AN: Another day, another new story. Hello again! Well, I watched Durarara! on Adult Swim last night, an remembered episode 24, -Spoiler- where Anri attempts to cut Izaya with Saika, but fails. I thought, what if she did manage to cut him? Interesting.
So, there's that. I was waiting for Izaya to burn his chess board on last night's episode. I love that scene a lot for some reason.
I finally picked a girl from Hetalia to cosplay. Even though it will cause me to wear a dress and I haven't done that since Christmas of '07. Wow... anyway, a warning to all the Russia's out there. I really, really, want to cosplay Belarus. XD
Anyway, enjoy! ^^
Izaya loved humans. All humans. The way they reacted, what makes them tick. Everything about them just fascinated him. He loved them. He was in love with them. That was the only thing in this world that he could only love.
At least that's what he used to love.
But since he had been cut with a certain sword, he had only felt love towards one person. Only, the was supposed to hate that one person.
Words kept repeating themselves in his head. Saying things about love and they would not cease. It was as if a tape was stuck on repeat in his mind and he was unable to hit the off button. Over and over. It just would not turn off.
Izaya lay his head against his desk, wishing that the voices would just turn off.
Izaya hated what just one small cut had done to him. It remained on his arm as a cut.
He had been cut by the mother of the Saika's. He had managed to block her first few attacks at him that night, but he had made the mistake of turning his back on her. That time he did not have enough time to block her attack.
Upon contact, Saika spoke to him.
Love. I love you.
The sword's voice actually managed to send terror into his body. Terror that he had now been living with for the past three months. No one knew about the voices. Izaya felt like he was starting to go insane. Slowly, the voices were taking away his sanity.
He tried not to pick up his pocket knife because it made the voices speak to him more. Telling him to cut. Cut the person who he hated. To cut him and to pour some of Saika's love into him. But, no. He could not even do that to the one person that he hated the most in the world.
He had avoided him as much as possible. Izaya also tried his best to stay out of Ikebukuro. But with his job he did run into the occasions of having to do so and when that did happen, he tried to avoid a certain blond in blue sunglasses.
Every time he went to Ikebukuro, he left his knife at home on his desk.
But right now, just staring at the knife it seemed to speak to him, even without the physical contact. It seemed like those who were one of Saika's children also had a mental connection with whoever held them.
I love you.
His arm began to move on it's own, slowly moving his hand towards the switch blade. His hand stopped right before it touched it. He really did not want to hear the voices, but at the same time... he wanted to.
Izaya closed the connection.
More of the voices filled his mind. They were all different kinds. It felt like he was listening to the voices of all of Saika's children.
Cut to love.
I love you.
Izaya sat up in his chair, holding the switch blade in his hand. He stared down at it. Suddenly, the words no longer scared him. Perhaps he had grown to be used to the voices... he didn't know.
His own emotions at that moment confused him. He was frightened, but at the same time he was not.
Or could it be because Izaya saw the similarities between him an Saika?
Saika loved humans. Izaya love humans.
Saika had an unusual way of showing love. So did Izaya.
Izaya stared down at the blade, at his reflection, listening to Saika's voice. Over and over Saika spoke about love.
Was it possible for Saika to make people fall in love?
Izaya slide the blade back in its holding place, standing up from his chair and walking over to the couch, where his fur trimmed jacket was hanging over the back. He slowly put it on and headed towards the door, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, checking the time.
He smirked. "He should be getting off work in about five minutes... enough for me to get to Ikebukuro."
For months, he had ignored the voices, but now, he was finally giving into them.
Love. Shizuo Heiwajima.
Shizuo had just gotten off work. He was so tired. He had worked much later than usual. So many people were not paying their debts. He yawned and lit a cigarette.
It was only ten thirty at night, but the streets only had one or to people besides Shizuo walking along them trying to get home for the night.
Shizuo did not notice that he was being followed. Still, whenever he would be walking alone at night he would be a bit more cautious.
He turned down the alley that lead him to his apartment.
He sighed, stopping and smashing the cigarette beneath his foot.
Then, he felt a familiar presence, one he didn't exactly like. What freaked him out was what the person said. Shizuo could almost picture the smirk on the person's face. Shizuo knew who it was, so he had no need to turn around.
Shizuo felt like he was facing the person face to face, watching his every move as he spoke.
He could feel the person smirk up at him, running his hand again the blade of his pocket knife, just cutting it enough to draw blood.
"Shizu-chan should really listen to Saika's voice..."
And then he felt something pierce his back; the person's knife driving it's way through his skin.
Usually, Shizuo was unable to feel pain, but this time he did. He had even been cut several times all at once months ago. This was just a stab.
The knife was jerked out of his back and Shizuo swung his arm back to slam the person against the wall of the alley. But the person had ran away as soon as he pulled the knife back.
AN: Hooray for crazy Izaya XD He already is crazy. Anyway, I really wanted to make a some what Halloween fanfic. This is what came to mind. And if you have seen episode 17 of Durarara, you know that Shizuo is cut by several of Saika's children, and is unaffected.
Please review! ^^