A Fox's Tale Remix




Written words, Flashback indication, Time skips


"Demon/summon speaking"

'Demon/summon thinking'

A/N: This is a new fic that is a crossover with InuYasha. It was originally written by Chrisdz, and he has given me permission to use it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or InuYasha. Rumiko Takahashi owns Inuyasha while Masashi Kishimoto owns Naruto. Since I don't own either this fic is just written for fun and not profit.


Chapter 1: My Mom's the Kyuubi!

Uzumaki Naruto is a boy that was known for his tricks and nearly endless energy. His pranks have become the stuff of legends in his village, and even today some ANBU wonder how he got away with them as he wore orange, and had the brightest batch of spiky blonde hair that anyone could see. However, today was the graduation exam and he was downright tired. He failed his initial exam, got tricked by Mizuki, learned how to make Kage Bunshin, almost lost Iruka, had a terrible secret revealed to him, and beat the traitorous former teacher. So no one could really say that they couldn't go through all that.

Naruto had gotten home and plopped on the bed. Well, with all that happened who wouldn't be tired?

'Why didn't jiji tell me that I contained the Kyuubi no Kitsune?' He thought as he lay on his bed and fell asleep. Hoping that his dreams would be merciful.


Naruto woke up and felt something wet. He looked around and saw that he was in some sort of sewer system.

'What the heck? How did I get here? What's that?' He thought as he started to follow a crimson light. He figured it was a bad idea but couldn't help it. One of the weirdest things about him was that when unsupervised, he had a tendency to either sniff or sneak off to anywhere that peaked his curiosity. Normal habits for kids, but he always sniffed around at times for what seemed to be no apparent reason and avoided areas that had a 'bad smell' to it. He didn't smell anything bad as he came closer to the light. Rather, it smelled familiar. Like a memory of something that he couldn't quite remember, familiar yet new. He then walked close towards a large cage that had the kanji for fuuin(seal) and stopped as he looked inside. A crimson fox with nine tails at rest behind it was within the cage. Its eyes were closed but it had a couple of tears falling down its muzzle. Unlike the stories he heard, this Kyuubi looked like a giant fox. Sure it was still the size of a boss summon, but it still looked like a regular fox. Many pictures or portraits of the attack showed it had rabbit like ears, human hand like paws, and black fur around the eyes. The only alternate color was the white that appeared on its underside, tails, and ear tips.

'This is the Kyuubi no Kitsune?' Naruto thought to himself. He was surprised that the reality before him was much different then the stories and history he learned. In fact, Naruto felt really calm around the giant fox. It was if some part in his mind told him that it wouldn't hurt him. He took a few steps closer and the fox stirred. It then opened a single violet colored eye and took a good look at him.

"So, my beloved jailor comes to visit at last. I wish you could have come sooner 'ttebane." The fox said in a melancholic yet happy voice. The voice itself was feminine.

"You! You're the one who caused me so much trouble 'ttebayo! You attacked the village you baka kitsune!" Naruto said but was whacked by one of the nine tails. Naruto just stared at the fox whacked him, but he didn't feel any malice. Annoyance yes, but there was no hate.

"Don't call me a baka you baka. *Sigh* of all the things you could have inherited you HAD to have my verbal tic." The fox said before a poof of smoke filled the area. The cage and fox was gone replaced by a woman in her twenties with long flowing red hair, violet color eyes, a simple dress, nine foxtails, two fox ears, and a collar with the kanji for seal on it.

"Ah, that's much better. Now I believe some introductions are in order kit. First off, my name is Namikaze Uzumaki Kushina. Namikaze is my married name while Uzumaki was my maiden name. Yes kit, I'm your mom." Kushina said as her son had his mouth dropped.

"No way?"

"Yes way sochi." She said as she hugged him. At first Naruto was cautious and thought this was a trick, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he knew her.

"We have much to talk about." She said as the room altered in a basic sitting room with a table.

"Why? Why did you attack Konoha?" Naruto asked confused on what he was.

"I guess that happened when you were born. Before I tell you about the attack I have to tell you a bit about me. I was born in Uzu no Kuni, which is now destroyed. It was during the second war as I was still a child when it was attacked. I was born prematurely and would have been dead if my father hadn't pleaded to the kami for help. Inari-sama heard his prayers and answered them. He took a Kyuubi no Kitsune that was dying and let him pass on to reikai and took his youki and bound it to me. In the end I was turned into a kitsune demon." She said as Naruto took it in. Did that mean what he thought he was?

"Does that mean I'm a-"

"A hanyou, hai." She said before continuing.

"After that I was given scrolls and messages from other kitsune in order to learn the ways of my new life. When Uzugakure no Sato was destroyed I was brought to Konohagakure no Sato as one of my aunts, Mito, was alive in the village. After I told her what I was she still accepted and comforted me. I then went to the ninja academy and that was where I met a boy. Minato-kun was in love with me at first sight even though I had round face that looked like a fruit. I didn't like him at first because I thought he was a wimp. Haha, the one thing we had In common at first was the fact we both wanted to be the Hokage." She said with a far off look in her face.

"Eventually the third war started and we were both pretty trained ninja by then. Kumo eventually captured me in a moment of weakness because of my youki and 'special' chakra, but your father saved me. He followed a trail of my hair and fur to find me and said that it was my beautiful hair that led me to him. I told him what I was and he didn't care one bit, and afterwards I marked him as my mate and promised that I would mother as many children as he wanted and help him in his goal. After he became the Yondaime Hokage, we married in secret and got a special house for us to live." She said and Naruto

"My dad's the fourth?" Naruto asked. He was getting surprise after surprise today.

"Yes kit, your pop's the Yondaime. Eventually you came along, and that's when the attack started. A man with a spiral mask came and stole you away. He threatened to kill you if Minato-kun didn't step away. This man was skilled enough to kill the guard detail we had and get top-secret information as no one was supposed to know that was the day you were going to be born. He called himself a messenger of war and peace and told me to release the Kyuubi. I wasn't sealed away so he thought that I was a jinchuuriki like you. I don't know what happened other then his sharringan hypnotizing me into unleashing my full demon form and attacking. I don't always take the size of a mountain, but the rest you know is history." Kushina said. Naruto was silent for once. He didn't know who it was but he wanted to avenge his mom. He couldn't deny the truth as the Sandaime Hokage, Saurtobi Hiruzen, told him the truth on that his mother went missing.

"I can understand if you hate me Naruto." Kushina said as her ears drooped.

"I can understand that you most likely hate me and never want to see me again. I didn't want to attack, but I was given no choice, and I know it sounds like an excuse." She said looking down.

"I don't hate you." Naruto said moving towards his mother.

"Wha-" She started to say but was interrupted when her son hugged her.

"I don't hate you. You aren't lying and how could someone with such pretty hair, fur and eyes be so evil?" He said to his mother.

"Thank you sochi. Tomorrow I'll teach you about the Uzumaki clan and the kitsune arts." She said softly to him before straightening up.

"I will train you and make sure you're a good shinobi 'ttebane. You will not eat only ramen as that's unhealthy. You will also take up gardening as all kitsune feel at comfort with nature. I'll guide you to the house you were supposed to be raised in by us; well it's more of a compound since we were planning on having lots of kids. You will also ask Saru-jij-baka to get you a sword, but for now, sleep tight kit." Kushina said softly as her son drifted into true sleep.


The next morning Naruto woke up feeling refreshed and strangely happy. He thought all that happened last night was just a dream.

'Yeah, like I'm the son of the Kyuubi and the Yodaime.' He thought before he heard chuckling.

"W-who's there?" He asked not knowing who was there laughing at him.

"Calm down kit. It's just your kaachan here, and don't speak out loud if you hear me 'cause right now everything's in your head. If you need to ask me something then think it and I'll know, and no, last night wasn't a dream. You really are my and Minato-kun's kit." She said with a bit of a lingering snicker at her son's expense.

"Now, before we do anything else I will guide you to an important place."

'And where is that 'ttebayo?'

"Home." Kushina said to her son and compelled him with directions until he went to where the clan compounds were and beyond to a forested area. It had so many scents that Naruto immediately wanted to explore and sniff around, but he kept to his mother's instructions as she suggested to explore after getting settled in. He then found an area that had a giant traditional Japanese mansion with Oinari statues at the main gate path. He walked in and went through the massive doors and saw a beautiful garden filled with flowers that could be found anywhere. Ino would have a field day or a downright orgasm if she saw this place. He felt at peace here and started running around and yipping, a trait he thought he grew out of. The only thing that made this day better was these words from his mother.

"Welcome home sochi."


A/N: That's the first chapter. Yes if people read the original then they will see the similarities, as it is essentially the same. Differences will occur in episodes. Naruto will not have mokuton and won't have too much time to train outside of stuff his mother teaches him in spare time. Naruto was already used to having the senses of a fox since birth as well. If you've read it then please review it.