Disclaimer: I do not own any character that are used in this story. the plot is mine, no matter how sucky it is.

Here ye, Here ye.

By order of King Kuro-gin, Kurogane.

His dearly loved brother prince 'Temey Atemu.

Will be held in an ebony tower on to of Mount Jarid

Due to King Kuro-puu being over protective of his brother. Kurogane damn it.

Not only that but there will be a dragon of great power

That will be outside the vicinity of the tower

And a powerful magic user to ward away any unworthy suitors

For 'Temey hand in marriage. Atemu, you annoying scribe.

And just in case someone did manage to past these obstacles

The prince has been given a puzzle that the potential lover

MUST solve before the Prince will accept them as his escort.

Also in the unfortunate scenario that King Kuro-chip die without Stop with the names.

An heir, 'Temey will be crowned King Atemu, Fai, Atemu.

But the Puzzle portion of the test will remain during his rule.

That is all people.