Thank you for all your reviews!~ Sorry for the long delay!

elora daana, kitkat444, Animelover6000 ('∀'●) , QueenPen, The lady loves the dark , Satsuriku No Tenshi, UnAnimo. Thank you everyone!

I hope you enjoy this chapter (o⌒.⌒o)

**Please remember! All sex scenes have been removed to follow FF rules! To read the uncut version you need to go to my LJ page ( .com)**

Rating: Forced PG-13
Pairings: Raoul/Katze
Parts: 6 of ?

Dangerous Desires

Loud beeps penetrated the comforting darkness of sleep. Moaning, Katze hoarsely gave the command to silence the alarm. "Time," he requested, wincing in pain and a leaded arm lifted to massage his sore throat.

"Current time: Six, ten, am," a male, computerized, voice spoke out.

Katze's arm fell limply above his head. His body still weak from Sir Am's 'attention' the night before.

"Would you like me to reset your alarm, Katze? Do you require another hour of slumber?" The monotone computer asked.

Cracking one eyelid open—just as he was about to say no—Katze froze as he felt movement next to him, and an angered voice growled, "End program."

"Request denied. Voice not recognized."

Wide awake, and eyes wide open, Katze gasped at the ruffled Blondie he had not realized had been asleep next to him. Piercing emerald green eyes glared at him through tangled blond locks. Surprise made Katze embarrassingly stutter the command to dismiss the program. The moment the last syllable left his lips, Katze, his heart thundering in his chest, was left to deal with the Blondie Elite now sitting up, with just a corner of the bed coverings that barely hid Raoul's sex from his nervous gaze.

Katze licked his lips. "Sir Am…"

"You will add me to its accepted voice command programming," Raoul ordered. "And you can also remove the familiarity of how it calls you by name."

The tremor of fear was quickly replaced with the heat of anger. Clearing his throat, Katze respectfully, if not coldly, said, "Sir Am, forgive me for my impudence, but may I ask why you are still here?"

Like a flick of a switch, Raoul's anger changed to humor and the Blondie chuckled. "Did you expect me to slip out in the middle of the night while you slept, like a common prostitute?"

Yes, Katze had expected the overbearing Blondie to do just that. However, to voice his agreement he would have also have had agreed to saying Raoul was a prostitute. Calling an Elite—a Blondie Elite at that—a whore was never good for ones well being. "I only worry someone may inquire of why you were here at such an early hour. And should anyone notice the outfit you leave here in is the same as the night before…"

"To appear out in public with the same outfit will, yes, create unnecessary complications, and may also hinder my visits to your apartment. Which is why, some time last night, my Furniture came at my request with enough garments and other necessities of mine to last a few weeks," Raoul said with a smile.

Katze stared at the Blondie for a good thirty seconds before responding. "You…you had your Furniture bring over some of your personal belongings here?"

Honey brows lifted arrogantly, and the lovely smile faded from Raoul's lips. "Is there a problem?"

Despite his body's protest, Katze moved to the side of the bed, and—with great effort—swung his legs over the side. "Problem, sir? No." Invasive? Yes! Was there a level Katze could categorize the magnitude of trouble Raoul invited? Elites still had laws they had to abide by, and fucking an ex-Furniture could very well strip Raoul of his rank. And if discovered Raoul's things were mixed with his own? Katze shuddered at the thought of what might become of him.

"However, I do have concerns, Master Am." Katze should have known better than to turn his back on a Blondie, so when his arm was ceased and he was dragged backwards, Katze was not surprised. Swiftly, Katze found himself under Raoul and reflex had Katze pushing the Blondie away as his legs were painfully spread, Raoul resting just a partial of his weight on Katze's thigh caused his discomfort.

"All you need to concern yourself with is being here when I call, and keeping me happy."

Katze curled his lip at Raoul's patronizing tone. The only thing missing from the beginning of Raoul's sentence were the words "Your pretty little head doesn't need to think".

**Scene removed! Please go to my LJ to read the uncut version**

When the Blondie released him, Katze just lay there in the rumpled covers, breathless and sore. He wanted desperately to pull the sheet over himself, but the emerald eyes, as if knowing what he was thinking, narrowed in warning.


Raoul fought the need to plunge into the panting body spread out like an offering. Katze had satisfied him in a way Raoul had not thought possible. He had felt desire before, of course, but the level of which Katze had tempted him had been indescribable, like last night had.

The only reason the redhead was not under him now was because Raoul knew he had used the pale, slender, body well and good. To take him again would render Katze useless the rest of the day. And would also bring the attention of Iason.

Raoul had much to do before taking on the favored child, and winning Katze from Iason's powerful hold, so while nothing would please him more than pressing the readhead down into the bed, and listening to his passionate cries, Raoul allowed himself one last caress of Katze's smooth porcelain skin before forcing himself to stand.

"Come," Raoul ordered, looking away from the tempting sight of Katze. "You will bathe with me, and ready me for my day."

Raoul gave Katze time to obey his command, seeing how worn out the redhead was. But, once he stood, Raoul swept the ex-Furniture into his arms and strode to the open door of the bathing area. Raoul sneered in distaste at the limited space of the bathroom. Only a shower stall was in it.

"The both of us will not fit," Katze said, as he tried to lean as far away from him as possible.

"The both of us will fit," said Raoul. Opening the glass door, Raoul stepped inside with Katze.

The starkly white tiled stall was tight, barely any room to move. Raoul could have purred at how Katze could not, not touch him because of it.

After a ten second delay, the water streamed down upon them. Steam quickly fogged the glass, and in less time than that Raoul had Katze pressed against the wall. He had promised himself he would leave the ex-Furniture alone. The young man had taken his lust well and long into the night, and earned a respite.

Bathing the redhead, removing the evidence of his passion, was the beginning of Raoul training Katze. He would teach the ex-Furniture to welcome his touch, and spread himself for his pleasure.

Although, Raoul hoped Katze would continue to fight his authority. Who knew such a thing as a lowly Furniture questioning him would fan the flames to completely monopolize the redhead.

**Scene removed! Please go to my LJ to read the uncut version**

Watching the ex-Furniture dry himself off with hooded lids, Raoul motioned Katze to the door, and smiled when he heard the young man's soft sigh. The moment they entered the bedroom Raoul ripped the dam towel from around Katze's waist.

"Dress me." Raoul dropped Katze's towel to his feet, and smile when the ex-Furniture lifted his chin in a defiant way, but still showed his submission by lowering his eyes. "When in my presence, you will disrobe and attend to me without question, am I clear?"

"Yes, Sir Am," Katze said as he reverted back to his Furniture training, and clothed Raoul. "However, if you will forgive me for saying, my time is limited. My duties will leave me with little time to...entertain you."

Raoul smiled and tilted Katze's chin so he could look the ex-Furniture in the eyes. "I suggest you make time for me, Katze," Raoul said smoothly. "There is no escape, and if you think to request Iason's assistance to keep me away... Well, you will not like the repercussions if you made such an unwise decision."

Grabbing Katze by the shoulders, Raoul kissed the young man hard before he turned and strode away. Outside of the apartment, Raoul curled his lip as a resident gaped moronically as he passed. But in the privacy of the elevator the severity of what he did came rushing in.

Raoul licked his lips, and tasted Katze on them and couldn't wait until he had the fiery redhead in his arms again. Elites did not make mistakes, so what he had done was far from being one.

"Until next time, Katze," Raoul whispered, with a pleased smile. "I will treasure the time it will take to train you, and teach you who your master is."
