{Author note: For those of you who read the my stories you know about the update schcedule, Don't complain. I do not own Naruto}

Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point – that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative – self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them. ~Jennifer James

"Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence– whether much that is glorious– whether all that is profound– does not spring from disease of thought– from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect." "Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence– whether much that is glorious– whether all that is profound– does not spring from disease of thought– from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect." – Edgar Allen Poe

{ ActTwo:WatchingMe}

Sasuke was waiting, waiting for her to arrive.

And when she did, it was worth the wait.

Sasuke almost pushed the girl who was making an attempt to crawl into his lap off but he didn't have to seeing as if Gaara had just arrived and she went to paw on him.

He did the honors of pushing the red headed leash off of the group of men.

Sakura arrived with a determined expression on her face. Her pink hair was straigtened, thick and shiny. She wore flattering jeans that outlined the round of her rump and brought a familiar lick of heat in the pit of his stomach. Her shirt consisted of a tank top, but over that she wore a button up pink sweater. It contrasted easily with her hair and made her look especially bright.

The sun in his night.

She had a thermos of hot chocolate in her hand and when she looked up at the bright florescent lights was when he realized that she wasn't wearing the necklace.

HIS necklace. The one he had got her on their three month anniversary, it was In the shape of a heart that had his picture in it. She smiled so bright when he gave it to her.

His heart pounded as she pulled up a seat next to her friend with the chocolate hair and a boy with blond hair and a devious smile.

The blond boy had always made him feel overprotective.

He had always eyed Sakura with something a little more than friendly, and often got a little to handsy. Which Sasuke didn't appreciate; sodidn't appreciate.

He watched as the brunette embraced Sakura and smiled a big smile at the girl, she had purple braces and flushed cheeks. Sakura smiled and hugged her back.

Sasuke watched with narrowed eyes as the blond boy inspected the girls with a perverse smirk.

He dulled out the noise of the room and focused completely on the conversation of the group of friends.

"Are you going to be okay?" The girl asked, her eye brows drawn together with concern.

"How do already know?" Sakura blurted, her face an adorable shade of pink. Just like her hair.

"Oh Sak! Everyone knew about it five minuets after it happened! I tried to call you but you didn't answer"

Yeah, Sasuke had tried that too. Actually, after it happened he immediately went home. Laid down on his bed and started to configure his plan.

He didn't get much progress.

So now here he was, without much of a plan, still.

"Yeah, I just needed some time to think about things. Make sure I was making the right decisions" She clarified, eyes glassing over.

"Don't tell me your going back to that jerk." Her friend asked, eyes fierce.

"No. I don't think I can handle that. I just think, for right now, I should stay single." She said, "Guys and me just don't seem to be working right now." Sakura assured her friend.

"Alright, if you say so – hey! I'm going to go get some markers and stuff from the art room and we can work on our Human Growth and Development project." Her friend said and bounced off after a polite nod from Sakura.

Sakura and the blond began to work in silence, but only for a moment.

"You know, not all guys are like that." The blond said. Sasuke sat rigidly.

"I know." Sakura said lightly as she dug through a folder.

"Some of us are, generally good guys. Like me." He said.

"I know Rig," She assured him brightly, though something else was underneath that tone. Annoyance, maybe.


"I just want you to know –" Sasuke stiffened in his chair as Rig laid a palm on Sakura's upper thigh. " – that I'm here for you. No matter what, if you want me too, I'll come over tonight or you could come over my place! We can talk about stuff, I know how upset you were yesterday." He said, his thumb stroking small circles on her thigh.

He stood then, abruptly, his features harsh.

Before he could even comprehend what he was doing, he was walking over there – no, storming over there.

He was filled with uncontrollable rage.

How DARE someone touch his Sakura? What had crossed their minds that they assumed they had permission to place a hand on the woman he had claimed his.

It didn't even come to mind, he appeared behind them in a minuet. His eyes a dark glower and his mouth set in a sneer.

"Remove your hand." He said, even to him, his voice was chilling.

They both whipped around, Sakura stood abruptly, "What the hell are you doing?" She asked, his voice startled.

"I want that man to remove his hand from you." Sasuke hissed.

"That's not your problem anymore." The boy said, his voice was dark, his eyes gleaming.

"It's my problem now, it always will be my problem, actually." He surmised.

Sakura glared darkly at him.

"No! It's never been your problem. I told you to leave me alone, do so." She said.

"For a genius your pretty damn stupid." He spat at her.

"excuse me?" She hissed.

He couldn't help it, he lashed out. He gripped her arm as he began to drag her away. The boy called out: "Get back here! You can't just take her."

"I suggest you find another girl to smother with your infatuation, if you continue to pursue Sakura, we're going to have problems."

Male Translation: "This is my woman, You touch her again I'm going to give you a face only a mother could love."

The boy glared at the floor angrily and looked then looked away.

Sasuke started to drag Sakura from the room, passing her startled friend on the way in, "She'll be back in a moment." Sasuke called to her, hauling Sakura around the corner.

He found a good post and pushed her back up against a locker, both hands flanking the sides of her head.

"What the fuck was that?" He hissed at her.

"Me? What the hell is wrong with you? What I do now is none of your business."

"Is that what you really think?" He asked her.

"That's what I know." She conformed.

"Then you really are fucking stupid!" His hissed.

"It wasn't your business when you wouldn't talk to me for days, It wasn't your business when you left me at work with no ride, it wasn't my business when you got all those girls to send you crotch shots over the phone and it damn sure wasn't your business when you were screwing your way through the city!" She hissed back at him.

"Take it back." He hissed back.

"No! I was right in breaking up with you, I don't know why your freaking out like this now! You were never like this before, maybe when you had me you should have kept me! Ever think about that?" She questions.

Well, originally the question was meant rhetorically but Sasuke being Sasuke decided that all questions needed to be answered and came out with this shocking answer:

"Yes! I do think about that, I thought about that every day! Everynight! And especially last night, goddamn it I couldn't even sleep! Your all I think about all the time, everyday! I was never like this? God, I didn't want you to run away! And now you have. But don't you worry, I'll get you back." He warned.

She raised a brow, "What are you jabbering about?" She asked him.

She had never heard him talk that much. Except, maybe – when his brother was in town, Sasuke had stormed over her home, flung her door open, and started to yell, rant and pace frantically.

His brother had appearently berated him, looked down at him, and frowned upon him. Calling him words like: 'Shameful' 'Delirious' 'Low'

So he had gone off for about an hour, before laying down on her bed, and cuddling with her like she had never felt before.

Sasuke had begun to speak again: "I don't know, or care what you think – you are mine, forever, always and no one can change that. I WILL get you back. If I have to fight for it, I'll get you back. No one will ever touch you the way I have before, no one will ever see you like I've seen you before. And that's that." He ordered.

{End Of Chapter}

Update Schedule:

10+ reviews continued quickly

5+reviews – continued

Author Note: Sorry about the wait. Next wait will definitely be shorter.