Rowdy Love

(Blossoms p.o.v)

Here we are again, my sisters and I fighting the RowdyRuff Boys, Bubbles against Boomer, Buttercup against Butch, and me up agaist Brick. At the moment i am pinned to the ground by the Red RowdyRuff. He leans down pushing all his weight on to me and wispers "Hey pinky how's it goin? Long time no see eh?" I feel my cheeks heat up for some unknown reoson when i say "I wish you would just go away and stay gone! AND DONT CALL ME PINKY!" He smirks and stands, picking me up with him, then he throws me into a near by building. When i make contact with the building i feel ALOT of pain, like more than I have ever felt. I look down and see something horrable, there throug my right leg is a metal pipe, I try my best not to scream, but it doesnt work..."AHHHHHHH! OW OW OW OW OW OW OW! BUTTERCUP, BUBBLES! COME HELP ME GET THIS OUT!" Then my two sisters are at my side and the RRB are rite behing them. "Where does it hurt Blossom?" My younger blonde siser asks in a horrified/worried voice. Buttercup roles her eyes "I think it's gonna hurt in her leg blondie!" Now it's my turn to role my eyes "Buttercup, shut up and HELP ME GET THIS OUT OF MY LEG!" All 3 of the boys look horrified, espesialy brick, wait why does brick look like that? He bends over my leg, pushing Bubbles aside and touches it gently. "Hold still and bite down on this." He says ripping off a iece of his shirt and handing ot to me. I look up at him confused "why d-" Im cut off ny his stern voice "Just do it Blossom! Please, just do it." Did he just say please? i put the piece of cloth into my mouth and bite down as he lifts my leg and gently pushes the pipe. Good God This Hurts! I bite down harder and harder untile finaly the pain stops. I look at my leg and the pipe is completely gone, and brick is standing above me holding the pipe in one hand and holding his other out to help me up. I take his hand and he picks me up bridal style and carries me to a near by bench "Better?" He asks in an actualy concered voice. "Yea, but, why did you help me, i mean were enimies rite?" He looks up then back at me before replying "We dont have to be..." Thats when Bubbles giggles, everyone looks at her to see that boomer was wispering somthing in her ear... I wounder what they are talking about...

(Bubbles P.O.V)

While Blossom and Brick were talking about what just happened, i was starring blankly into space, i have an attention issue, i cant focus on a boring conversation like that. Then i feel someone tap on my sholder, I turn aroud to see boomer "Hey, Bubbles, what are you looking at?" He asks looking strait into my eyes and what feels like my soul. I smile widely "Nothing, i was just lost in my day dreaming like i usualy am." He smiles then leans towards me, kissing my cheek softly, and then he wispers into my ear "I have a secret...I like you Bubbles..." I giggle and can feel my face heat up when i wisper back "I like you to boomer." He smiles and asks "Then will you go out with me?" I giggle once again (I'm just a giggley person) and kiss him on the lips, "Does that answer your question Boomer?" He turns red and nods. He's so cute! I turn around to see Blossom and Buttercup staring at me with wide eyes and Brick and Butch giving ther brother two thumbs up.

(Buttercups P.O.V)

OH MY GOD! DID BUBBLES AND BOOMER JUST KISS? "BUBBLES WHAT THE CRAP ARE YOU DOING? HE'S THE ENEMY!" Bubbles smles alittle and says in a matter-o-fact voice "Nope, he's my boyfriend, Boomer." Did she just say what I think she said? She better not have because he IS the enemy! That is when i loose it I grab both of my sisters by the arm and drag them into the sky onto a sign that is advetising 'Caitlyn's Shoe Store' God I hate that place, but it's Bubbles favorite- Wait, im getting off subject, Gotta think about being mad at Bubbles for kissing Boomer. "Why would you kiss him?" I asked as angrly as possible, witch was enough to make the bill board shake, Then collaps before I could realize it all 3 of us were falling, it is moments like this of fear and panic that we forget how to fly, so we all brace ourselfs for the hard, cold, sidewalk. But then i feel a pair of arms wrap around my body, and I open my eyes to see butch looking at me with worry filled eyes, i look over and Brick and Boomer are holding my sisters. Oh what the heck! I pull his head down alittle and press my lips against his. He licks minets, when we pull away our siblings are also kissing, this could almost be lips asking for entrence, so i open my mouth and let him in. We kiss like this for about

(Blossoms P.O.V)

I look up at Brick who smiles back at me "Hey pinky, is it me or did you just fall from heaven angel?" I feel my cheeks turn red (yet again) and I reply "Brick Jojo, are you trying to use a pick up lie on me?" He smirks and answers "It depends, is it working? And if it is would you like to go to Princess's party with me this saturday?" My cheeks get EVEN REDDER when i reply "Yes, and yes, but you know I hate princess dont you?" He chuckles "Everyonr does, but she throws the most awsome partys ever, this year she is renting out the whole fair as her party place." I smile and say "i would love to go then, are you asking as a date?" He smiles and goes a shade of light red "um...Yea I am" I smile "Good"

*Later that night*

Bubbles, Buttercup, and me are all in my room taling about the boys and what happened, Boomer had asked Bubbles to go to the party with him, and Butch had asked Buttercup, they both agreed... Wait a minet Brick said saturday...TODAY IS FRIDAY! "OH MY GOD! THE DATES ARE TOMAROW!" I shout at my sisters who emidiently jusp up and we all get into our beds and go to sleep, we need our rest because i feel like crap if i dont get 8 full hours of sleep, Buttercup gets cranky (More than usual) and Bubbles gets all confused and stumbles all over herself (I find that funny) so here i am sleeping in my bed waiting fro tomarow to come.. And my date!

(Bubbles P.O.V)

I (As usual) am the first one up. I already took a shower and brushed my teeth, and all the other usual morning stuff. Now I am trying to find a good out-fit to wear on my date with boomer! I finaly decide on a tight baby blue tank-top, a black miniskirt and black tights with my black flats. ooh Boomer is gonna love this!

(Blossoms P.O.V)

When I get up Bubbles is already dressed and in the living room watching TV so I get all my showering and stuff done and move onto my out-fit, I pick a hot pink spagettie strap shirt, a cropped white jacket, a pair of light tight jeans, and my black mary-janes. I realy hope Brick likes this!

(Buttercups P.O.V)

Ugh, I roll out of bed and onto the floor and sleep for about 3 minets, then Blossom comes in my room and drags me to the bathroom, so i brush my teeth, shower, ect. Then I must get dressed. I am wearing a tight black T-shirt with a green skul on it, tight black jeans, and my black boots. I know buch will just love this...Hopefully

(Butches P.O.V)

After me and my brothers get ready and stuff (I must say, I am hot! Buttercup is so lucky!) I am wearing a black T-shirt and jeans, Brick is wearing a red T-shirt and jeans with his usual red baseball cap, and Boomer is wearing a dark blue T-shirt and jeans. Boomer wont shut up about Bubbles on the ride to the girls house. when we finaly get there (and trust me it was a long ride with Boomer saying Bubbles name every 5 seconds) I knock on the door. Buttercup answers it, OH MY GOD! She looks so hot! Wait butch, play it cool! I smile and look at her "Hey Buttercup, miss me?" Smooth. She smirks "Not as much as you missed me" Then she looks back into her house and shouts "BUBBLES, BLOSSOM, THE BOYS ARE HERE!" We all get into Bricks red car and the girls take over the radio. The song they picked is called 'miss independent' by Ne-yo. I can't say i hate the song, it kind of describes my feelings for Buttercup. This is gonna be a good day!

*at the fair thing*

(Bricks P.O.V)

When we get to princess's party thing I grab Blossom's hand and we walk to the cotton candy stand I look down at her, she isnt much shorter than me, just a little, and I ask "Do you want some cotton candy?" She smiles up at me "sure!" We get to the stand and get 2 bags of pink cotton candy, she reaches into her pink purse and pulls out some money but I stop her "Do you realy think that I would let you pay?" She smiles "Are you sure, cause I can pay ya know." I smile and hand the man at the stand some money "Yes, im sure blossy" She smiles and blushes alittle, she is so cute when she blushes.

(Boomers P.O.V)

When we get to the party me and Bubbles go to the animal petting zoo place, because I know how much she loves animals. When we get there she bends over to pet a baby goat, and someone beside me does the most stupid thing ever, He cat-call whisled at her! She stands up instanty and blushes and grabs my arm. "Boomer, could we go somewhere else?" I glare at the guy beside me then he does something even stupider he talks "Hey blondie, wanna go back to my car? Its got a BIG backseat." Then he winks, so I pull back my fist and punch him in the jaw, he hits the ground in seconds. I may be a nice person, but nobody, and i mean NOBODY, talks to Bubbles like that. I look at him and say "She's with me and if you hit on her again you have a date with the docters in the E.R.!" Then i look at Bubbles "wanna go get a hot dog?" She smiles at me "Sure, and thanks Boomer." I smile, I would do anythng for her.

(Blossoms P.O.V)

After Brick bought me and him some cotton candy we sat down on a bench and the song 'congradulations' by an unknown artist came on.

Just then I see the person who I was hopping not to see all night, Princess, I know that it's her party but why does she have to be here? She walks up to Brick completely ignoring me "Hey Bricky, watcha doin? Come to visit me?" Brick rolls his eyes "No, I came here with my girlfriend on a date." Wait did he just call me his girlfriend? YES! IM SO HAPPY! Princess then looks at me with hate filled eyes "Blossom utoium? But Bricky, she is a PowerPuff Girl! You'r a RowdyRuff Boy! You two are complete opposites! You cant be dating her!" Brick smirks "Oh yea?" He raises his eye brow alittle then he smiles and bends down and kisses me. "HOW DARE YOU YOU LITTLE-" I raised up before princess could finish her sentence and pulled my arm back and punched her right in her big mouth! Brick chuckles, Then we go on, we head for the gravitron (My favorite ride!)

(Buttercups P.O.V)

We just got done riding the monster rollercoaster for the 7th time. Now we are gonna go get some food and-Oh crap, it's my ex-boyfriend mitch. I broke up with mitch last year because he was cheating on me with Robin, and with beanca johnson, check her initials to see why the boys like her so much! CRAP! Why does he have to be HERE NOW !

"Crap, Butch, hide!" I pull him behind a ride, but it was too late, Mitch all ready saw us! He comes up to us ignoring Butch and looking strait at me. "Hey B.C. How are you?"

I hesitate "um..n-nothing, Mitch, but could you please leave now?" He frowns "Come on Butters im sorry, you know I didnt mean it!" I frown deeper "You mean, you didnt mean to get CAUGHT!" I say putting emphisis on the word caught. Mitch looks at Butch "Who is this guy?" I hear Butch smirk then he says "Im Butch, Buttercups boyfriend." Mitch's jaw drops and I smirk when he stutters out a sentence "B-b-boyfriend? Buttercup, your over me that easy?" I frown at this "Well, lets see, you cheated on me, lied to me, then got caught, so yea! Im over you!" Butch frowns at Mitch then grabs my hand "Come on buttercup, lets go get that food before i do something to endanger the people here." Then he pulls me away. Did I mention that i LOVE Butch Jojo? I'll have to thank him later for saving me!

(Butchs P.O.V)

That guy was asking for it! Anyway, I know how to cheer Buttercup up. I take her in front of the kareokey stage and tell her im gonna sing. I leave her there and go up and sing the song 'just the girl' origianaly by click five I start to sing and get to the choures "cause she's bitter-sweet, she knocks me off my feet, and I cant help myself I dont want anyone else, she's a mystery, she's to much for me, but I keep coming back for more, she's just the girl im looking for..." I look at her and she's smiling like crazy. Thats something rarely seen from her, a smile. I love it so much, its a beautiful smile. And I also love her, alot.

When im done she goes up and starts to sing 'one of the boys' origianaly by gretchen wilson, and she gets the choures "I know I dont act much like a lady, but I still need to be somebodys baby, you might find me makin to much noise, but im more than just one of the boys, yea im more than just one of the boys..." I smile when she comes down, I wrap my arm around her waist and lead her off to get something to drink. This is perfect!

(Bricks P.O.V)

Blossom sure gave it to princess, and it looked like it hurt! I know how Blossom hits, and she was holding back on princess because she doesnt have powers. Shes lucky I didnt hit her! Anyway, me and Blossom get off gravitation (I know its her favorite ride 0.-) So we are now just walking around aimlessly, but we are having fun. Untile I see the person I hate the most on this earth, Dexter! I hate that boy with everything in me. Where did Blossom go? I look around and see her talking to Bubbles and Boomer. I look back at Dexter and he hasnt noticed me yet, so I walk to were Blossom is and put my hands around her waist, she smiles up at me and I smile back. Then I hear the worst thing ever, Dexter says my name from right behind me. "Brick, why dont you introduce me to this lovely lady?" Blossom looks at him at the same time as me and she extends her hand. "Hi, I am Blossom Utoniam!" Dexter smiles and shakes her hand "Call me Dexter." He winks at her, and she awkwardly pulls her hand back. Then something else happens, Princess comes up behind me, "Hey Bricky!" Blossom looks mad. I sigh, "What do you want?" She smiles "I want a kiss from my boyfriend!" I to this raise my eyebrow "And who would that be?" "You silly!" Blossom steps in now "If you dont want annother black eye I suggest you GO AWAY!" Princess backs up alittle but doesnt leave. Blossoms fists ball up, I better stop her before something happens, I lean down and whisper into her ear, "Lets go sing at the kareokey thing." She thinks for a minet and finaly agrees. We get up and we sing 'your the one that I want' from Grease. Its one of her favorite movies and songs. The crowed is in aww when we desend the stairs off the stage. Dexter comes up to us "Blossom,

if I do say so, you were amazing, Brick, you were alittle flat." He ajusts his specticals, the nerdy square, wire rimed ones. Blossom smiles awkwardly "Um...thanks, i guess." I frown "Yea, now GO AWAY!" Princess comes right behing him "Bricky you were fabulous! Possom, you were alittle off key." Blossom grinds her teeth and states flatly "Its BLOSSOM!" Dexter looks from me to Blossom, then he does the stupidest thing ever. He picked her up, and ran away with her. Grrrrrrr! I chase after them, then I hear Blossom scream, and he drops her on the ground and turns to face me "Brick, stay away! I will use this girl against you! If you take annother step, ill kill her!" WHAT DO I DO?