Hi there! Another fic with Fem!Sweden (I think I'm becoming obsessed with her), one with chapters this time XD
America has come up with a new game. The players are supposed to be paired up with someone else and live with them for 6 month.
There were a few things that Sweden would never understand; like why people so often seemed uncomfortable in her present or why America had the need to drag her into every little game or new idea he came up with. What she certainly did not understand was why Finland always tried to convince her that it was a good thing to play with him. To her, it did not really matter since the games o ideas did not have any political value and was always played after or during the breaks of the world meetings.
But this time both Finland and America said something about that the point of the game was to be able to understand other nations better. The idea of the game was that half of the nation each writes their names on a piece of paper, which America then collected. The other half of the nations would then each take one of the pieces from a hat or bowl, and the nations name one the paper was the one that would be their partner for the next six month. And with partner they meant husband or wife. They never said the two words but the persons was supposed live with each other, and when America told everyone about his new idea he described a marriage except he did not use that word.
Now Sweden was perfectly fine not to be in that or any game like that. She thought, no she knew, that there was other ways to understand someone better. Besides she like how her life looked like now. Officially she lived alone, but five nights a week Finland spent in her house, and when he had to go back home Norway used to visit. She liked having them both there although since Finland knew that she was close to Norway he was not so fond of leaving. They might not be married anymore, but they were still together. And it was okay if they sometimes slept with another, as long as they told the other about it. Before it had been necessarily when it come to allies; or other kind of politics. And even if sex no longer was a good way to settle thing it was still a reality for the nations. So far neither Finland nor Sweden had slept with another though. And while they were together she had no plan on changing that. But Finland could sometimes snap and not show up or even talk to her for months or sometimes years. And it was during those periods that she had someone else to warm her bed. Sometimes it was Norway; sometimes it was Prussia or Germany but that only happened of they had invited her to drink beer with them. That happened more than one might think, and she did not regret it later. However, Prussia had to work a little bit harder than Germany to get her in his bed. Sometimes it was other nations.
Sometimes, on very rare occasions, but not so rare that she would have liked; she slept with Denmark. The reason why she slept with him was something she could only understand the moment before, and it would be completely forgotten afterwards.
But she stopped with that when Finland came back to her. Sure, she still was close to Norway, she still accepted the invitations from the Germans and she got along with Denmark, but she did not sleep with them. And no one blamed her for it most nations had that way of living nowadays. And they knew just as well as she did that Finland would come back. He always came back. And she would always let him.
Finland sat beside her now eating different cookies and buns as a dessert. Cookies and buns which she had baked. She liked baking; it was fun and relaxing, and a good alternative to fighting. Beside she knew that Finland felt less feminine if she baked and did the cooking, even if he liked it, and that the things she baked was the main reason to why she got along with Denmark. Their countries might be friendly now but old habits die hard.
So to her, a marriage to the one who took her name was something she cold live without. But if she did not write her name she would have to be one of them who had to take one from the hat. So she write her name, and noticed that Iceland, Finland and Denmark did not write theirs.
And all she could think of was that she really did not want Denmark to pull her name out of the had because that was a relationship that had ended and should stay that way. Once she had belonged to him, and he to her. It was a happy time until the end. Sometimes she wonders if she, Denmark and Norway is the only ones that know that they actually did get married. With a big Viking wedding. When Iceland and Finland begun to live with them they had been married for so long that they often forgot that other might not know about their marriage.
They were supposed to see who they were going to married with as soon as the meeting started again.
"It's just a game, Svea" Finland said and she wondered if there was any especial name he was hoping to get.
"Yeah, it's only for the rest of the six months!" Prussia shouted and blinked, which made Finland frown. But he did not see that Prussia did the same thing to at least five other nations too.
"Besides we'll get back to each other afterwards." Finland continued.
"Okay!" America yelled. "I will now go around and let you pull a name, starting with me!"
"How big is the chance that Denmark will pull you name?" Norway whispered o the other side of her.
"Dunno, or yours?"
"And on my note is says" America shouted "Norway!"
"Faen" Norway groan, which made Sweden smile.
"At least not Denmark." She said, but Norway just gave her a glare. America went on to France and Germany and later to Greece and then she no longer paid any attention to him. Not until Finland spoke.
"Poor soul, who will be pulled now."
Sweden looked over to America again. He stood in front of Russia, who glanced over to Belarus before taking a deep breath. But she only noticed that because she had known him as a child. To everybody else he look just as insane as he probably was.
At first when he saw the name he seemed just as relived as Belarus looked hopeful, but then he looked kind of bothered. America happily took his note, as he though it would be more fun to read the names out loud.
"Sweden! Bad luck you have there, huh Sweden?" he shouted, making Norway jump in shock beside her and Finland to choke. The three Baltic States looked from Russia to her and to Russia again, who looked almost embarrassed at first but soon smiled childishly at her. Denmark stared at her like she had been the one to pick Russia and not some stupid note. But no one said anything. And America went on as if nothing had happened. He did not notice that his comment went by like he never said anything or had the major part of Europe to now be glancing now and then towards Sweden or Russia.
She could remember when she did not have any real enemies, at least not among nations, and she often looked back at that time. It was not better then but it was different, and people could get by. Then she had just been one of the Viking boys, since there was only two except her that knew she was a girl. And she was fine with that. She liked sailing around the world with them, and they were pretty lucky to have her there. That was before she fell for Denmark, and when Denmark first courted her he made sure to do it when she wore one of her few women outfits. It truly is a type of art to flirt with someone and not get caught on a Viking ship when the person you were flirting with was dressed as a boy. But Denmark pulled it through. Even Norway did not notice until a winter night in front of the fire where he walked in just as Denmark thought it was a good time to kiss her.
Then it was pretty hard to think that a few hundreds years on from that moment Denmark would be her number one enemy. And he was that for quite some time too.
And even when Denmark lost his place as her number one enemy to Russia she still hated him.
She hated Russia too; she just did not let anybody see it as well as they could see the hatred between her and Denmark. Besides neither Denmark nor Russia was especially fond of her either at that time. And the fact that Russia soon valued America as a bigger enemy than her did not change their relationship a bit.
It was not that bad to be married to him, at least Sweden did not think so, it was just that she have had two rival enemies, and she had already been married to one of them, and she did not exactly like the idea of being married to the other one now.
Sweden, Finland nor Norway left their seats when the meeting ended. Finland had pulled Ukraine's name, which earned him the comment "Good one there, Fin! Just stay with the blue and yellow girls!" from America. It did not really bother him; the fact that Russia got Sweden bothered him. The reason to why Norway did not left was that he did not want to run into America. The game was not supposed to start until Monday, next week. So he had five days of being free from America.
Sweden was still sitting there because she was sure that her legs was not strong enough to carry her yet, and Finland was holding her hand under the table hard enough to stop her blood flow.
Finland had been talking about nothing on their way home again. He did that a lot. To be honest she had stopped listening to him about an hour ago. He did not seem to mind anyhow, or at least notice that she was not listening to him.
Instead she thought about Russia. He had left the meeting as soon as Germany ended it. The first time she met him was when he was just a baby. Three big chief from her country had rules over the people there. She called him Holmgård, and later on by the name he used then; Novgorod.
He never scared her like he scared Finland. Mainly because she had seen him grow up. Still he was creepy.
Since she no longer were in war with him the only times she saw him was in meeting, will it be world meetings or just between her and his government, and on the dates.
The dates was nothing more than nations visiting other nations on the date for something great or hurtful in their history together. It was an on-going trend that had left to leave Europe, but so far only the European nations seemed to have the need for it. It had gone on for centuries. Still, every nation only had four or five dates.
Denmark visit her on November 7th, and in return she would visit him the 26th of February.
She knew for a fact that England, Spain and France had their dates to visit each other, just like the east European countries.
However, the one date she had with Russia was different, instead of him visiting her on September 17th, she had to visit him. The reason was because the idea of visiting each other on that day came from the Swedish and Russian ambassadors. Her boss had told her that instead of seeing the day as the annual day she lost Finland, which she actually did not see it like, she should see it as the last war with Russia. And somehow they agreed on that she would visit him.
It started 2009. She had been told to see it like the celebration of 200 years of peace. So she did.
It had been a weird start of the week to say at least. Estonia had been the one to meet her at the airport and take her to Russia's home. Well there Lithuania had told her that Russia was in the bathroom, and that she should go and find him.
"And don't worry; we have turned the water off"
Not questioning the odd request, she soon found him in there, in the shower with his cloths on and a toolbox indicating that he was trying to fix some broken things.
"Ah, Sweden. Good you could come..." Russia said as she opened the door. "...you don't think you could...help me with this?" he had asked, almost embarrassed.
The thing was that in order to help him she had to step into the shower with him, no matter how much she thinks back to it she cannot figure out why.
"Neee, look here. It's done" Russia said in his childish voice. What happened next seemed to be in slow-motion. Sweden looked up at the bathroom ceiling, Russia was on his way to stand up and Lithuania though it was a good time to turn the water back on causing the two nations in the shower to become soaking wet.
Russia had been too surprise to be bothered with Lithuania, who had left the house and gone off to Poland as soon as he realised what he had done, but the rest of the day went as planned.
She had come earlier in 2010. It was still morning when she knocked on the door and a confused Estonia opened. He got in a hurry to get him and the other two Baltic's to get out of there. They all had their own houses know and why they still stayed with Russia was a mystery for her.
The next year, 2011, she only stayed the day. Neither her nor Russia was fond of the agreement and had decided to make it as fast as possible. No deep talk, or tease with words. No hard feelings.
she had already been at sleep for two hours when Finland came to bed. He had been on the phone with Ukraine. He had sounded happy. Happy but still sad. After that he had been on the phone with Estonia, they seemed to be in an argument.
At first he had just looked at her when he came to bed. Then he had cuddled closer to her. At last he woke her up.
"mm vad vill du?" Finland looked at her, not hearing the rude ton in her voice when she asked him what he wanted. After all, he woke her up in the middle of the night.
"Don't...don't get hurt over at Russia's place." Sweden just looked at him, her mind not really taking in the words, of translating them. Finland sighed.
"Var säker där borta...snälla?"
She just nodded, and pulled him closer to her.
7th November: Stockholm's bloodbath. 1520
The Nobel society in Sweden had locked them in to have a meeting, but then the Danish soldiers stormed the place and took them as hostage. Then they killed the nobles in the local marketplace by decapitateoff their heads. Funny thing that there was one man, who was late to the meeting and beg to be let in. After more and more begging the Danish soldiers let that man in and well, he met his death. His son on the other hand, wanted to take revenge on the Danish and became Sweden's king. His name was Gustav Vase.
26th February: Peace treatment in Roskilde.
Peace treatment between Sweden and Denmark. After Sweden successfully had got the entire army over the ice (a rather foolish idea since if the ice wasn't thick enough they would all have drowned) and defeated the Danes, who thought they were demons) Denmark had to give Sweden the provinces: Blekinge, Bohuslän and Skåne. According to the ledged, Denmark's king would have said that he wished that he had never learned to read or write. Since the provinces had been Danish, they were not so fond of now belong to Sweden, at least not Skåne; so they were rather rebellious and often ambushed the Swedish soldiers when they came to inspect the new territory. The Swedish king, Karl XI, took care of this by using torture (in one place in Skåne, the hatred for the new king was so strong that when the kings face was printed on the 500 crones bill 1985, the stores in that place refused to let people pay with them).
17th September: 1809
Before 1809, Sweden was four parts: Götaland, Svealand Lappland and Finland. 1809 Sweden lost Finland to Russia, and the Swedish Imperia was reduced to half its size. Finland had been a part of Sweden for at least 600 years and they people thought of Finland to be just as Swedish as Sweden was. They were not happy. The king, Karl XII, died without children and they got the new king from France. The people wanted Finland back, but the new king had no plans on starting a war with mighty Russia, so the declared war on the much weaker Denmark. That's (together with a lot of other reasons) how Sweden got into a union with Norway.
Mm vad vill du? = mm what do you want?
Var säker där borta...snälla = be safe over there… please
The reason they speak Swedish is because, Sweden were in some sleep daze, and the native language are more or less the only language one can speak or understand. That's why Finland had to repeat himself in Swedish. He spoke Swedish for about 600 years so he know the language, even if old Swedish and Swedish today is very different.
That's all for this time. Um, if you have any questions, or think that I lack knowledge in the information above, feel free to tell me. And if you have any suggestion for the dates, I'd be happy.