Ivan loves to play games that test his favorite Baltic trio in interesting ways. Ivan has made up special rewards and punishments for each of them. This story contains torture, water sports, spanking, diaper usage, and other content that may displease some people. Any constructive criticism or suggestions are welcome.

Ivan (Russia)loved to play games with his three little Baltics'. But Ivan didn't play ordinary games with them, no. He liked to play games that tested and pushed them, he enjoyed seeing how far they could go before they broke.

It had been awhile since he played with them and he didn't want them to think that he was neglecting their very important play time. So, Ivan decided it was time for a new game. He was unsure how he got the idea but he was sure it would fun.

To start the game Ivan had Toris make tea for everyone and had them all gather in the parlor room for some tea time. The games hadn't even started yet and all three of them were already so nervous.

All four of them rarely gathered for tea so the Baltics' were weary of what the Russian could be planning.

Toris (Lithuania) was biting and chewing on lip in between sips of his tea. It was a bad habit of the Lithuanian that he did when he was feeling anxious or frustrated. They would often become dry and Ivan could taste the blood whenever he kissed him. He would be sure to help fix that vice later.

Eduard (Estonia) was very funny when he was nervous. He would avoid looking at Ivan at all cost and did his best to avert his eyes from him. Whenever Ivan caught the glasses framed eyes it would always startled him. Sometimes he thought Eduard would puke. That was another fun game to play with Eduard.

Little Raivis (Latvia) was always so nervous but he seemed especially nervous now. The little Latvian couldn't even hold onto to his tea cup without tea splashing over the sides. It was so cute how he shook like a scared little bunny before it was eaten alive~

"Today I have a fun game for us to play~" Ivan said catching their attention. All three of them paled a little and looked a little sick but they were always making funny faces.

"A game sounds nice but there are still many chores to do around the house." Toris managed to speak up though his voice quivered. "M-maybe we can play when there is less work to do…?" He tried to suggest but Ivan firmly shook his head.

"Nyet. Chores can wait, today we will play. Now drink your tea. All of you." He made a point to give them all a stern look. The game wouldn't work if they didn't drink their tea.

Eduard didn't seem to understand the rules; his tea cup was empty and resting on the table. That was no good. "I said drink!" He snapped causing all three of them jump. Ivan took his pipe and raised it, this time they flinched. He didn't know why though; he was only using his pipe to push the teapot closer to Eduard.

"B-But I already had a cup. I'm not thirsty…" It seemed Eduard was insisting on being difficult so Ivan had to pour the teapot himself and held the full cup to the Estonians' face. "Eduard should be good and follow the rules or will have to take a funnel and pour hot tea down your throat~" Ivan said as though he was suggesting something less sadistic.

Eduard seemed to get the idea and took the cup to drink more tea. Toris and Raivis understood the idea as well and continued to drink. It took numerous cups of tea till Ivan was pleased and motioned them to cease drinking.

Bloated and uncomfortable they were grateful but still weary of what Ivan had in mind.

Ivan stood from his seat and beckoned them to follow. "Come now. It is time to go the basement." Again the Baltics' paled at his words. The basement was where Ivan often took them when the game was going to dirty. Both literary and figuratively.

Raivis rose to follow Ivan along with his brothers but stopped, causing Ivan to look back at him. "Do not stall, little one" Ivan warned.

"N-no, no I'm not trying too." Raivis trembled and wiggled slightly as he stood. "Its just-may I-I go to the bathroom please?" He flushed, embarrassed for having to ask.

Ivan current smiled seemed to grow, as if he was waiting for one of them to ask. "Nope~" He simply stated and continued towards the basement.

Raivis still stood where he was, nervous and confused. "B-But I really need to-Please all that t-tea…" He really didn't want to explain how badly he needed to urinate at the moment.

Ivan stopped and laughed as though Raivis had told a joke. "Well that is the point of the game. I'm going to see how long each of you can hold your urine. Won't that be fun, da?" He giggled at the wonderful idea. "Now come to the basement before you ruin my carpet and I have to punish you."

The basement was not a place any of the Baltics' were fond of. It was place were Ivan liked to play his worst games or punish them if they naughty.

In the basement there was a table with a chair, an old mattress on the floor, and trunks, cupboards that were filled with Ivan's toys. They hoped that this game didn't require any of those.

"Who wants to go first?" Ivan clapped his hands and waited eagerly for one of them to speak up. But, nobody spoke up and avoided looking at him. "Come on now, don't be shy." He beckoned for one of them to come over to him.

"T-to do what exactly?" Raivis nervously asked.

"You'll go first Raivis and I'll show you~" Ivan grabbed the small boy who was silently cursing himself for speaking up. Toris and Eduard were only able to give him a pathetic sympathetic smile that said: 'I'm sorry; I'm sorry, unable to stop Ivan when he wanted to do something.

Ivan took Raivis over to where there were chains hanging from the wall. He cuffed the trembling boy's hands so that they were above his head, but low enough that his feet still rested on the ground.

"I'm going to explain the rules to everybody right now so that there is no confusion later on." Ivan began. "I'm going to see how long all of you can hold can control yourselves while I do some test. If you can pass the tests without making a mess you get a reward but if you fail, I'll have to punish you."

Toris nervously spoke up and asked: "What is the reward?"

Ivan put his finger to his lip and thought. "Hmmm, I'm not sure…I only thought of punishments so if any of you pass I'll have to think of a reward later."

"Then what is the punishment?" Toris was almost too afraid to ask but Ivan looked happy that he did. "Ah, ah, ah that's a surprise! I thought of a different punishments for each of you so if you want to find out~" He didn't need to finish the rest.

The game had barely started and Raivis already had tears in his eyes and was whimpering, which caught Ivan's attention. "You are so small and I bet your bladder can't hold very much." He lifted up Raivis' shirt and put his hand where his bladder was. "I bet all I have do is give you a little push on your tummy and you'll pee yourself just like a baby doll~" He laughed as he ran his hand up and down the Latvian's smooth stomach.

"No, d-don't!" Raivis cried and squirmed under Ivan's delicate touch. "P-please don't, I can last longer if don't do t-that." He wasn't very sure of himself but he didn't want to lose so quickly.

Ivan wiggled his fingers on Raivis' stomach and laughed, causing the boy to squirm and whine more. "I know you won't last very long, but if my Little Raivis wants to try I'll let him." The Latvian gave a small sigh of relief but squeaked as Ivan continued to tickle his stomach.

"I also know that Little Raivis is rather ticklish. I wonder where you're the most ticklish." He unbuttoned the teen's shirt, exposing his chest and stomach. "Is it here?" His fingers danced under the Latvian's chin but it only caused the boy to shift away and duck his chin.

"Hmmm, no I don't think so. I'll try here." He wiggled his fingers on Raivis' arms pits and sides. "Aaaah, ermmm." Raivis groaned trying not to laugh or do anything to upset his full bladder.

Ivan tried again but this time on Raivis' hips and lower stomach. Tears poured from his amethyst eyes as he clenched his legs tightly together, trying to pull away from Ivan touch. All of it amused Ivan but he still wasn't getting the reaction he was looking for.

By now Raivis had wrapped his legs around another and was shaking from the pressure that building up in his bladder.

He was indeed ticklish but Ivan really wanted to tickle him so badly that he lost all control. So, Ivan un-cuffed the surprised Raivis from the chains and led him over to the mattress. "Be a good boy and lay down for me." He ordered and the Latvian nervously did so.

Raivis, and even Eduard and Toris were curious to what the Russian was going to do next. "D-did I pass?" Raivis asked, hoping the worst was over.

Ivan shook his head. "Nope, not yet at least." He made sure that the teen was laying down flat and his arms were planted by his side. "Hmm, I think Amerka calls this one a strawberry?" Ivan suddenly lowered his head onto Raivis stomach and blew a huge raspberry on his stomach.

Raivis bucked, screamed, and cried, unable to handle the horrible sensation. Ivan lifted his head to see that a dark patch around Raivis' crouch had already started forming. The young looking blond quickly tried to stop the warm flow by clenching himself together and holding onto his crouch. But it was too late and Ivan knew that.

The little Latvian sobbed into the old mattress, degraded, humiliated, and wet. Ivan stroked his head and cooed as the teen cried. "It's alright little one. Let's get you cleaned up and ready for your punishment." Raivis sobbed harder.

Ivan looked Toris and Eduard who were still sitting uncomfortably in the same place. If their bladders weren't full then they were now.

Both of them had their heads down, trying to give Raivis as much decency as they could by not looking at him. "Clean your brother up while I got get something." He ordered the two and left.

Both of them quickly made their way over to their smallest brother and removed Raivis' soaked pants and underwear while Toris cradled the sobbing teen's head in lap, whispering meaningless words of comfort.

They had little resources in the basement so they had to make do with an old rag and some cold water to clean the rest of the urine of Raivis.

Eduard retrieved Raivis' shirt for him, it was still clean and he hoped it would help the nation feel less naked.

The three of them huddled together as they waited, the smallest Baltic was wrapped around his oldest brother's comforting arms, and Eduard patted and held onto his shoulder.

Ivan returned with a childish smile on face. "Did you clean him off?" He asked. Toris nodded, holding Raivis a little closer. "Good. Now come here Little Raivis, it time for your punishment." He revealed a puffy white diaper from behind his back.

Raivis eyes widen with shock and disbelief. "N-no!" He cried out and hid his face in Toris' chest.

Toris thought this punishment was a too humiliating and spoke up. "I-Ivan please, you really aren't going to make him wear that." He tried to reason with the man.

The Russian sighed and tsked. "Only infants wear diapers. They cry too much and can't control their bladder, just like Little Raivis. I thought this punishment was perfect for him." His tone got serious. "I knew he wouldn't last very long so I'm letting him off easy. If he wants to disobey and make his punishment worse he can. He can also wear a diaper to the next World Conference Meeting."

"No, n-no, no" the boy cried. "I'll w-wear it. Please don't make wear it the World Conference Meeting!"

"Very well." Ivan smiled beckoned for the smallest to come to him. Doing so, the naked nation walked over to him and was forced to lie down on the cold hard floor. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think of anything else while Ivan lifted his legs and put the puffy white garment under him. Ivan taped the sides together and made sure its snug enough before he declared himself down.

"All done~" He said in a sing-song voice "Aww, Raivis looks very cute, just a like baby. I think I should make you wear a diaper more often." He looked over to the other two Baltics' who were looking away from Raivis and Ivan.

That was no good. They needed see how cute their little brother was too. Ivan helped Raivis to his feet and made the boy stand in front of him-ah, ah, ah, he pulled his arms away from the diaper so it was fully exposed.

"Both of you look at your brother. I want you to see him." Both hesitated to move their eyes upwards but cough from Ivan was enough warning for them to look up.

"Since we know Little Raivis has trouble holding it in we have to be sure to check his diaper. Just in case he has another accident." Ivan reached down and grasped the other's crouch. "Still dry. For now anyway"

Raivis clenched his eyes closed as humiliated tears ran down his cheeks.

Ivan then gave the Baltic and little push towards his brothers and grabbed Eduard in exchange. "Let's see how you do~"