DISCLAIMER: I do not own VicTorious or any affiliated characters. Because trust me, if I did this show sooooooo wouldn't be on it's current network ;) But thank you Dan Schnieder for giving us these characters so we can use them in our sick, twisted fantasies =]

Set during 'Cat's New Boyfriend'

Tori was thanking the heavens that the teacher that had seen her little display was there crazy drama teacher Sickowitz, who was more interested in his Holland Oaks tickets than what was happening between the two girls, or she wouldn't have had this gorgeous red-head locked with her in the privacy of the janitor's closet. She knew Cat wasn't too thrilled with the situation, however. After kissing Danny/Daniel (She never understood it. What were people at Hollywood Arts too prestigious to use his nick-name?), the guy that Cat was currently seeing (who could really keep up though, right?), and having Cat witness the kiss, Tori could imagine the lack of enthusiasm Cat portrayed in being unwillingly dragged by her feet to converse with the brunette in such a secluded area, considering how the shorter girl went out of her way to avoid said scenario.

"Let me out!" Cat demanded.

"Cat!" Tori pleaded. She was seriously desperate to talk to this girl.

"This is kidnapping!" more protesting from the shorter girl, "Or Cat-napping" She giggled at her own joke. There goes that cute laugh that Tori adored, but she did feel though that it wasn't the time. She smacked her head off the door in frustration.

"Open the door!" Cat was furious.

Tori decided. It was now or never. She grabbed Cat by the shoulders and pulled their lips together. All thought shut off in both girls' minds. Tori was just focused on putting all her emotions in that one kiss, as she may never have that opportunity again. Cat was trying to get over two shocking realizations; Tori was kissing her. And she was kissing Tori right back!

After what seemed like an eternity and a new told story to the girls, Cat gently pushed Tori back.


Well there you have it. Sorry it's so short but it's like the intro kinda. But I hope you enjoy. If you did, let me know. If you didn't, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! Aw who am I kidding? I wanna know. I wanna know EVERYTHING! MUAHAHAHA! *Clears throat* Lost myself for a bit. But I'm back now and just remember I aim to please, so review and I'll please you in ways you can't imagine ;) I swear I gotta keep other me in a cage or sumn *Shifty eyes*

Anyway, lemme know and I'll let you know.
