A/N: Soooo. Sorry it took so long to update! A few have asked this one question: Am I Starkid? Uh, yeah! What's your favorite way to say red wine in German? REDVINES! But I admit, I'm not officially a Starkid. Haha okay. So onto the story. Yeah, I know...I need more description...and less dialogue. But I can't help it! I love writing dialogue! BUT, I will try better. I promise. So chapter eight, shall we?

Chapter Eight – The Difference Between What is Real and What Is Not

Kurt's eyes fluttered open at the bright weekend afternoon sun shining down through the windows in his room. It was Saturday. A week had gone by and Blaine had officially began to feel like Kurt's real boyfriend rather than his fake boyfriend. Blaine was away for Thanksgiving with his parents down in Virginia. So Kurt was stuck with having his thanksgiving dinner with his dad, Carole, and his ex-crush Finn. To him, it wasn't too excited.

But regardless, the weekend had actually gone by pretty fast. Monday came before Kurt had even expected it. He shot up in his bed as soon as his alarm clock went off. He sat there for a good five minutes before he got to his feet. He wasn't ready for it to be Monday yet. He wish he could sleep more. But nonetheless, his cell phone went off.

He picked his phone off of his nightstand and took a look at who the message was from. Blaine. Feeling happy to wake up (or legitimately in this case, look at his phone and find it to be a text from Blaine period) to a text from Blaine, Kurt pulled the charging plug from his phone and walked over to his closet to pick out his outfit for the day.

Good morning! 3


Good morning. :3


Kurt took his Neil Barett white shirt with a bow tie print. Then he pulled out a simple pair of black and white plaid slacks, a white pair of Thomas Engel Hart boots. He decided to go without a vest today and just grabbed a designer black slack jacket.

I get to see you all week! And maybe, we could hang out this weekend? :)


Sounds perfect. :) But hey, I need to talk to you about something after school today.


Okay. Hope it's nothing bad. O.O


Kurt hurried up the basement stairs as he walked into the kitchen. Burt had to leave early again today since he wanted to get home from the shop early again. Kurt made himself from scrambled eggs and toast as he then poured himself a cup of coffee to-go. He ate his breakfast at a simple pace and then hurried out to his Navigator.

When he got to the school, he met Blaine by the front doors to the school and followed him inside, their hands connected as they walked over to their lockers. Kurt got his books out in silence as Blaine was doing the same.

Ever since last night, Kurt had been bothered by so many thoughts pertaining Blaine. How much of this was real? How much of this was fake? Did Blaine really feel that way about Kurt? Kurt needed answers. It was like, all of a sudden, he felt as if he didn't know who Blaine really was and he didn't even know how much of what Blaine said he should believe. It was bothering him to an extent that Kurt couldn't help but feel this wall beginning to form around his heart. He didn't feel secure. He needed know...

I mean, yeah...Blaine seems to make me feel happy inside...but who am I kidding? Kurt repeatedly asked himself throughout the school day. Blaine had asked twice during lunch of Kurt was okay. Kurt just replied that he was just tired. Blaine didn't even look convinced. And now they sat in Study Hall. The clock showed that there was about a good twenty minutes before students would be released from school and any fellow Glee members would have to head to the choir room. Blaine sat in the usual seat in front of Kurt at their table in the library, bent slightly over and writing his Government vocabulary into his notebook. Kurt, on the other hand, just sat there, staring down at his Calculus notes before him for the big test Friday. He couldn't focus. All he could think about was Blaine this and Blaine that. It was just...plain frustrating.

Ten minutes before the bell, Blaine's hand froze and he tilted his head to the side slightly. He was looking at Kurt with a thoughtful expression. Kurt, somehow, felt oblivious although he couldn't recognize the feeling of a pair of familiar eyes on him today. When he did look up and caught Blaine's gaze, he noticed the mixed expression on Blaine's face. Curious and concerned.

Blaine now gave him the look that said, you okay? Kurt just gave him a soft and reassuring smile as a reply. He looked back down at his notes and waited for the bell to ring patiently. When the bell did ring, Kurt shuffled out of the room behind Blaine. They dropped their books off at their locker, shared a quick peck on the lips, and headed to the choir room.

Santana and Brittney stood by the piano, talking about whatever it is that they usually talked about while Finn and Rachel were mildly bickering over something small in their usual seats. Kurt and Blaine sat down in their usual seats in silence, waiting for practice to being, their hands entangled as usual.

Mr. Schue walked in, talking to Quinn as Puck followed them in, wheeling in Artie. Tina and Mike came next, Mercedes and Sam behind them as Santana and Brittney sat down in their seats. Mr. Schue was writing a list of songs on the dry erase board that Kurt was sure was for today's practice.

"What a joke," Kurt and Blaine heard a familiar snappy voice comment from behind them. The tone that somehow said that she was talking to them made Kurt and Blaine turn their heads around to look over at Santana with a curious expression.

The room grew quiet and all eyes were either one Blaine, Kurt, or Santana. Even Mr. Schue had stopped what he was writing to turn his head around and see what was going on.

"I'm sorry, excuse me?" asked Blaine in an overly-polite voice that screamed he was hinting at offense.

"You say that you and Kurt are going out? I don't by it one. Bit. It's obvious that you two are faking. I noticed the way you act together whenever Karofsky or any of those 'bullies' come around you. It's obviously one big act," said Santana, her head bobbing every now and then as she tried to get her point across.

The choir room watched in interest.

"Uh..." was all Mr. Schue murmured. Why wasn't he stepping in on this?

Kurt's mouth had dropped open as he just glared at her. What a total spying bitch.

Blaine looked shocked at her words. He just looked away from Santana, his eyes darting to the floor as if he was searching for what to say. He was obviously speechless. But only until he looked up at Santana and shook his head. "I'm going to be honest with you, Santana. You're right," said Blaine.

Everyone's mouths dropped open at the sound of the words Blaine had just said. Kurt's face was now burning bright red as he put his hand to his mouth, his eyes widened. This ought to turn out great, Kurt thought.

"But that was then."

Kurt looked up at Blaine, his head tilting to the side. "I was pretending to be Kurt's boyfriend just to help Karofsky lay off. But then I realized why I had decided to act like a boyfriend. It was because I wanted to be his boyfriend." Blaine was looking directly at Kurt now, but wasn't really talking to him. "I had fallen...head over heels for this guy...and I realized that I didn't want to be a fake boyfriend anymore. I wanted to be his real boyfriend. So in general, no, Santana. We are not faking our dating," said Blaine, his head now turned to glare at Santana.

Santana looked highly offended as she sat in her chair, her legs crossed and her arms crossed over her chest. She couldn't believe that he had just said that.

"Wait...so you two are officially dolphins now?" asked Brittney.

Blaine closed his eyes and sighed, shaking his head at Brittney. "No comment," he murmured.

Before Blaine knew it, Kurt had ripped his hand from Blaine's grasp as he hurried from the room, murmuring an "excuse me" to Mr. Schue. Blaine was immediately out of his seat, running after Kurt.

Kurt didn't know where he was walking to, but he was just walking. Nothing of what Blaine had said really answered any of Kurt's questions. After faking all that time, Kurt seriously didn't know what was real and what wasn't anymore.

Blaine ran up to Kurt, grabbing Kurt's wrist for him to stop. Kurt did stop, but he didn't turn around. The two just stood their. Kurt's back was to Blaine, but Blaine held gently to Kurt's wrist. Kurt stared at a crack in the floor.

"How much of this is real...and how much of this isn't?" asked Kurt. He then turned his body before Blaine could say anything as Blaine opened his mouth to speak. "Because I love you, Blaine. I really, really...love you." Kurt's face was bright red as he gently pulled his wrist out of Blaine's grip. "And I can't just ignore the fact that I spent most of last night wondering if any of this was still fake or not."

Blaine shook his head and cupped Kurt's face, forcing Kurt's eyes to look back at his. "Kurt...I love you too...and I really want you to believe that. I need you to believe that. None of this is fake anymore. None of this. I don't just hold your hand because Karofsky's walking in our direction. I hold your hand because you have...no idea how happy I am to feel that tingling, warm, and safe sensation whenever I hold your hand. I don't kiss you in the hallways just because it's what we should do as boyfriend and, well, boyfriend. I do it because all I think about is kissing you."

Kurt's mouth opened as if he were about to say something, but he didn't. He just sighed and closed his mouth again. He put his hands to his face as if to hide. "I feel stupid now..." he mumbled in his palms.

Kurt heard Blaine chuckle as Blaine took his hands from Kurt's face to pull Kurt's hands off of his face so he could see him. "Don't...you felt that way and you told me. Don't ever feel stupid about anything, baby," Blaine said in a gentle and sweet voice that caused Kurt's heart to swell.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and pulled him into an empty classroom. They stood before each other for a moment before Kurt hopped up on one of the desks as Blaine settled between his legs and pressed his lips to Kurt's. His hands gently gripped Kurt's hips as Kurt had his hands resting in Blaine's hair, their lips slowly deepening in passion.

Kurt loved it when they kissed like this. It felt romantic (to him), it made him feel that secure feeling he hardly ever felt, it made him feel loved, and it made him feel plain happy. He could sit here and do this forever...even though he couldn't help but think in the back of his mind that if that were possible, one thing would eventually lead to another.

When the kissing had stopped and their lips were kiss-swollen, they just remained in that position, panting as their eyes stared back at each other. Blaine just looked down at Kurt's lips as Kurt watched Blaine's eyes. "The next time you get thinking that you don't know if it's real or not, just remember this: if it's fake, there is no passion," said Blaine in a low voice that any lower, it'd become a whisper.

Kurt knew Blaine was right. He remembered that when they were faking the relationship, it was all act and no passion. So he smiled and nodded his head as a response.

Blaine helped Kurt off of the desk, their hands held together in a reassuring and loving way. "C'mon. Better get back to class before someone comes searching for us," said Blaine.

So the two walked back to their choir room, where they faced the stares and told Mr. Schue about how it was some dramatic misunderstanding and that he was sorry it happened. Santana had left and never returned for the rest of the Glee practice.

A/N: Aaaannnddd here were are again. I could stop it here, but I know you guys wouldn't want that. So if anyone could help me out with suggestions, that'd be great! I want something dramatic that could go on for a good five more chapters, but I just can't seem to think of anything!