"So you're saying Jace left you a note saying he was leaving?" Alec asked with an incredulous voice. The phone to his ear was silent until finally Clary's soft, unsure voice spoke up. "Yeah, it said he was just tired of fighting and worrying and he needed some time alone. He added that we shouldn't expect him home anytime soon."

Clary had sounded so worried. Alec understood how she felt; he'd once too often gotten a hernia from Jace's self-destructive actions. He had almost gotten used to it now, and he knew that Jace could take care of himself. In a soothing tone, Alec assured Clary, "Don't worry, very often Jace would disappear for a month. Everyone would be pissed when he got back, and he'd had a ton of studies to catch up on, but he always returned fine and in a great mood."

Alec heard Clary laugh on the phone. It was sharp, sounding almost like she was holding back a sob. "I wonder what it would be like to see Jace in a good mood," she thought. Alec, once again, couldn't help knowing how she felt.

"Alec! I need your help deciding on something!" A smooth, warm voice called from another room in the flat. Alec smiled slightly despite himself. "Sorry Clary, but I have to go. I'm super busy with, you know, stuff." Clary laughed again before saying her well-wishes and hanging up.

Smiling, Alec walked into the kitchen of the large flat. His first time being here had been during a huge, head-pounding party that hadn't ended all too well for them. Since then, however, Alec found himself spending more nights at the flat, then at the institute. Of course, perhaps that had to do with the tall, dark figure watching him with sparkling yellow eyes from the other side of the counter. Alec couldn't help feel his heart flip in his chest, and he felt himself blush slightly; how could he ever had troubled himself so much in thinking of Magnus spending his time with others when he had Magnus now. Smiling, Alec walked around the counter with deliberate slowness, watching Magnus's eyes darken with what Alec felt himself. Whatever Magnus had been holding was dropped, creating a loud clang that neither of them seemed to notice.

Magnus's lips quirked with a small smile as Alec stopped, his face inches from the warlock's. Today, he was as sparkled and gelled as usual, of course, that was most likely from the party they'd just finished throwing: Well, truly it was Magnus who threw it, Alec was just the co-host who spent most of the night stealing the host from his duties. Alec loved the sparkled up side of Magnus and how fun, dangerous, and unfamiliar he was, but he also adored seeing Magnus after a shower, his hair hanging long below his ears, and his bright yellow cat-eyes free of any make-up; that version of Magnus felt familiar, safe, and strong. Either way, he was Alec's.

"I seem to have forgotten my important decision; that was very inconsiderate of you," Magnus murmured, his eyes dark and filled with desire, sparking Alec's own feelings. They weren't even close to the same height, Magnus still stood a good four inches over Alec. Still this did not stop him in reaching up and twining his arms over Magnus's golden neck, pulling him closer. Their faces hung together, noses and foreheads touching, lips close enough for them to feel each other's breath. Alec could practically feel Magnus's urge to push closer, but he held him back for a moment, a teasing smile on his lips.

"Well then I suppose I should go, I wouldn't want to keep you distracted from more important things." Alec smiled, trying to turn away, but Magnus's hands moved to the sides of his face, holding him still. He held a dark smile as he kept Alec close, taking another step closer to Alec so their thighs were touching. Alec could feel the heat of the warlock's body against his and he closed his eyes fighting for control. He heard Magnus's laugh, noticing the slight waver to it, the slightest hint of a breathless desire.

Magnus's lips were against Alec's, but still they did not kiss. They were only close enough for the lips to touch, the sensation causing Alec to moan softly low in his throat. "What a fantastic idea," Alec looked up at Magnus, taking in the warlock's bright eyes as Alec tried to keep his breathing calm. "Why don't we both go…. to my room?"

The suggestion had Alec's eyes widening and he was about to pull himself closer Magnus, having given up keeping control, when suddenly Magnus was no longer there. He had vanished into thin air. 'Damn warlock,' Alec thought darkly as he turned toward the exit to the kitchen. He could hear soft music and saw a small petal floating in the air. Walking up to it, Alec caught it, watching as it dissolved in his fingers. A small puff of pink smoke lifted from the destroyed petals and became the shape of a pair of lips before disappearing in the air. Looking up, he saw a trail of floating petals leading to Magnus's room and his smile widened.

Half-running up the stairs, Alec reached the closed door that opened to Magnus's room. He felt no need to knock, opening the door slowly. The sound of music grew louder.


The room was empty.


'Where is that damn warlock?' Alec thought, his brow furrowed as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. The room was dark, dimly lit with a few candles smelling of the same petals that trailed to Magnus's room. Looking around, Alec was actually confused. "Where did you go?" he grumbled, feeling completely in "the mood" for something other than a game of hide-and-go-seek. Sitting on Magnus's mattress on the floor with a sigh, Alec crossed his arms as he looked around, annoyed.

"Well that didn't take very long for you to give up," Alec heard a voice ring out, the music cutting off, and he looked around expectantly. He heard a soft laugh before Magnus's disembodied voice explained, "You're going to have to find me if you want me to come out."

Alec rolled his eyes, but he couldn't fight off a smile as he rolled of the mattress and looked around. Magnus was always up for these games, but usually not when they were being so intimate. Alec figured Magnus was feeling exceptionally mean and cruel today. "Alright, but if I find you, no more teasing," Alec warned as he tiptoed across the room. He couldn't help feeling the air of excitement from the hunt that he always got-of course usually it was from hunting for demons. He opened the closet, but sighed as it turned out empty, he'd already known Magnus wouldn't make it that easy.

"Silly, silly boy," Magnus cooed, his voice coming from nowhere in particular. Alec looked around, searching behind the thick curtains that covered the black-stained windows; it was dark out, easily past midnight. The black sky was lit up from the lamp posts, covering shadows along the street. Turning around, Alec sighed, unsure where to look next. "You're not very imaginative," Magnus leered, causing Alec to furrow his brow.

Alec looked around, frustrated. "Alright, I give up!" Alec called, just like when they were children. Jace had always been the hardest to find. Alec couldn't help but smile at the thought of Jace; it wasn't the warm feelings toward his adoptive brother that caused the joy, but no longer being confused of who he loved, and no longer being hurt by someone who could never love him back. He knew all in his heart who he loved. '…If he'd ever show himself!'

Suddenly, hands covered over Alec's eyes. He grinned as he took in the smell of burnt matches that seemed to surround Magnus like cologne. Magnus allowed Alec to turn around, but kept his eyes covered. "I suppose you wouldn't have thought of checking that little hollow by the roof where Chairmen Meow always sulks?" Magnus asked, his voice low, Alec shivered in apprehension as he shook his head. "Well," Magnus continued, his hot breathe hitting Alec's bare neck and his head lolled back slightly. "Then I suppose deals off. It's fair game." At that, Magnus finally lifted his hands, but only to twine around Alec's neck, his hands clinging in his hair.

Alec blinked slightly in the almost complete dark, barely making out Magnus's features. Of course, he knew Magnus's yellow eyes and dark features as well as he knew his own light skin and blue eyes.

Unable to wait any longer, Alec pulled himself into Magnus, pushing his mouth against his with a desperate urge. All-too willing, Magnus pushed himself against Alec with even more force, pushing Alec back until he was pressed against the wall. Smiling against his lips, Magnus's hands trailed down to Alec's shirt with horrible slowness. He pulled up until Alec's shirt was gone over his head before moving closer, his skilled hands trailing down Alec's chest as their lips locked once again.

Alec couldn't help moaning slightly as the warlock's smooth hands traced the soft skin of his stomach. This only caused Magnus to smile again. Suddenly feeling confident, Alec pushed Magnus down so he fell onto the bed; the Warlock's eyes widened in surprise as Alec kneeled down. Magnus was half-sitting, propped up on his elbows, with Alec straddling him, and leaning down so their lips were an inch apart. "You seem to have grown some courage shadowhunter," Magnus murmured between panting breaths. Alec smiled before pulling Magnus's own sparkled shirt over his head; it was slightly difficult with the spiked up hair, but he got it off without too much trouble.

"Hmmm, quicker than most," Magnus mumbled against Alec's lips, a low chuckle in his throat. Alec leaned low so that their bodies touched, his scarred skin rubbing against Magnus's own smooth, copper-toned body. Magnus mumbled something else incoherent, no longer able to make words form out of his mouth through the moans of pleasure.

This wasn't like the few other people Alec had been with in his past. They were short flings-usually involving alcohol-where Alec's desperation and self-loathing caused rushed, almost pained movements as he battled his own mind. Now, however, Alec and Magnus moved slowly , passionately, the lust only growing with the time.

Magnus pulled away ever so slightly; his eyes were incredibly bright as he suddenly flipped with amazing speed. Alec found himself now lying on the bed, with Magnus staring down at him with a wicked gleam. He leaned low and Kissed Alec's neck; Alec gasped as Magnus bit him, his hands clenching into the sheets of the bed. Magnus continued to trail soft, sweet kisses down Alec's collarbone, then his chest while Alec squirmed underneath him, his eyes closed and a slow smile forming on his face.

Alec looked down to see Magnus staring up at him questioningly, Alec's zipper in teeth; the sight would have been amusing had Alec not been craving it so much. With a small answering nod from Alec (Who was unable to speak), Magnus pulled the zipper down, his hands running up and down Alec's legs as he pulled the boy's black jeans off. Never before had Alec shown so much to Magnus, but he wasn't scared, he was sure that he wanted to be with Magnus on another level.

Magnus finally pulled Alec's jeans off before sliding back up and kissing Alec passionately, his lips stronger, more urgent now. Alec reached down to the waistband of Magnus's pants, pulling at them slightly. Magnus smiled before snapping his fingers. The dark pants were suddenly pulled off of him. Alec made a noise of unhappiness and Magnus shook his head, now grinning. "Trust me; leather pants like these are not the easiest to get off in the heat of the moment."

Alec ignored the humour, unable to feel anything but desire as their naked skin touched. His legs were so smooth, and his body was covered in lean, hard muscle that Alec couldn't help but touch. He rubbed his hands up and down Magnus's chest, marvelling at his beauty. Only after, when he looked back up at Magnus, did he catch the second questioning look.

Alec knew what he was asking, and his stomach suddenly flipped. Yet, Alec felt no urge to stop him, or push him away as Magnus's hand pulled at the waistband of his boxers. He nodded breathlessly, and pulled Magnus close, kissing him with enough passion to light the flat on fire as they tumbled on the mattress.