg.

"I think this is for you." Harry said softly. Sniffing, Draco wiped his cheeks and untied the golden envelope on the owl's foot. Harry stroked Hedwig for a moment before she flew off. "Open it," he told him gently. With shaking hands Draco undid the scarlet seal and pulled out a silver scrap of parchment.

Written on in golden ink was the following:


I knew that I would never be able to muster up the courage to tell you this to your face, so I'm writing this to you in a letter instead. If everything has gone correctly tonight, you and I are currently sitting by the fountain in the rose garden, and chances are, I'm shaking and stumbling like an idiot. I apologise if you're confused. I'll clear it up for you in a moment.

I'm not sure if you know this, but it was exactly one month ago today that you stormed down to the lake and opened your heart up to me. It's only appropriate that I tell you this tonight. Somehow, in the short time that we've known each other, you've gotten into me in a way that no one else ever has. You're the first person I want to see when I wake up in the morning, and you're always the last person I want to see before I go to sleep at night. You make me nervous just being near me and there isn't even a reason for this because I've never once been afraid to be myself around you. Your eyes captivate me in a way I can never hope to explain and I've on countless occasion dreamed of what it would feel like to hold your hand tightly in my own. If all has gone rightly tonight, I already have, and I can assure you know it's one of the greatest feelings I've ever known.

If you haven't run away by now, I want you know something. I've never before considered the idea that I might be gay. I may not even consider it now, because you're the only person (not just the only boy) that has ever given me happiness like the one I feel just to be near you. I can only hope that you feel the same.

But I've been rambling. There is a simple, and easy way to tell you what I have been trying to say tonight. And those words are these:

Draco Malfoy, heir to the Slytherin throne of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

I love you

I can only hope to spend the rest of my days by your side, be it as a friend, best friend, or lover. As long as you don't leave my life, I can be happy.


Harry James Potter

Stunned, Draco looked up from the letter at Harry, who was shakily holding out to him the biggest rose he'd ever seen.

"Draco," He said in a trembling voice. "Will you do me the honour of being mine?" Another tear slipped down Draco's cheek as a grin took over his entire face.

"Harry Potter," He said, taking the rose, "I would be honoured." He held to rose up to his nose for a moment, taking in the scent. He looked up into Harry's eyes. "Oh yeah," He said, pretending it was an afterthought, "I love you too."

With those words, Harry Potter leaned in for the greatest kiss of his life, and Draco Malfoy accepted it with joy.

The rest of the world be damned.

He was getting his happy ending.