'She looks so beautiful.' Narcissa quietly thinks to herself. The tall corn stalks and the setting sun provide cover for the witch. Her dark eyes never leaving the vision before her.

The first time she saw Hermione she noticed her immediately Draco had constantly ranted and raved about her beating him in school. Her chest gave little flutters when she thought about the girl but dismissed them. Two years later when they met again Narcissa began to realize her feelings for what they were. When Hermione was brought to her home and tortured her frozen heart almost shattered. When she saw her standing in front of Hogwarts when Voldemort brought Potter's body it was then she realized she loved her. Overtime the ice around her heart melted and when she saw the wedding announcement in the paper it was the first time she had allowed herself to cry in over twenty-five years.

Narcissa watches as Hermione fixes invisible wrinkles on the ivory gown. The movement causes smooth curls to sway gently against her back. Her hands shake nervously as they hold onto the bouquet like a lifeline. The symphony begins to play again and a man that Narcissa assumes is her father approaches the young witch. He wipes the tear that trails down her cheek and once the music begins to play, they start walking down the rose covered aisle to the young witches future.

Tears stung behind her chocolate eyes but she wouldn't allow them to fall. She stands there for what seems like an eternity. A soft breeze blows her black and blonde strands. Eventually she decided it was time to leave. As Narcissa disappeared she could hear cheering from the crowd and knew that Hermione Granger was no more. It was now Hermione Weasley.

She left with a soft pop, the only thing that would show anyone was here would be tears that soaked into the soil leaving behind nothing.

"You never have been mine and you never will."

I hope you guys like it, even though it probably sucks.