AN: Happy Holloween everyone! (pun intended)

Short chapters, I know. I reworked the story a bit, goes better with the new plot. Horror, rape, etc… I won't get too explicit; I like to leave a bit up to your imagination.

I don't own Bleach…


By: Abarai Starsha

When Rukia woke up her head was pounding and her body ached. The last thing she remembered was getting handed a drink by…who? Stupid post war celebration, she thought. She yawned and stretched but found her movement restricted. She went to rub her eyes and found she couldn't. She opened them and let out a gasp in horror. She was lying sprawled out and tied to the bed, a reiatsu suppression collar around her throat.

Bed? Who has a bed in Soul Society?

She tugged at her restraints. She was tied up tightly; one wrist, one ankle to each corner of the bed. It was a simple twin four poster bed; oak in color. The canopy was missing. The sheets, once white, were now dusty and stained with god knew what. Her head was propped up by an equally dirty pillow. Someone's drool stained the fabric, turning it yellow in places, long ago.

The room was small and very basic. Two small dusty oak night stands flanked her sides; each having a small white lamp. Dirt and cobwebs covered both indicating they have not been turned on or touched in long time.

There was a window in the middle of the wall to her left. Heavy violet curtains hung, blocking any view to or from the outside. She could tell it was daylight, but nothing else. The wall in front of her had a door on each end, both were closed. A small wall table sat in the middle between them. There was a glass of ice water sitting on the table. Condensation had already built up around it. The wall to her right had a door on the far end. It was slightly open. She could make out a green tile floor, but nothing else. A bathroom maybe? A large oak bookshelf lined the wall. Dirt, dust and cobwebs that even the spiders abandoned adorned the empty shelves.

There was another window, above the nightstand to her right. It also had violet curtains that went all the way to the wood floor.

Everything looked old and undisturbed. Like your great grandmother's attic that no one has stepped foot in for centuries.

Panic started to kick in. Who brought her here? Where was here? Who tied her up? Why was she in a gigai? This had to be a joke, a very cruel and humiliating joke. She wracked her brain but couldn't think of anyone who would do such a thing. Because she was in a gigai, Urahara came to mind. She shuddered, it couldn't have been. Ichigo had made him apologize to her for everything he's done to her. He had sworn never to hurt her again. No. It wasn't anyone she knew.


"H-hello?" She croaked. Waking up with dry mouth sucked. Waking up tied to a bed with dry mouth sucked. She licked her dry lips with her dry tongue and tried again, "Hello?"


The house seemed deserted. She took small comfort that at least she was clothed. Who ever took her didn't take her…at least not yet. She shoved the thought aside. But who would go through the trouble of putting her in a gigai? What for? She was becoming more awake and definitely sober. "HELLO?" she screamed…and waited…Nothing. Who the hell would just leave her like this?

The minutes ticked by like hours. She was thirsty, hungry and really had to pee. The irony was the glass of water sitting directly across from her. She refused to look at it. She kept telling herself over and over that someone was going to come in at any moment.

Any minute…





"What if no one comes, what if no one ever comes, what if I'm stuck here forever? I can't stay here forever. I really have to pee. Look at the trouble you've gotten yourself into now, Rukia. Stupid fool. Why didn't I just leave?" She shoved her thoughts to the back of her brain.

Rukia pulled on her restraints until they cut into her skin. Shocked at the biting pain, she stopped pulling. She craned her head around so she could take a closer look at her restraints. First glance it was everyday rope. She caught a glimmer of silver and looked again. She gasped slightly as she realized the rope was entwined with very strong, very thin wire. Her wrists would be in shreds by the time she pulled through; if she could pull it through.

She closed her eyes and tried to think about it logically. As much as she didn't want to, she focused on the previous night's celebrations.

The usual drunks were eager to celebrate. Yamamoto-Soutaicho had given the approval for the all day celebration himself. The war was over, Aizen was restrained. Sure, there was still clean up and other loose ends to tie up, but for once, the duty bound man decided that tomorrow was another day. He was proud of everyone, including the humans.

Matsumoto took it upon herself to arrange and lead the festivities. The great hall in the first division was cleared, bars and tables were set up and the sake started to flow. Everyone was there. Everyone was drunk or near to it except for a small handful.

"To Kurosaki!" Renji said as he raised his saucer. Everyone followed suit.

The day turned to evening and Rukia had had a few drinks herself. Enough to where she was feeling more confident then she should have. She was going to do it. She was going to tell Ichigo how she felt, what he meant to her.

She saw the orange head a few minutes before as he went outside to get some air. Rukia put her drink down and followed. She told herself she was crazy, she told herself that it wasn't right. She then told herself that it was now or never.

She rounded the corner and stopped dead in her tracks. Ichigo was there with Inoue in his arms. Rukia dared not breathe. Maybe Inoue didn't feel good; the sake was a bit strong for the girl. Maybe she tripped, she was a bit clumsy. Maybe –

"I'm glad you shared your feelings with me, Inoue."

Maybe she was too late.

"Because I've wanted to tell you…I love you too."

Rukia threw up. The couple turned to her as she backed up away from them.

"Rukia! Are you alright?"

"Uh…yeah! I…uh…just had a bit much, I guess…" She said as she continued to back up. She couldn't look at them without her stomach lurching. She turned and went back inside.

She buried her pain with a drink, then another and another. Then someone handed her a saucer… Everything went dark.

Rukia choked back a sob. She knew she shouldn't have expected anything. She knew she was on dangerous waters just by liking him. She was drowning when she realized it was more than that. She had loved him.


The hand that held the saucer was all she remembered. An ordinary hand. Not too big, not too small. Average.

Rukia frowned. This was getting her nowhere.

As the day turned into evening Rukia became uneasy in the knowledge that no one was coming for her. She really really really had to pee. The fact that she held it all day was a miracle. She cursed the gigai she was in. Her bladder was throbbing, her hands were numb, her arms ached and she was thirsty. She looked at the dresser.

A small drop of water made its way down a winding path on the side of the glass, meeting up with other small droplets of water before continuing the journey to the bottom. There, it met all of the other drops that had made similar journeys and formed a pool at the bottom.

She licked her dry lips and turned away.

The meager light that filtered in through the curtains was rapidly fading. It would be dark soon. Maybe who ever tied her up would return. The thought made her heart beat faster as a shiver ran down her spine.

She took a deep breath and sighed.

Who or why could wait, she decided. The now was what was important and the now dictated to her that she had to find a way out. She looked around the room again. There was nothing that could help her. Not that she could reach it anyway. She pulled up her legs until she felt the same biting pain. Wire down there too. Damn.





The room was dark. The curtains were thick enough to block out any moonlight. She listened for something, anything. Not even a cricket made a sound.

She had no idea what time it was, only that it was dark. If she could put her hand in front of her face, she doubted she could see it.

As the minutes ticked by, she grew tired. Her arms were numb, her joints stiff. She closed her eyes.

Scratch, scratch, screeeeeeeeee

Rukia's eyes shot open. It was still pitch black in the room.

Scratch, scratch, screeeeeeeeee

Her breath sped up along with her heart. She pulled on her restraints again, harder this time but stopped as the wire dug into her skin.


Scratch, scratch, screeeeeeeeee

She twisted her arm around, turning her wrist and tugged again.

Scratch, scratch, screeeeeeeeee

She folded her fingers inward, trying to turn her hand into a cylindrical shape to hopefully slip out of the rope. She pulled and twisted…and screamed out as the wire bit into her flesh.

Scratch, scratch, screeeeeeeeee

Rukia stopped moving. The noise was louder. She didn't know if she wanted to know what was making that sound. It could be someone or something to save her, or it could be someone or something that brought her here.

Scratch, scratch, screeeeeeeeee

The sound was getting louder, closer.

Scratch, scratch, plop.

Rukia held her breath. It was right outside the door. The only sound was her heart pounding as the blood rushed through her ears.


She waited. One minute, two minutes.


She gathered her courage, "H-h-hello?" She wanted it to come out strong, but sounded more like a squeak.

"Hello?" She called out again.


It was several hours later, when the meager light appeared again behind the curtains, that Rukia finally calmed down. Exhausted, and feeling a bit safer in the light, she closed her eyes.