Here you have it - the last chapter of my first story on this wonderful site. I've had a great time writing it, and I can only hope that you've had a better time reading it.
I don't currently have plans for other fanfics, Megamind or otherwise, but if I find the urge to write anything else, I'll be sure to put it up here.
Roxanne could hear the voice of Megamind, but the words he was speaking only started making sense a few seconds later. They had used the Knockout Spray, then. With the Forget-Me-Stick, she tended to wake up all at once instead of in bits and pieces like she was now. She opened her eyes, letting her vision clear to reveal the inside of an empty warehouse, shafts of sunlight cutting through the dusty windows. While she was a little surprised at being kidnapped again, she could still recognize the pattern of graffiti on the inside. This was the place where Megamind liked to hold his fights were he didn't want the public to interfere, but the invention was too big or messy to work in his lair.
However, she knew something very unusual was going on, mainly because she found herself sitting in a bubblegum-pink recliner and Megamind hadn't bothered to tie her up.
"I'm in a warehouse on Corner Boulevard if you're Metro Man enough to challenge my evil," Megamind spoke into a wristwatch. She couldn't recall him using a device like that before. He'd either invented it during the last two months, or he specifically created it for the purpose of broadcasting to Metro Man from this warehouse. "And if you hurry up, I have a special surprise waiting for you."
Megamind twisted something on the watch face, ending the communication signal. Roxanne had no idea what his ultimate plan was, but since they forgot to tie her up, she had no intention of staying long enough to find out. She made an attempt to stand up from the chair, but something stopped her. Her arms and body were stuck to the chair like it was coated with super-glue.
Megamind, upon hearing this disturbance behind him, turned to face it, a navy cape swirling around his body. The collar was slightly higher than usual with tiny silver spikes ringing the top. She couldn't remember him wearing that before, either. This was obviously a special occasion. "Ollo, Miss Ritchi. Long time, no see. Are you comfortable in the Confiner Recliner?"
Roxanne cocked an eyebrow. "Actually, yes, aside from the whole 'held here against my will' part. With all the pink, it's a little different from your usual style. Did you get bored of the Chair of Torture?"
"In a way, yes. Maybe I will end up turning it into a pool table after all. No matter, this chair secures you well enough, and Metro Man is already on his way." He tapped his watch and spoke into it once more. "Minion! Is the trap ready yet?"
The watch beeped three times. "Excellent," Megamind responded.
Roxanne had to admit, it was interesting to be back in the thick of things. No, scratch that. This was one of the best things to happen to her. Janet had resigned, and now that she was once again a crucial piece in Megamind's plotting, she would be assigned to report on Metro Man stories again. No more construction projects! Maybe Hal would even see the resumption in her kidnappings as a sign that she was no longer available to be his girlfriend. This would probably be the only time her in life she was glad to be stuck in a chair waiting for Metro Man to rescue her.
"Is that a new watch?" she asked her captor. Now that she a part of his battles again, she might as well take a gauge of what kinds of evil inventions he now had at his disposal.
Megamind glanced at his communicator. "Why yes, it is. I'm glad you've noticed."
Roxanne made a mental note of this. Megamind always made a new invention for each of his evil schemes, but only a few of those schemes actually involved more than one. Of those that did, however, he always followed a rule of three. The chair was number one, and the watch was two. His third and final new invention was probably dedicated to defeating Metro Man.
As expected, Metro Man burst through one of the high windows, sending a shower of glass shards onto the concrete floor. He landed a few yards in front of the villain, settling into one of his stock heroic poses. "I'm here, Megamind, though I don't know what you could possibly-" His eyes widened as he caught sight of the reporter stuck to her recliner. "Roxanne!"
Roxanne rolled her eyes. "Janet's gone. Who else would you expect the hostage to be, the Queen of England?"
Megamind's brow furrowed in puzzlement. "What happened to Janet?"
"She got offered a job in Lakeville, decided to move there, and dumped Metro Man in favor of their brooding bat-themed superhero," she summarized. "Since you kidnapped me instead of her this time, I thought you knew about it already."
"Of course I knew about it!" he responded in a way that implied the complete opposite. "It was, uh, all part of my evil plot. Yes! I purposefully brought Janet into Metrocity to toy with Metro Man's emotions. I made her break up with him to give him an emotional injury before coming into this fight. I, uh, just didn't know that she moved already." Right. Wait, then how did he know to kidnap her instead of Janet today?
Megamind resumed his focus on his nemesis. "Now that the confusion is all cleared up, I think we should get on with the show."
"You'd better take you bows early," Metro Man shot back. "Because you're not going to last until curtain call."
"Until an encore of evil brings me back onstage in all my malevolent glory!"
"And even then," Roxanne interrupted. "You're going to lose. You always have and always will. Can we just skip to the part where you to try to destroy Metro Man, but instead he kicks your butt and flies me out of here?"
Megamind shot the reporter a look of severe annoyance. He was probably mad that she interrupted his banter-war. She was a little confused, however, when his expression melted into amusement. "Alright, Miss Ritchi. We can cut to the chase, but you should be aware that destroying Metro Man is not on my agenda today."
Metro Man reached down to the gun holster at his side and brought out his a very familiar weapon. "I've just invented a new setting to my de-gun. It's called 'demoralize'."
Roxanne could see where this was going. With this last of his three new inventions, Megamind would shoot Metro Man in an attempt to, well, demoralize him. He would lose his spirit and determination and resign from his position as a superhero, giving Megamind the opportunity to seize control of Metro City. Apparently, he forgot that none of his de-gun rays ever worked on Metro Man. Even if they did, the superhero would probably fight through the demoralization with the "spirit of justice" or something else just as corny. With a knowing smile on her face, she leaned back into the recliner and waited for the inevitable to take place.
"I wouldn't look so smug if I were you," Megamind said to her. He brought his watch up to his face. "Minion! Code: Restrain Metro Man."
Before anyone could react, a door in the air opened up behind Metro Man and Minion jumped out of it with a jet-black, rifle-sized ray gun in his hands. Metro Man whirled around just in time for Minion to pull the trigger. A sphere of lime-green light blasted out of the gun, kicking Minion back a few inches in recoil. The sphere grew and enveloped Metro Man, forming a swirling, green bubble stuck to the concrete floor.
Metro Man did what most superheroes did when they were trapped by a strange force: try to escape. He aimed a super-strengthened punch at the wall of his bubble, but instead of breaking through, it bounced off like his fist was made out of rubber. He threw a few more punches with similar effects before trying a different tactic. He put two fingers to his temple and fired a beam of laser-vision. The laser beams, instead of burning holes in his prison, reflected off the inside of the bubble and rebounded back on him. He spent a few moments trying to dodge the beams as they wildly reflected, but in the end, they burned a pair of holes through the back of his uniform.
He made one last resort to escape. He crouched to the ground and sprung into flight, colliding with the crown of the bubble. The bubble didn't fly with him, instead preferring to stick to the ground and conform to him like a rubber sheet. Metro Man continued to fly upwards, but the elastic skin prevented him from flying more than about five feet up before snapping him back down. Metro Man hit the floor with a grunt.
Megamind gave a full-hearted laugh. "Minion, please tell me you've set cameras up to record this. This is golden comedy!"
"I made sure of it, Sir. In a few hours, we will be famous over the internet."
Megamind chuckled. "Fantastic. By the way, that was an excellent dramatic entrance back there, jumping out of the Vanishing Box. Including the complete invisibility, it can also apparently fool Metro Man's x-ray vision. If we can find a way to make it mobile, it will be the perfect addition to any evil scheme."
As the two villains talked, Roxanne's eyes were wide in shock. Minion never got involved in the evil schemes. Sure, he helped set them up and maybe tagged along for the ride whenever the inventions were mobile, but he didn't do anything important once the scheme was underway. Megamind would never let someone take the attention away from himself, and yet, he decided to let Minion be an important player in today's plan.
Metro Man picked himself off the ground, striking a defiant pose. Megamind gave another laugh at this. "Face it, Metro Man. You're completely trapped within the confines of my Rubber Bubble."
That was second thing that had surprised Roxanne: the sudden appearance of two other inventions. The door in the air appeared to lead back to the inside of a Minion-sized metal box, the Vanishing Box, she thought it was called. Then, there was that weird Rubber Bubble gun that Minion had fired. Adding that to the watch, the Confiner Recliner, and the new setting on the de-gun left him with a whopping five new inventions for this scheme. Roxanne was a tad impressed at this new record, but it was also making her a little nervous.
"My body might be trapped," Metro Man retorted. "But the spirit of justice will always be free."
"Not for long," Megamind grinned. He raised his de-gun again and twisted the barrel so the gun was on its demoralize setting. He walked over to the Confiner Recliner, taking a casual stance beside his captive. "I wonder, Roxanne, if he'll continue to be so defiant when I'm through with him. The bubble only lasts for about five minutes, but that's all the time I need to crush his spirit." He brought up his de-gun, training it on his nemesis with an evil smirk.
"Do your worst," Metro Man challenged.
"Oh, I intend to." Megamind lowered the gun, then brought it up again to face Roxanne's head at point-blank range.
She felt her heart stop in her chest, then try to catch up by doubling its rate. This was a third thing Megamind never did. Sure, he sometimes ended up training a gun on her at some point, especially when the Chair of Torture was involved, but it was only in an attempt to scare her. He never intended to shoot her with anything until today.
All of Metro Man's defiance fell away. "Roxanne!"
Megamind gave a chuckle. He leaned down and spoke quietly into Roxanne's ear. "There's the rule of three I know you've been looking for. I had more ideas than what could fit into three inventions, so I thought, why not break three rules instead?"
"I…I…" Roxanne found herself unable to come up with a sarcastic response. Megamind knew exactly what she had been expecting and decided to turn those expectations against her. Did all these broken rules mean that he was finally going to win?
Megamind stood up fully again, resting the point of his gun on her temple. "You see, Metro Man, I know fully well that my de-gun can't hurt you, but it can affect the citizens you are sworn to protect. How much would it crush your spirit to know that I took the one you cared most about – Roxanne – and demoralized her before your very eyes as you lay trapped, unable to save her?
"However, there is more than one meaning to the word 'demoralize'. This device might simply leave her confused, unsure of where she came from or where she is going. It could also destroy her morale and eliminate her steadfast belief in your victory. Or, possibly…" he rested his finger on the trigger, "it could turn her evil, just like me. She would jump at the chance to betray you and tell me all your secrets. Who knows? She might take a page out of Janet's book and dump you, choosing me and my devilish handsomeness instead."
Roxanne tried to squirm away from the gun, but the sticky surface of her chair restrained her better than she had realized. She couldn't even move an inch. Megamind's grin widened at her struggles. "It's no use, you know. After all these years, I've finally found a way to win. What do you have to say to that, Miss Ritchi?"
"You'll…" Roxanne swallowed. She found herself very frightened, possibly more afraid of Megamind than she was the first few times he kidnapped her. However, she could never allow herself to break resolve and let him know exactly how scared she was. She drew her face into a sarcastic scowl. "Okay, I admit, I'm impressed," she said in what she hoped was a bored, unworried tone. "But still, there's absolutely no way you can get away with this."
And, of course, Megamind never actually got away with it. Metro Man escaped, defeated him, sent him to prison, and flew Roxanne out of the warehouse before Megamind had the chance to demoralize her. Good always triumphs over evil, after all. Megamind's future plans always resulted in defeat, though he did allow Minion to become more involved with his schemes from that point on.
However, Megamind found joy and fun during the times he was able to impress Roxanne. Over the next couple years, his plans gradually shifted away from ideas that stood a chance of destroying Metro Man and towards things that could get a reaction out of Roxanne's usually-bored expression. Even though he was destined for constant villainous failure, he found that this was a place where he could finally obtain success.
I'd like to take this opportunity to give one last big thanks to those who reviewed, alerted, favorited, or even just read this story. You have no idea how happy it makes me to know that people out there are taking the time to read something I wrote. I hope you enjoyed the ride.