A/n: MY DEAR FRIENDS, I COME TO YOU WITH THE 6TH CHAPTER! I finished editing the chapter but then there was a weird glitch and all my corrections and whatnot didn't save, so I had to do everything over again T_T But yeah it's finished now c:

"Please give the book back," Norway said as calmly as he could.

The tall Russian curled his lips into a creepy smile as he looked down at him. He held England's magic book high above his head so Norway couldn't possibly reach it. "Can't I just take a look inside?" He said teasingly.

The two nations were currently out in the school courtyard. There was still about 15 minutes before school started, and Norway had been spending the morning looking for England to return the book. However, he ran into Russia, who had taken an interest in the book Norway held in his hands.

Norway shook his head, trying to hide how absolutely terrified he was at the moment. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you. Just please give it back."

Russia ignored him and opened the book. "Let's see…" He mused, turning to a random page. "Oh, this looks interesting. It looks like a curse. Shall I test it out?"

"Uh, no." Norway replied quickly.

Russia's violet eyes glinted maliciously, causing Norway to scream internally. "Relax, Norway. It's just a little curse, da? I'll give it back as soon as I'm done…"

Norway was afraid to protest, and he figured he shouldn't since a strange and bone-chilling dark purple aura began to manifest itself around the Russian. He watched helplessly as Russia read off the words from the book. The country's voice echoed eerily as he spoke, and the letters on the pages began glowing a ghostly black. Once he finished, a ball of black fire hovered out of the pages, followed by another, and another, and another. Russia looked amused as the flames began drifting slowly into the air and towards other students farther away. One flame landed on America, who had been talking to Canada while stuffing his mouth with a hamburger. The fire ball touched the American's shoulder and disappeared.

"Ah!" America exclaimed, massaging his shoulder. "I feel like something burned me or something! Did you see anything, bro?"

Canada nodded, pointing at another black flame that was descending towards them. "That thing touched you. What is it?"

"I don't know, dude, but it's coming towards you! RUN!"

Canada rolled his eyes. The flame gently brushed the Canadian's arm and was gone. "Ow, that did burn a bit."

"If you took my advice and ran, it wouldn't have touched you!" America said.

Then there was a cry of pain in the distance as a stray flame landed on Italy's palm. "Owie! Germany, Germany! I reached out to touch this pretty ball of light but it actually really hurt! Now it's gone! Germany!"

"Mein Gott, Italy, keep your voice down. And you shouldn't be touching strange things anyway." Germany grumbled.

Just as the last ball of fire drifted away, England came into the courtyard. The fire hit his arm and dissolved.

"Gah, bloody hell! What was that?" He muttered. He shook his head and walked over to Canada and America, not noticing Russia or Norway.

Russia giggled. "That was fun! I wonder what will happen to those four, hm? The book says something about danger-how exciting!"

Norway gulped. He was about to ask for the book back again but stopped when a raspy and fearsome voice came from behind them.

"Big brother~" The voice hissed. "I've finally found you! Now, let us become one!"

Russia's eyes widened. He quickly tossed the book to Norway and smiled nervously. "Thanks for letting me use the book. I have to go now."

Russia ran out of the courtyard as Belarus came out from behind the bushes and chased after him. "You can't run from me any longer, big brother!" She hollered.

As soon as the siblings left, Romania came in. He spotted Norway and walked over to him.

"Haha, did you see that she-devil chasing Russia? Classic." He said. Then his eyes fell on the tattered leather book. "Hey, wait… is that England's magic book you're holding?"

Norway attempted to hide the book behind him. "Um… no…"

Romania laughed. "It is! Hey, you know what I've always wanted to do?"

Norway didn't really care, but Romania reached over and took the book, much to the Norwegian's dismay.

"I've always wanted to just flip to a random page and cast whatever spell it is, and worry about the consequences later! It's irresponsible, but fun!"

Norway tried to grab the book back. "I really don't think that's a good idea."

Romania gave a sly smile and turned a few pages in the book. He then held up the book with one hand and quickly said the words while extending his other hand out in front of him. An orange stream of light shot out of his palm and flew through the air, hitting America in the back of the head before disintegrating.

"Ouch! What the heck? Man, this place is dangerous." The American groaned, his eyes shut.

England furrowed his thick eyebrows. "Are you alright? That thing that hit you looked very suspicious…"

America opened his eyes and met England's bright green orbs. He seemed puzzled for a moment, staring at England quizzically. "U-uh, yeah, I'm alright… I'm more than alright, actually!"

"Good…" England said as he peered behind America. To confirm his suspicions, he sees his fellow club members fighting over his magic book. Romania quickly threw the book at Norway as he notices England glaring at them.

"Oh, great, we're in trouble now." Romania sighed. "Good job, Norway."

"Don't blame this all on me, idiot!"

England stormed towards the two, looking furious. He snatched his book back and jabbed a finger into Romania's chest. "You. What did you do?"

"Me? Uh… nothing! It was all Norway's fault! He had your book first!"

"He forgot it after the meeting so I was going to give it back, asshole!"

England pinched the bridge of his nose. "And that burning sensation earlier was probably magic too. Great. Do you realize what you've done? Magic cannot be taken lightly, people can get seriously hurt!"

Suddenly, an unfamiliar blonde woman came rushing into the courtyard. Her hair was elegantly tied into a bun and her lavender eyes were filled with panic. She scanned the area frantically, until she saw England, who was lecturing Romania and Norway.

"England!" The woman cried, running over to said nation and grabbing his shoulders. "You have to help me!"

The startled Briton looked at the woman before him. "Er… Do I you?"

"It's me! France! I have been turned into a woman and I know this is somehow your doing!" The woman sobbed. "Turn me back!"

England's eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly as he took in the information. Once he regained his composure, he pried France's hands off his shoulders and turned to face Romania. "You turned France into a female!"

Romania shook his head. "This time it wasn't my fault."

Norway averted his gaze. "…Sorry."

England groaned. "Furthermore," He said, turning back to France. "Why are you wearing the female school uniform and how did you get it?"

France smoothed his… or perhaps her, skirt. "I figured I should take advantage of this situation and dress in a feminine way. And I don't think you want to know how I got the uniform."

Norway cleared his throat. "Uh, England, another thing… I don't think France is the only one who got hit by the spell…"

As if on cue, two other women came into the courtyard. One had sun kissed skin and long brunette locks that were carefully braided into a bun. Her olive green eyes darted around the courtyard anxiously. The other woman had a head of long and unmistakably familiar snow-like hair. She had a prominent scar on the side of her face and a set of eyes that were a strange mixture of blues and purples. She saw England and France and confidently strolled over to them, an arrogant smile on her lips.

"Kesesesesese, you better have a good explanation as to why I'm like this, Eyebrows!" The girl sneered.

England looked extremely bewildered. He grabbed Norway's arm and gave him an annoyed look. "Tell me exactly what happened and what you did."

Norway took a deep breath. "You left your book in the classroom, so I took it to give it back to you, but I got a little curious so I opened the book and said a random spell. The spell hit France, Prussia, and Spain. Then this morning, I was looking for you, and Russia took the book and said some kind of curse that hit you, Italy, hamburger boy over there, and um… Canada. Then, this moron-" He motioned to Romania- "took the book and cast another spell that only hit America. In the head."

England ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair and groaned. "Russia used the book too? This is turning out to be a lot worse than I imagined. Your first spell seemed to have turned Frog Face, Spain, and Prussia into girls… I'm not sure how we can reverse this, but hopefully it's not permanent."

"Hopefully?" Spain wailed. "I don't want to be a woman forever!"

"Hey, look on the bright side," Romania said with a wink. "You guys make really pretty girls."

"Yes, true, I am quite beautiful, aren't I?" France chuckled.

"Yeah, I totally look hot as a chick!" Prussia agreed, planting her hands on her hips.

England rubbed the back of his head. "Right… anyways, for now, you three are going to have to act as female students, which means we're going to have to issue you female uniforms."

"Aw c'mon!" Prussia protested. She wore her old male uniform, which was baggy and seemed two sizes too big.

"I can get you some if you like," France offered. "You too, Spain."

"No, we're going to get them their own… legally." England said. "We should hurry and get you two changed before school starts."

"Can I come?" America called, walking towards the group. He put his arm tightly around England and looked over at the three girls. "Who're they?"

"Um, that's not important, and I'd appreciate it if you would get your hands off of me." England muttered.

"But England, I love you!"

"…Come again?"

Romania bit his lip nervously. "I think I know what kind of spell hit America now…"

England glowered at Romania as he tried pushing the American away from him. "Fix this as soon as possible, or I will kill you."

Romania held up his hands. "Okay, okay."

When the bell rang, Norway and Romania left to go to their respective classrooms while England lead the trio of girls to the school office, with America close behind him. Once he made sure the three had been given their new uniforms, England made his way towards his own class.

"Why do you insist on following me? Shouldn't you be reporting to your classroom?" England griped, glaring at America.

"But I want to spend time with you, Iggy!" America said cheerfully, reaching for England's hand. "And besides, you don't really have to go to class. Lots of countries just hang out wherever."

England immediately swatted the American's hand away. "Don't call me 'Iggy.'"

The pair walked down the relatively empty school hallway together, England trying to keep a safe distance between America, to no avail. The American would quickly close the gap between them and nudge England playfully, much to the Briton's annoyance. As they walked, they spotted Japan and Germany standing beside the lockers.

"Italy-kun was acting very strange…" Japan murmured.

"Ja… I've never seen him so… aggressive before." Germany agreed, looking concerned.

America stopped, grabbing England's arm before he could make a run for it. "What's up, guys? Something wrong with Italy?"

"Ah, hai, Italy-kun left to go to his classroom, but we recently saw him in the hallway. We tried talking to him but he didn't want to speak with us." Japan sighed.

"He looked different from this morning as vell." Germany added.

Maybe this has to do with the spell Russia cast today, England thought.

"Er, do you know where he is now?" England asked.

"Yes, I think he's still down the hall. He looked like he was threatening people for money." Japan replied.

"That's not like him at all!" America gasped. "Don't worry, England! If Italy attacks you, I'll be your hero and save you!"

England rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Thanks you two, I'll go see if I can… talk some sense into Italy."

England walked quickly down the hallway while America followed. As they neared the end, they were shocked to see the usually carefree and cheerful Italian slam someone against a wall. The Italian's eyes blazed scarlet and his caramel hair was much darker than usual. He held a pocketknife up to the throat of the student he pinned to the wall.

"Oi, Romano, tell me where your brother is."

Romano looked alarmed as he noticed the blade of the knife inch closer to his neck. "Y-you're my brother, Veneziano."

"No, I'm looking for the other Italy. You're his fratello, you should be keeping tabs on him. Spit it out!"

"I-I don't know! B-but if you're not Veneziano, w-who are you?" Romano whimpered.

This Italy growled and pushed Romano aside. "You can call me… Feliciano. You're lucky I'm in a better mood than usual. I'll let you go for now."

Romano nodded quickly and ran the opposite direction, giving England a terrified look as he passed. Feliciano noticed the two nations standing a few feet away from him and smiled.

"Maybe you two can tell me where Italy is?" Feliciano said, twirling the knife around in his fingers.

"What's going on here?" A voice said from behind England. Feliciano's smile disappeared as he looked distastefully at the source of the voice. America turned to see Canada standing there with his arms crossed. Or at least… it looked like Canada. Except this Canada had a more intimidating aura to him, and a presence so daunting it was hard not to see him. His soft wavy hair had been tied back and his usually gentle purple eyes had hardened.

"Hey, Canada!" America said, slightly relieved. "You seem different, and I can see you a whole lot better than before!"

"Piss off, shit face." The Canadian spat, his voice louder and more intense than ever. He gripped the hockey stick he held in his hand. "You know, I've always wanted to beat you until you see stars, and now would be a pretty good time to do it."

America was stunned. Shit face? That was certainly a first. Canada would never say anything like that… Who was this guy?

"Hey, that's not fair!" Feliciano pouted. "I want to beat them mercilessly too!"

Before Canada could answer, there was a loud crash. Shards of glass skidded across the floor as England realized someone had broken yet another window further up the hallway. Two figures casually stepped into the building through the broken window, as if they had just walked through the front door. One of them pointed to the group at the end of the hallway and began walking towards them.

As the pair approached England and America, their appearance began to become clearer. The taller of the two looked strikingly similar to America, but his hair was the color of rusted crimson and his eyes were a menacing blood-red. His skin was also considerably darker, and instead of glasses, he had a pair of sunglasses nestled in his hair. In his hand was a wooden bat, which he probably used to break the window. The bat had nails jammed into the tip and was covered in suspicious brown stains.

The other one seemed much more bright and bubbly, and resembled England greatly, with the exception of his light blonde, maybe even pink, hair and his crazed sky blue eyes. He had a wide and rather sadistic grin plastered on his face, which is something you would never see on England. In his hands was a tray of brightly-colored cupcakes.

"Oh goodie, we've finally found you," the man said gleefully, holding up his tray. "Would you care for a cupcake?"

Yay, magical mayhem! We have the Bad Touch Trio turn into lovely fem!nations, 2P characters running wild in the school, and a random love spell that has caused America to fall madly in love with England. ...Yeah, I just wanted an excuse to throw in some USUK in there. Anyways, thank you very much for actually making it this far into the story... Your support is greatly appreciated :') Don't forget to review the chapter and tell me what you think :D